Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 186: A debt of gratitude and the punishment of nine tails

Chapter 186: A debt of gratitude and the punishment of nine tails

I woke up on a luxurious bed. And then comes the info.

You have completed the request quest Freetia Knights Training Match

Your one-handed sword level has reached 15. You have acquired the martial art Falcon Slash

Lily's large sword level has reached 15. She has acquired the martial art Grand Slash

"Takuto~! Are you alright? Are you hurt!? Do you have an arm!?"

Lily touches here and there. Ion stopped her by hitting her.

"What are you doing! How are you feeling, Takuto-san?"

"Ah~...the worst. I want to sleep all day in a sleeping bag in the tent"

"That sounds fine"

I see Hippocrates in my field of view.

"This place?"

"This is the infirmary of the Royal Castle. We've just revived you with resurrection magic

There is resurrection magic. No, there were items, so it may be natural.

"After all I lose...that aura is a foul play"

"You are the one who is a foul play"

While saying that, Princess Sarah appeared.

"No no, its Princess Sarah"

"That's not something you can say if you've been overwhelmed without using anything"

Muu...I've been trying really hard.

"If you ask us, you both are monsters!"

"Right...you'll be the best if you join the Knights. What do you think? Why don't you join them?"

The information flows.

Do you want to join the Knights of Freetia?

Is this how it's going to go? But no.

"I want to adventure with Lily and the others, so I'm sorry, but no"

"That's right. Well, I guess it's natural for adventurers. Then I'll present this to you as planned"

Princess Sarah gives me a medal and info flows.

You've earned the title Knights Medal

The magic sword skill has been released

Eh? What's a knight's medal? I look at the contents.

TitleKnights Medal

Effect: Release of some skills

A proof of being recognized as a knight by the country.

I guess that some skills mean magic sword. Princess Sarah says.

"I originally wanted to give you the Medal of the Knights of Freetia, but since you want to continue being an adventurer, I decided to give you this title"

"Thank you"

When I thanked her, Brass-san asked me,

"By the way, why didn't you use Ex Machina?"

Ah...he's curious. I'll be honest with him.

"Ix perfectly reproduce my swordsmanship. If she showed my swordplay in front of Princess Sarah, she would have been forced to take it seriously from the start, so I avoided that"

"Ii!? She's going to use your swordplay?"

"Yes. She can also imitate your sword techniques. She can't copy your status, skills, or martial arts, though"

"No no! Just using your swordplay is enough, okay?"

My girls nodded, but I lost this time, so I still haven't trained enough.

"Do you have anything else to do after this?"

"Yes. I thought I'd give her protection to go home"


Didn't they know it? I will explain the situation.

"I've certainly heard about kidnapping, but what does that mean......?"

"I think they're doing it under the watchful eyes of the soldiers stationed there"

"If that's the case, then that dark summoner knows too much about us. I'm wondering if there's someone among the Knights who's leaking information"

"Find out. Moreover make the dark summoner spit out his information"


Garou and Brass leave the room.

"I think the Dark Summoner has already fled the country, what are you going to do?"

"If they attack us, we'll just kill them next time"

If he uses items to escape, I'll strip him naked and slay him.

"If I were that guy, I would never aim for you"

Eh. I've got a lot of experience and he did that to Wako that looks just like Koihi. I want to make sure I get him.

So we headed to the Yellow Ossa Mountains with the help of Wako. As we passed through the cave, an illusion appeared.

You again...I thought I told you I would not let you pass from here

"I'm Wako, a holy shrine maiden. Can you take me to Nine Tails-sama?"

Huh. You've already been discarded. Get lost

"Th, That..."

I'm sure of it! Nine Tails is not a good guy!

But then I heard an unexpected voice.

"He cut her off when she didn't work for his own family...that youngster"


When we all looked in the direction of the voice, there was a beautiful Cerian Beast with a calm atmosphere and huge breasts.

She had platinum hair, fox ears and ten tails. This person couldn't possibly be...

"Sky Fox-sama!?""

Koihi and Wako got down on their knees. I knew it was true. And Inari-sama pats me on the head.

"You've fulfilled our request. I'm going to give you your reward, so let's go to the back"

Na!? Who! You! If you proceed without permission

"Who are you talking to? Youngster. Start over from a fox"


The mysterious and powerful being turned into a mere fox. Eh...what is this. Koihi and Wako are hugging each other and are scared.

