Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 314: Agares battle and crannleap release

Chapter 314: Agares battle and crannleap release

While I was making fried rice for supper, Kaito told me about the bulletin board information.

"Apparently, the difficulty level of this event changes depending on the conditions for clearing quests and stuff"

"Is that so?"

"Yes. It seems that sometimes Prince Finist participates, sometimes Baba Yaga does not, sometimes only Baba Yaga participates, sometimes no one participates"

"It must be pretty tough if Prince Finist and Baba Yaga don't participate, right?"

If Prince Finist were not there, we would have to defend the village from the hawk attack. Players would have to split up their troops. But aerial combat is still unsuitable for players. They would have to stay outside the village and use magic and arrows to keep them away.

"I agree. There are a few people who have learned fly magic, but I don't think they could win a fight against a hawk"

In such a situation, the one to rely on is the Baba Yagas, but even if each of them supports us since there are three of them, we are three against Agares.

I don't think it's going to go well by any means. It's an impossible game if no one participates. Oh!

"It looks like Prince Finist and Baba Yaga will be joining Mel and the others"

"Seriously!? I thought we were the only ones..."

It's not a quirk. Sure enough, before I could log in, the information was on the bulletin board.

I guess quite a few people know about the feather of finist the falcon. Well, its internet information. I'm sure there are a lot of the same people.

I finished my meal and logged in. I get on Hix with Setia, finish up the last few things and we're ready to go.

Then it's time for the event to begin. A huge magic circle unfolds in the sky in the direction predicted by Baba Yaga and a huge jet-black hawk appears.

Agares Hawk?

? ? ?

Agares Hawk comes straight at us. Prince Finist says in response.

"It looks like you're here..."

"Prince Finist..."

"I'm sorry...I'm always worried about you. But I have to defeat him"

"Yes... good luck"

Prince Finist glows gold and his figure changes.

When he opens his eyes, a huge golden hawk appears in the sky.


? ? ?

A jet-black hawk and a golden hawk collide in the sky.

"Is that your true form!?"

"Yes. I am Prince Finist of Golden Hawk! With the radiance of this sun, I will bury you!"

"I'll take my chances! Don't think you can beat me in the rain!"

Agares Hawk shouts and the rain and wind intensify. The rain hurts! Then one of the Baba Yagas appears.

"If you think you're the only ones who can control the weather, you're wrong. You are mistaken. Show us your power!"

The orb held by the Baba Yaga shines. Then the cloudy sky cleared, revealing the night sky. Clear skies are wonderful!

At the same time, the rain and wind stop. Agares Hawk is surprised.

"Wh, What!? That's ridiculous...you've erased Demon Lord Bael-sama's curse, even if only temporarily! And what's more? I'm losing my strength...that old bastard did this to me!"

Agares Hawk tries to go for the Baba Yaga, but Prince Finist spits golden flames, which burns Agares Hawk and he is poised.

"I'm your opponent!"

"Fuck you! I'll take it!"

The giant hawks begin fighting each other in the night sky. They beam at each other. I can't get involved in that one. Then Baba Yaga tells us.

"Agares will be here soon. Boys"

"I understand. Let's go"

We move on Stra. Then a huge magic circle is deployed in the forest. It's pretty big.

I summon Legion. This time it's a raid battle. I summon the full Legion. The members are Lily, Ion, Setia, Koihi, Nowa, Ribina, Lian, Wako, Bran, Sephone, Gray, Kotetsu, Konoha, Chess, Gale, Yuuga, Kurogane, Aranea, Airy, Puyosuke, Kitsuneko, Luna, Iyuki, Mir, Hix, Stra, Dian, Astel and Rukiya.

If the start is rainy, I still can't use Ix. There is a way to summon her after the weather clears up, but there is no chance that the opponent will try to make them beg for rain. This event was a complete Ix killer. Well, I am responsible for not taking countermeasures.

Chiffon, Miranda and Arleigh join the summoned members. Hix carries Chiffon, while Miranda and Arleigh ride on Stra.

I hold my Scarlet Ring and wait for the enemy to appear. Furthermore, this time we didn't consolidate, but formed up to encircle the magic circle.

In front of the village is me, Lily, Ion, Nowa and Ribina.

