Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 226: Dwarf village issues and negotiations

Chapter 226: Dwarf village issues and negotiations

We first disarm. I also returned Koihi and the others. I'm sorry I called you here. I'll give them a good brushing later, including Nowa and the others who worked so hard.

After that, the armed dwarves gather around. They stared at each other for a while, then an old dwarf with a cane came towards us.

"Humans. What brings you to this village?"

"Emm...we came here by chance"

"HuooHuoo. Girl with no breasts. Don't lie to me. I know what you're thinking"

Mel froze with a smile on her face and the air was cold.

"...Older sister. How are you doing?"

"...Yeah. I'm fine. I'm not going to be provoked like this"

That's not very convincing coming from someone who tried to operate the status screen.

"What do you mean by intentions?"

"Don't be silly! You're mostly afraid of zombies and you've come to take our strong weapons!"

Hee~, so they do know about zombies. By the way, I was contacted by Freetia.

"No, that's not the case! We are trying to do something on our own!"

"I'm not listening! Go home! This place is protected by the clay figures we made! They'll kill the zombies!"

Hmm? Are those the same clay figures we just killed?

Mel looks at me. I don't like it when people look at me.

"Emm...we broke that clay figure and ended up here..."

"What kind of nonsense is that..."

The grandfather dwarf looked at the cave we had come into and panicked.

"Wh, Why is the entrance open without permission!? N, No way...did you really break it?"

"Emm...I'm sorry?"

"You can't just apologize! You plague god! S, Serious...serious then!"

The old man ran away. Something seems to be wrong. Then, the information comes on.

Emergency quest Defense of the Dwarven Villagehas occurred

Emergency Quest Defense of the Dwarven Village: Difficulty D

Defend the dwarf village from Sand Ant.

The reward will vary depending on the damage.

When I looked at the info and saw the entrance we came in through, there were a lot of giant ants there.

Sand Ant Lv18

Normal Monster Subjugation Target Active

They walk along the wall and move around from place to place. Of course, they'll come to us.

"Equip yourself!"

I put on my equipment under Mangetsu-san's instruction. Disarming completely backfired on us! I've got to buy some time!

"Come! Koihi, Gray, Kotetsu, Byakuya, Darley!"

"What's going on? Takuto-oniichan"

"I'll explain later! You'll have to deal with the ants!"

"Y, Yes!"

They're coming into the Dwarf village. We have to stop at the entrance!

"First the entrance! Gray! Byakuya! Blow them away with your roar!"

When I give the order, a line of cooperation occurs between Gray and Byakuya. I don't think so...does it occur between summoned beasts too! It's no use worrying about it. If it happens, I'll use it!


Gray and Byakuya nodded.


The two of them shouted and a whirlwind shockwave was generated. The shockwave that wraps around the entrance blows away the Sand Ants and chops them apart.

That's a lot of power. Don't be fooled, I need to get ready. I took out my spear from my inventory and got on Darley. I look ahead and see a bunch of them coming out of the square where the clay figures were.

That's good. I'll burn every last one of them. I tell the others.

"We'll control the entrance"

"Okay. We'll take care of the ants on the wall"

"Yeah. They're targets for arrows"

For Tristan-san and Yoichi-san, walking on the wall is no different than flying in the sky.

"We'll escort Yoichi and the others"

"Then it will be me and Keigo in close combat"

"O, Ou! I'll leave it to you!"

"...I'm very worried"

I understand your concern, Mirai, but you'll have to be patient for now.

"We're going in! Koihi, get on!"


With Koihi in the back, Darley doused her with fire. Then the line of cooperation occurs again. This time it's me and Darley. I'll have to use it if it happens.



Darley's flame is in my spear. And Darley saves his strength. I followed the instructions on the display and thrust my spear out. Darley leaps out with such force that we become like a giant spear of fire.

The swarming Sand Ants turned into charcoal and disappeared one by one with just a touch of the spear. When we ran through to the square, the whole square was covered with Sand Ants. This is no good...I'll just have to use magic to blow them away.

When I turned back to the entrance, Gray and the others were taking care of it. I'm sorry I got excited and jumped out at you. Now let's rethink our tactics.

I put away my spear and take out my staff.

"Koihi, Torrid Hell! I'll burn them to a crisp with Darley!"

"Yes! Torrid Hell!"

"Gray, Kotetsu, Byakuya, take care of the approaching Sand Ants"


So, with Gray and Kotetsu protecting me, I shoot a fire shower all over the square.