"Okay, let's go"

After that, the strong-looking foxes that attacked us were turned back into normal foxes one after another.

I'm sorry...it's our fault you're in this mess...after that, we proceeded to reach a place with a huge torii gate.

"It's a place where many holy shrine maidens have set up multiple layers of barriers. It is not easy to break through"

When Sky Fox touched it, all the barriers were shattered.

"Let's go~"

"O, Our hardships..."

Wako sits down. Apparently it was made with great effort.

Then we arrived at our destination. A huge door appears in front of us. How do we open it? This?

Sky Fox punches the door to smithereens. Yeah. I had a feeling that would happen.

When I looked inside, I saw that among the seven-tailed and eight-tailed foxes with big tits and beautiful faces, there was one flirtatious-looking male cerian beast with a nine-tailed tail.

"Ahh. Umm? Who? You guys, guboraa!?"

Sky Fox instantly closed the gap with the frivolous lad and punched him away.

"Nine Tails-sama!?"

"Who are you! You!"

Ah, when you put it like that...a big-breasted Cerian Beast turned into a child. I feel like humanity's treasure has been lost.


They all exclaimed. And then Sky Fox sits down where the frivolous lad and nine-tailed fox had been.

"I am Sky Fox"


The children who knew Sky Fox got down on their knees.

I'm sorry for my rudeness! Please spare my lives

Sky Fox, just how much.

Then Nine Tails attacked Sky Fox.


"Sit down"


Nine Tails sits down and replies cheerfully.

"Na!? This is a Kotodama!? Ah"

"You've come a long way to raise your hand to me, youngster"

"Geeeeeeeeeeeeee!? Ol, Old woman"

Nine Tails instantly turn into a rag.

"What did you say?"

"N, Nothing...beautiful older sister"

That's terrible. You can say it's Nine Tailss fault...but then Nine Tails's shocking words come out.

"Hmm? Na!? All my wives are now children!?"

Ahaha. So all those beautiful Cerian Beasts are his wives. Well, as a man, I have something to say, but I don't want to say anything because I have Lily and the others with me.

"Because you striked back at me. Divine punishment"

"What divine punishment! Do you not understand the romance of a man losing big breasts!"

"I don't know anything about that. I don't know that you abandoned the pinch of a family member and you were lazy here"

When Nine Tails looks this way, he finds Wako.

"Wa, Wait a minute. Weak meat and strong food is our rule! What's wrong with throwing away the losers!"

"Our rule is to protect and nurture our promising family members, right?"

"Th, This one wasn't promising!"

He's the worst. This guy.

"I see. Then Wako"

"Y, Yes!"

Your role as holy shrine maiden is over. From today onwards, you will become this summoner's summoned beast and work hard together with your sister"


Wait a minute! That Wako will be my summoned beast!? No, more than that, sisters...

"Hmm? What? Didn't you notice? Those two are sisters, you know?"

Wh, What!? Then Koihi said,

"So that's why I felt so nostalgic..."

Ah...the reason why Koihi lost her stiffness after Wako's words before the match was because they were sisters. I was strangely convinced.

Then Nine Tails said.

"Wait, wait! She's my wife! Who the heck is this guy"

Sky Fox's kick exploded.

"How do you talk to the person who helped our family member? How do I hear that!? I've taught you to return the favor with a thank you"

"Gu, Guhu..."

"Takuto was it? You're allowed to enter the Yellow Ossa Mountains with Wako, except for the territory of this Nine Tails"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. However, the monsters are strong and there are dangers. You must be prepared for that"

"I understand"

"All right. Takuto, use this"

She handed me a bright red ball. I'll appraise it.

Flame Magic Stone: ? ? ?


I can't see anything at all. And as a result of my appraisal, my level went up by two. Is it possible that this is a higher level flame magic stone!?

"What is it? You're a summoner and you don't know? You need a suitable magic stone to make a contract with a grown up summoned beast. Wako has a special power, so you cant contract unless it's this much"

It just feels dangerous, but I have no choice but to do it.

I took the Flame Magic Stone and talked to Wako.

"Will you be my summoned beast?"

"I'll be sure to repay you for your help"

The flame magic stone is sucked into Wako's body. And the information flows.