On the left from me are Lian, Sephone, Kurogane, Puyosuke, Luna, Astel and Rukiya. These are the members who attract the enemy.

On the right from me are Wako, Bran, Gray, Kotetsu, Gale, Aranea, Airy and Dian.

And on the other side of me are Setia, Koihi, Konoha, Chess, Yuuga, Kitsuneko, Iyuki and Mir.

I activated the insurance and Agares appeared with a huge crocodile.


? ? ?

Agares Crocodile?

? ? ?

Agares looks at us and smiles.

"Hou. You foresee my appearance"

Mir, Aranea. Drop it


Mir and Aranea's pitfalls are activated and the giant crocodile falls into a larger pit. Then the explosion magic mines and time bombs set up in the pit explode.

"Na!? Kuu!"

Agares come in front of me.

'You! While I'm talking to you"

"Rune Magic!"

I ignore him and block the magic and a magic circle appears under Agares. Agares rushes to escape, but without magic, he cannot escape and explodes.

"You! You son of a bitch! Witches"

"Huehue. Don't be naive. You'll pay for threatening us!"

"Don't think you can beat me with magic"

Agares breaks the magic seal with a potion. I didn't know there was such a recovery item. The Baba Yagas and Agares left the place and a magic battle began.

Now, let's get started too. I got a call from Arleigh.

Takuto. Agares Crocodile is turned over!


First is Gale's attack with plenty of charge.

Show it what you can do! Gale!


Gale instantly attaches himself to the Agares Crocodile and releases a discharge. A powerful electric shock bursts through the Agares Crocodile. However, it seems to be unaffected. It's big, but it's not that big.

But here we go. Arleigh and the others move as planned.

"Eat this new weapon that combines Takuto's production capabilities and my knowledge of video games!"

Arleighs group drops a barrel. The barrel contains bioethanol. In addition, an ignition bomb is fixed with Aranea's threads. What happens then?

The bomb explodes above the Agares Crocodile and a rain of fire rains down on the Agares Crocodile, burning the Agares Crocodile's body.

A pseudo-napalm, as it were. Here is the item named by Arleigh.

Barrel Bomb: Rarity 6 Bomb Quality C

Attack Power: 300 Physical Destruction

Number of uses: 1

Additional Effect: Flame

This bomb combines a barrel filled with bioethanol with an ignition-type bomb.

The fire burns out as soon as it explodes, so care must be taken when using it.

It seems to be based on some kind of game.

Considering the size of the enemy, Arleigh said that it would be better to use napalm rather than direct detonation to avoid missing the target and gain damage over a wide area. That opinion seems to have been correct.

I checked the situation with Arleigh.

It's heading toward Setia-chan and the others while burning!


This is where it starts. I put a seal and debuff on Agares Crocodile and give instructions to Setia in synchro. Then Setia gives instructions while holding her staff.

"It is coming this way. Iyuki, get ready!"


Agares Crocodile appears, puts its hands on its head and tries to climb out of the pit. I had to believe it would do that because that's how real crocodiles climb, man.


Setia and Iyuki's ice magic slip causes both front legs to slip and it loses its balance.


At a signal from Koihi, they attack all at once. Koihi's wind blade, Chesss and Yuuga's freezing breath and Mir's wind magic hit the Agares Crocodile in the face, causing the Agares Crocodile to turn its head.


Konoha kicks with his ice claws to finish the job. Agares Crocodile rolls down in the pit.

This is my idea of stalling. It is a strategy that is possible because the opponent is a quadrupedal crocodile.

In order for the crocodile to escape from the pit, it is necessary for it to become an unfamiliar biped. I decided to go for it because I wanted to buy time.

Agares Crocodile tries to escape from the pit somehow.

But if he goes to Bran, Bran's heavenly strike, Gray's roar, Kotetsu's tiger cannon and Dian's poison breath are waiting for it and when it loses its balance, it is dropped by Gale and Airy's rush.

Heading to Lian, Aranea restrains Agares Crocodile's mouth and body with steel threads and it is dropped by Kurogane's rocket punch and Rukiya's full-swing attack.

When it comes to me, I slip and knock it off balance and Lily, Ion and Nowa's wave technique explodes. The wave motion, now able to fire in rapid succession, is still strong. However, it consumes a lot of magic power.