The Sand Ants sent stones flying from their mouths, but Byakuya sent them back with his spirit power, Kotetsu knocked down the Sand Ant with his tiger cannon and Gray protected me from the stones with his body.

A few moments later, we annihilated the Sand Ants in the square. Is this the end? I guess the reason I don't have any info yet is because I haven't defeated the ones in the village yet.

There might be more enemies to come, so I healed everyone and then dismantled them...I got 10 stones when I dismantled them.

Ten stones for one body...and a lot of dead ants around. Well...I guess that means I'll have to dismantle them all!

I was dismantling them, but it was too late, so I came back to find Mirai being chased by a Sand Ant.

"What the hell are you doing at this point?

While riding on Darley, I throw my spear and hit the Sand Ant. And blasted it with Darley.


"Are you okay? What the hell happened..."

The only ones who survived were Yoichi-san, Tristan-san and Mirai...and they were being chased by Sand Ants...eh.

When I annihilate them, I'll get info.

Emergency quest Defense of Dwarven Villagehas been completed

""Thank God...""

When I asked the three of them why, first of all, Mangetsu-san and the others used provocation to prevent them from harming the dwarves.

They said that they were defending themselves as usual with their shields, but they couldn't handle the swarming ants and one by one they were bitten and abducted.

Once they lost the wall, the rest was misery. Keigo, who is quick on his feet, took the bait, but the ants gathered around him.

Tristan and Yoichi used Arrow Rain to kill the ants, but they couldn't kill all of them and were chased by the remaining ants as they fought.

"Should I have come back sooner..."

"It was our mistake to misjudge the strength of these ants"

At any rate, the dwarves who had been evacuated because the quest had been cleared were gathering again. The dwarf with the staff comes to represent us again.

I became the representative now.

"Y, You guys killed those ants?"

"Yes. Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you, we were not harmed...b, but! It was your defeat of the clay figure that caused the problem in the first place!"

"I know. What can we do to apologize? For example, wiping out the Sand Ants?"

They're a treasure trove of stones. Then it's worth a shot.

"Huh. If we could do that, we would have done it by now! To annihilate them, you need to go to their hive and kill their queen"

"You want us to defeat the queen?"

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Yes. In exchange, you'll have to drop the story about the broken clay figure"

"You want to negotiate with me...fine! If you can do it, try it!"

Then the information comes.

Subjugation quest Attack the Sand Ant's Nest has occurred

Subjugation Quest Attack the Sand Ant's Nest: Difficulty B-

Defeat the sand ants at the far end of the sand ant nest.

Reward: The release of the dwarven village

Yes! I was right on target. Now I just need to get permission.

"Can I borrow the help of my friends to defeat them?"

"By any means necessary. But you will not be allowed to enter the village!"

"I understand"

As I turned around, the Dwarf representative stopped me.

"Wait! We have not thanked you for protecting our village. Tell me what jewel you want"

Eh? You'll give us jewels? But it looks like we're the only ones left alive to get them. I'm not sure if that's generous or not. In the end, Mirai and the others chose citrine. I chose a ruby. Now I have all the requirements for a magic sword!

I guess that's why they forbid us to enter the village, because it's a reward. I explained the situation to Mirai, Yoichi-san and Tristan-san and asked them to help me dismantle it.

"You're a good negotiator, Takuto-san. Getting us a quest to get a lot of stones to offset our losses"

"And it's open to all Freetia players. Let's start recruiting as soon as we get back"

After explaining the situation to Ruin-san, we went back to Freetia and I tried to hair grow and milk the evolved Loco Moco.

Happiness Sheep Wool: Rarity 7 Material Item Quality C-

Wool from a happiness sheep. High-grade wool that rarely appears on the market.

A material that has extremely high protection against the cold and is protected by the heavens.

Happiness Sheep Milk: Rarity 7 Ingredient Item Quality C-

Milk that can be extracted from a happiness sheep. The milk is so delicious that it is said to make people happy just by drinking it. When used in cooking, it has a very high buffing effect.

After all, Loco Moco is a bomb. From here, I'll negotiate with Ruin-san and the others.

First of all, my new Loco Moco robe, of course, I'm going to ask Wako to make it for me. I want it for everyone else, so I negotiated with Mew-san.

As a result, Mew decided to give up the wool of the happy sheep. The reason was the unit price. Even at the price of cooperation, the wool of the happiness sheep was too expensive.

"It would have made the most powerful robe in the world, but making equipment that players can't afford is not good for business...they'll only buy this when they have enough money to buy it"

For the same reason, Yuuna-san and Haru-san had to give up on the sheep's milk.