Successful contract with Shrine Beast Wako

This brings the number of summoned beasts I can summon to 4. And she wasn't a Cerian Beast.

"It looks like it went well. Now it's time to punish you guys"


"No lives will be spared. I'm going to take care of you guys. I'm prepared because Im strictly training you as good women''

The faces of the Cerian Beasts that had become children were stained with despair. And what about the punishment for Nine Tails? Sky Fox clapped her hands and silver-haired men with nine tails appeared.

You wished to see me? Sky Fox-sama

"Greetings, Sky Foxes! I will entrust the education and management of this nine-tailed youngster and this place to you. Alright?"


Is it a good-looking men harem sent from a big-breasted harem...lets forget about it.

Now, I want to check the status of Wako.

Name Wako Shrine Beast Lv1

Vitality 75

Magic Power 90

Strength 45

Defense 40

Agility 90

Dexterity 90


Fan Lv10

Dancing Lv10

Throwing Maneuver Lv10

Evil Flame Lv10

Holy Fire Lv10

Sign Detection Lv10

Danger Detection Lv10

Seal Magic Lv10

Illusion Lv10

Flame Magic Lv5

Shinto Magic lv10

Sorcery Lv10

Sewing Lv10

Leatherworking Lv10

Cooking Lv10

Blood Awakening Lv5

Invocation Lv1

Beastification Lv1

Once again, she wasn't a Cerian Beast. No, it may be natural because she's Koihi's older sister, but the gap is huge because her breasts looked young with her face and height instead of being big.

I took the opportunity to ask her a few questions.

First of all, a fan is a weapon. Not only that, but if you use it when dancing, the effect of the dance is increased and it can also be used for throwing operation, striking and defense.

Regarding evil flame and holy fire, it seems that evil flame is fire and dark attributes and holy fire is fire and sacred attributes.

Wako, whose level of seal magic is higher than me, remembered magic that I didn't know. It's called Rune Magic. It's a way to seal magic. I thought I should be able to use it properly.

I had seen shinto magic when Koihi used blood awakening, but it seems that Wako can use exorcism and barrier. The difference between purification and exorcism seems to be that purification gives you a sacred attribute, while exorcism uses holy prayer to purify a certain area of undead around you.

The difference is that it has no effect on strong enemies and while you are praying, you cannot move and are defenseless. It's our job to follow up on that.

Barrier is supposed to trap the opponent in a wall of light that can be attacked from the outside. I guess that means we're supposed to lock them up and beat them to a pulp! You can also prevent enemies from entering or attacking you.

She can also use sorcery as Koihi, but in addition to transformation, she can also use curse. It is said that she can only use it if she is attacked, but it inflicts curses and illnesses on those who attack her.

That's crazy. Clearing probably won't work because of the curse. Moreover, all status down is fatal in the situation where Return is also blocked.

Sewing and leatherworking are skills that are necessary for making clothes and armor. From now on, I'll ask Wako to make me some handmade armor.

Invocation is used to bring Inari-sama down on her. It's not for fighting, but for being able to talk to Inari-sama and become her substitute if she deems it necessary.

Beastification is a different version of dragonification. It seems to turn her into a giant fox beast. I guess the cost is the same.

In summary, she's a rear guard support. She seems to be a dependable person who can provide support in everyday life. I'm glad I worked so hard on the quest once again.

Name Takuto Intermediate Summoner Lv13

Vitality 47

Magic Power 94

Strength 33

Defense 23

Agility 33

Dexterity 67


Fighting Lv9

Kicking Lv16

Staff Lv21

One-handed Sword Lv18

Throwing Lv4

High-speed Chanting Lv14

Summoning Magic Lv24Lv25

Seal Magic Lv3

Alchemy Lv9

Mining Lv14

Logging Lv17

Dismantling Lv25

Appraisal Lv13Lv15

Identification Lv21

Wind Magic Lv20

Fire Magic Lv21

Earth Magic Lv22

Water Magic Lv20

Dark Magic Lv20

Sacred Magic Lv3

Lightning Magic Lv21

Explosion Magic Lv20

Wood Magic Lv20

Ice Magic Lv19

Space-time Magic Lv21

Swimming Lv8

Reading Lv8

Cooking Lv30

Feeding Lv6

Fishing Lv14

Synchro Lv9

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