When I was targeted in the gap, I used the last resort, using Ion's dragon wave and Lily's dragon claw. In addition, I asked Koihi to use the flame magic lava flow to block the use of water. If the opponent was good at rain, there was a high possibility that dragon wave would be used, just in case.

Where we couldn't cover, I asked Chiffon and the others to follow up. If one of them aimed at the hand that was trying to climb up with the bomb, it would not be difficult to make it loses its balance. All that was left was for the other side to attack and take it down.

But it is dangerous. Unlike me, they had to get close. Still, I would like to thank Chiffon and the others for taking on this task. Without them, this operation would have been very difficult.

Soon Agares Crocodile, which has nowhere to run, will stop moving. When that happens, it is a magic target. From above, Chiffon and the others signaled to Hix and Stra and a simultaneous attack hit the Agares Crocodile. I attacked with Sandstorm, too. I'm almost at 30!

Now, let's see how much longer I can be allowed to stall.

While Takuto and his friends were stalling for time against Agares Crocodile, Baba Yaga and Agares were shooting magic at each other in the forest.

"Kuu...one against three is not good...what is Agares Crocodile doing!"

"Huehue. You underestimate humans. You people"

"Damn! Then playtime is over! Agares Crocodile!"

When Agares said this, Agares Crocodile's movement changed.

Takuto! Agares Crocodile's movements have changed! Something is coming

Arleigh reports back and gives instructions to Kurogane.

Kurogane! Provocation! Puyosuke, take care of the defense!

Kurogane provokes and Agares Crocodile's attack aims at Kurogane.

Then, countless numbers of something fly out from the pit and come flying at Kurogane. What is it? Huh?

"What is it? Gubebebee!"

Sephone, who was riding in style on Kurogane, is caught in the middle. Sephone is revived and the spell-destroying seal is activated.

"Nuu...why is...Lian safe?"

"Y, Yes. Kurogane-san and Puyosuke-san protected me, so I'm fine. This is..."

Takuto-senpai! The attack just now were scales!

That crocodile, can it make its own scales fly? But Sephone sealed it. Now it's back to normal...

"What are you doing? Agares Crocodile"

Takuto! Agares has just appeared on Agares Crocodile!

Arleigh will let me know what's going on.

No, more importantly, what are the Baba Yagas doing!

Then a magic circle appears above me. That's not good!

"Everybody run!"

On my command, Lily and the others run away and I teleport away with Ribina.

We manage to escape from the falling Agares Crocodile...but here comes the problem. Then comes a communication from Baba Yaga.

Boys! We're going to start preparing our trump card. Hold on for a few more minutes!

A few more minutes...I can handle that.

"You've given me a lot of trouble...but the game is over!"

When Agares cuts the steel thread of Aranea, the Agares Crocodile opens its mouth wide and light gathers. Wait a minute. This is a breath attack! This size!?

"Don't make me shoot you!"

Everyone attacked at my command, but they did not budge. I even used rune magic, but it didn't work.

"Huhahaha! It's no use. Humans! Agares Crocodile has the strong fortress skill! Skill cancellation due to damage does not occur!"

Another cheat skill. Damn you! If you can't cancel, you have to guide them.

"Use your provocation skill? That's sweet!"

Agares holds up his staff.

"Curse Field!"

All of us are enveloped in darkness and cursed.

Oh shit. Curse is a condition that renders any infliction on oneself ineffective. So the provocation skill can also be negated by curse!

Then we can use Lilys and Ion's dragon breath...no, not good. I'll take insurance here!


I know


I know. I'll take care of it

I use clear and cure the condition. Please. Ribina, Wako, Kitsuneko, Astel.

"That's it! Do it! Agares Crocodile"


Agares Crocodile's oversized breath was released into the village behind usand slipped through.


The unexpected event stops Agares' thinking. A chance to win!


"Nuu!? You, by illusion!"

Catching the Scarlet Ring with his staff, Agares answers.

Yes. Ribina, Wako, Kitsuneko and Astel, who had not participated in the battle, were asked to use their illusions to keep their eyes deceived.

Illusion is a skill that affects the surrounding scenery and the opponent. It is not affected by curses. In this case, they cast illusions on the landscape in all directions. Even the quintessential Agares was fooled by this large-scale illusion.