I'd better get Loco Moco's gear ready for when the players have enough money. With that thought in mind, I logged out.

Name Takuto Love Summoner Lv2

Vitality 66

Magic Power 123

Strength 56

Defense 40

Agility 55

Dexterity 96


Fighting Lv9

Kicking Lv16

Staff Lv22

One-handed Sword Lv20

Spear Lv10

Katana Lv1

Throwing Lv7

High-Speed Chanting Lv21Lv23

Summoning Magic Lv28

Seal Magic Lv8

Horsemanship Lv15Lv16

Alchemy Lv17

Mining Lv20

Logging Lv17

Dismantling Lv33Lv34

Appraisal Lv20

Identification Lv30

Wind Magic Lv23

Fire Magic Lv21Lv25

Earth Magic Lv22

Water Magic Lv29

Dark Magic Lv22

Sacred Magic Lv8

Lightning Magic Lv22

Explosion Magic Lv22

Wood Magic Lv23

Ice Magic Lv22

Space-time Magic Lv35

Underwater Action Lv2

Reading Lv8

Cooking Lv33

Feeding Lv7

Fishing Lv16

Synchro Lv10

Cooperation Lv2Lv3

Name Koihi Shrine Beast Lv4Lv5

Vitality 76

Magic Power 8485

Strength 8385

Defense 4748

Agility 9496

Dexterity 70


Katana Lv15

Dual Wield Lv1

Wind Blade Lv2

Flame Magic Lv7Lv9

Evil Flame Lv12

Holy Fire Lv14

Sign Detection Lv16Lv17

Danger Premonition Lv15Lv16

Spirit Power Lv2

Illusion Lv1

Shinto Magic Lv5

Lookout Lv2

Swift Lv2

Sorcery Lv2

Blood Awakening Lv5

Cooking Lv8

Invocation Lv1

Beastification Lv1

Name Gray Silver Wolf Lv5Lv6

Vitality 4748

Magic Power 2930

Strength 6466

Defense 32

Agility 6870

Dexterity 3840


Bite Lv21

Silver Claw Lv10

Iron Wall Lv9Lv12

Sign Detection Lv18Lv19

Night Vision Lv18Lv19

Danger Detection Lv18Lv20

Silver Fang Lv16

Gale Lv9

Roar Lv7Lv8

Name Kotetsu Sword Tiger Lv5Lv6

Vitality 5354

Magic Power 2628

Strength 9699

Defense 46

Agility 50

Dexterity 44


Bite Lv16

Claw Strike Lv18

Tachi Lv5Lv8

Leap Lv16

Night Vision Lv12Lv14

Assault Lv12

Intimidation Lv10

Swift Lv4

Gale Lv3

Wind Blade Lv5Lv6

Tiger Cannon Lv2Lv3

Lookout Lv3Lv4

Name Byakuya Hemit Tiger Lv1Lv2

Vitality 3840

Magic Power 4445

Strength 5658

Defense 33

Agility 6063

Dexterity 3537


Bite Lv18

Wind Claw Lv18

Lookout Lv1Lv2

Flight Lv1

Leap Lv11

Night Vision Lv11Lv13

Intimidation Lv8

Wind Magic Lv16

Hermit Spirit Lv1Lv2

Spirit Power Lv1Lv4

Whirlwind Lv1Lv2

Roar Lv1Lv2

Sprint Lv15

Name Loco Moco Happiness Sheep Lv1

Vitality 90

Magic Power 53

Strength 10

Defense 77

Agility 42

Dexterity 33


Flight Lv1

Ramming Lv3

Danger Detection Lv7

Run Away Lv1

Hair Growth Lv7Lv8

Milking Lv7Lv8

Cold Resistance Lv1

Happiness Lv1

Blessing Lv1

Protection Lv1

Light Magic Lv1

Heavenly Blessing Lv1

Name Darley Red Hare Lv1Lv2

Vitality 40

Magic Power 3234

Strength 3738

Defense 28

Agility 9396

Dexterity 60


Kicking Lv5

Rush Lv7Lv9

Raging Flames Lv1Lv3

Flame Manipulation Lv1Lv4

Riding Lv22Lv23

Sprint Lv12Lv13

Strengthen Horsemanship Lv19Lv20

Rengeki Lv1Lv2

Willpower Lv1Lv3

Fighting Spirit Lv1Lv3

Transfer Lv1Lv3

Red Horse Blessing Lv1Lv3

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