Two silver swords pierce Agares' body. Ion is the only one who can match my surprise attack by teleport.



An electric shock strikes Agares. Lily, Bran, Chiffon, Miranda and Arleigh attack Agares one after another from the sky using their martial arts.

"Gunu...don't you dare! You human-looking bastards!"

A shockwave is released from Agares and we are blown away.

"This is our demon territory! Don't think you humans can win!"

This guy is immortal like Sephone...or he seems to have a corresponding blessing or something. But I can't pull it off! I take out my staff and hold it ready.

"Rune Magic!"

"Another seal! You never learn, do you!"

Agares tries to take out a recovery item.

"I'm not going to play the same game! Shift Change!"

Me and Koihi switch positions.


Koihi uses her spirit power on the recovery item and the recovery item leaves Agares. Agares rushed to catch the recovery item, but he bought us some time.

Everyone's attacks rush to Agares. However, Agares Crocodile gets in the way. Not yet. We have a new trump card.

An aura of fresh green light is emitted from one spot.

"What!? What the hell! That enormous magic power"

"We elves are the guardians of the forest. You don't know what that means! Answer my heart and show me it's true power! Crannleap, jewel release!"

In response to Setia's words, Crannleap reveals its true form. The jewel releases the magic power of an extraordinary tree. Crannleap is clothed in green leaves and the power of nature envelops Setia.

Crannleap (Jewel release): Rarity 7 Magic Wand Quality C+

Weight: 40 Durability: 100 Attack Power: 60

Magic Sword Effect: Wood attribute up (super), no-chanting

Jewel Effect: Continuous chanting, magic reuse time shortened (large), forest manipulation, absorption

Engraving Effect: Magic power up (large)

This is the Crannleap's jewel release!

Setia holds up her wand.

"Forest Manipulation!"

The trees in the forest grow and restrain the Agares Crocodile. Agares Crocodile tries to break free from the restraints, but it does not budge.

"It is useless. A crocodile that is just a big crocodile is no match for a tree that has roots deep in the earth"

Furthermore, the vitality and magic power of Agares Crocodile decreases and the trees grow larger. Eventually, Agares Crocodile was completely engulfed by the trees.

Amazing...this is the power of Setia and Crannleap!

"It's a nasty ability, but I'll just have to burn it down!"

We tried to thwart him, but it looks like our quest is clear. Baba Yagas appears before us.

"Huehuehue. Suck on that. Old devil...is this the devil's domain? Don't make me laugh. This is our forest. You know what that means!"

Three pillars of light appeared and magic circles were deployed one after another in the sky and on the ground.

"Th, This is not good! Nuu!?"

Agares is bound by the magic circle.

"You won't get away"

"Foolish...how could a mere witch have such power?"

"I told you. This is the forest we've been managing for years. And our house has been storing magic here for many years...for when someone comes to defile it"

So the first three pillars are the Baba houses.

"Well, it took us a while to move the houses...now, are you ready to disappear?"

"W, Wait!"

"We won't wait for you. The sin of afflicting humans and polluting the forest. You will pay for it with your own body! Judgment of the forest (Sujidieni Riace)!"

A green polar light erupted from the ground where Agares and the others were, engulfing them.

"Guwaaaaa! Lucifuge-samaaaaaaa!"

When the light subsides, Agaress group is gone and green particles fall from the sky as if to announce victory.


Chiffon and Miranda admire the view, but they are not done yet.

"Old geezer!? What's he doing?"

"You've been underestimated for looking the other way"

Finist took Agares Hawk's back and caught him in his claws.

"Shima!? Get off me, you son of a bitch!"

Finist rises into the air, glowing golden.

"Wait, wait! You, seriously, me"

"Yes. Let me save my betrothed's soul with this radiance! The brilliance of Prince Hawk (Finist Svilkarch)!"


Agares Hawk was swallowed by the golden glow emitted by Finist and vanished.

Particles of golden light also rained down.

It was a rain of light that signaled the end of the reign of Demon King Bael. Then comes the info that signals the end of the event.

Congratulations! You have completed the event quest Agares Subjugation Battle. Please remember to continue to receive the ending and your rewards

Ah, so we get our reward after this. Well, I'm curious about the ending, so let's make sure we see it through to the end.

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