Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 63: Young Tree Forest victim

Chapter 63: Young Tree Forest victim

We arrived at the forest and changed members. The group was made up of Chess, Gale, Byakuya, Hiyori and Yuuga, all new companions. The reason for this is that I want to raise their levels before going to the next country. Not suitable for night battles, but be patient.

We then entered the forest, where an unusually large number of monsters appeared. This may be normal since we've only been hunting Desnia, but still, there were a lot of them. Thanks to this, Chess and the others are leveling up well, but fatigue is accumulating. I couldn't let them return to death, so I changed the team to Lily, Setia, Gray, Kotetsu and Konoha. Our goal was to improve Setia's magic skills. After all, magicians need to train their magic. I also decided to try out the rest of the new magic while I was at it.

Rave Rot. When you place a magic circle on your opponent, light will gather there and explode. It also damages anyone around the target and causes a low probability of the condition abnormality: darkness. The problem is that it takes a long time to activate.

Red Ray. Emits an infrared-like red laser that explodes on contact. This is a single attack with high power. It's also very fast. There is no abnormal condition, but it's a very useful magic.

Poison. As expected, it generates a high probability of poison status abnormalities. As with the shock bolt, the target is a single, but I'm still happy with the high probability. It seems to be active against hard enemies.

Vine Bind. Binds the opponent with tree roots for a certain period of time. Unlike paralysis, the opponent seems to be able to move, but this seems to be a definite magic that interferes with the opponent. It's good, isn't it? Definite sounds good.

Freeze. Freezes the opponent at a high rate. The difference between freeze and paralysis is that with freeze, the opponent is frozen, making it harder for damage to pass through and the freeze causes a small amount of damage. It may be a magic that is unexpectedly difficult to use.

Icicle Arrow. A spell that shoots icicle arrows at the opponent. It's a completely higher level version of Ice Needle.

We all leveled up as I tried out the magic. We'll continue to collect as well. And since Lily and the others were getting tired, I summoned Legion at the Desnia river and while everyone was taking a break to eat, Gray and the others suddenly became alarmed.

Don't tell me its army ants?

I shined my light magic in the direction of the alerted Gray and someone was running in panic. I check the marker and it's an NPC. And the info.

Urgent quest Young Tree Forest Victim has occurred

Oh, so it's a quest after all.

"Light!? Please! Please help me!"

It looks like it's a boy. Anyway, tell me what you're running away from. If it's the army ants, I'm not going to be able to help you...but then the enemy appeared, knocking over the trees.


It's the Wolfman. I don't know if I'll have to fight this guy again, but the experience and the materials are good. But when I identify it, it's a little strange.

Wolfman Lv10

Monster Subjugation Target Active

The level is visible and it's not a mid-boss, but a monster. I wonder if it's getting weaker? Let's do it anyway. I use Shock Bolt on Wolfman to stop him from moving. In the meantime, the boy gets to me.

"Haa, haa, ah, who are you?"

"I'm Takuto, a summoner. I can't talk to you at this point. Let's talk about it after we defeat him"

"Eh!? Can you beat that thing!?"

"I think I can"

Or rather, it will be easy. A total of 11 of my summoned beasts are gathered around me.

"Are we going to fight? Takuto"

Lily asks innocently.

"Yes. It's not like we can run away from it...this time we're going all out. We're going to hunt it with all our might"

""I understand!""

"Leave it to me!"

In my words, everyone shifts to combat.

"Konoha and Hiyori, you'll support us from the air"

With my order, Konoha and Hiyori take off into the sky. Next, I give instructions on the position.

"Lily, Ion and Chess will be in the vanguard. The rear guard is Kotetsu. The left and right are Gale and Byakuya. Yuuga will provide support and Gray will be in charge of guarding the boy"

They responded to my instructions and took their positions.

"Setia and I will support with magic"

"Leave it to me!"

When the Wolfman is released from paralysis, wolves gather with a scream. There are more than last time. And Wolfman rushes in with the wolves.

Last time it was watching, but this time it's aiming for a melee...or is it changing its fighting style depending on the situation? But I'm not so naive as to allow it to do that just because its aim is so obvious.

My spell is complete.

"Thunder Branch!"

The branched lightning strikes Wolfman and the wolves around him. The Wolves are incapacitated by it. The Wolfman doesn't care and rushes in.

"Lily. Take care of him"

"I got it! Takuto!"

Lily activates her fighting spirit and charges in with her big sword. Wolfman also activates his claw skill.

"Heavy Slash!"


The two of them clashed with their special skills, but the decision went to Lily.



Wolfman is blown away by Lilys blow. In the meantime, we're dealing with a pack of wolves. Everyone is responding well.

Ion overwhelms Wolf with her speed. Some of the Wolves are able to get past Ion, but they are met with an ice punch from Chess. Wolf is blown away. I've heard that bears can be defeated by wolves, but only if the wolves are in a pack. There is no way that a bear can lose to a wolf in a one-on-one match.

In the rearguard, Kotetsu is struggling, but he is still overtaken. Setia's magic and Yuuga follow it. Even so, Gray firmly finishes them off. He's the senior.

The left and right wolves are pitiful. On the left, Byakuya wearing a wind blade rushes into the wolf and the wolf is chopped. It seems that Wolf was hit and run by using sprint.

On the right, Gale is spreading lightning. Hiyori attacked the paralyzed wolf and stabbed it. It's terrible.

By the time Wolfman returned, all of the Wolves had been wiped out. Yeah, they're all getting stronger!

Wolfman was furious when he saw this and he lunged at them, but Lily stood in his way.

"It's up to Takuto. You're up against Lily"

Ooh, there's a power that the usual innocent and cheerful Lily didn't have. The defeat to Arthur seems to have certainly helped Lily grow.

Then their skills collide again and Lily wins. She lunges in to stop him further.

"It's about time to come. I prepare a spell"

And Wolfman activates his trump card, the scream. Lily is paralyzed. Konoha quickly backs her up with magic. And this time, because of the distance between us, we didn't get paralyzed either. Then I used the magic I had prepared.


Lily's paralysis is lifted. Lily's heavy slash hit the Wolfman and we won.

Urgent quest Young Tree Forest Victim has been cleared

After successfully completing the quest, everyone except for me leveled up. It's still a Wolfman, so it gives a certain amount of experience, but I guess it wasn't as much as the mid-boss. My skills have improved and I'm satisfied. Now, what should I do about the boy who is stunned?

Name Takuto Summoner Lv18

Vitality 27

Magic Power 60

Strength 20

Defense 12

Agility 18

Dexterity 38


Fighting Lv1

Kicking Lv12

Staff Lv10

Summoning Magic Lv13Lv14

Alchemy Lv6

Mining Lv6

Dismantling Lv8

Appraisal Lv7

Identification Lv8Lv9

Wind Magic Lv10

Fire Magic Lv11

Earth Magic Lv10

Water Magic Lv10

Dark Magic Lv10

Light Magic Lv10

Lightning Magic Lv9

Explosio Magic Lv8

Wood Magic Lv8

Ice Magic Lv8

Space-time Magic Lv8

Reading Lv4

Cooking Lv15

Feeding Lv3

Fishing Lv5

Name Lily Dragonewt Lv15Lv16

Vitality 2526

Magic Power 16

Strength 5052

Defense 20

Agility 1516

Dexterity 12


Bare-handed Lv6

One-handed Sword Lv8Lv9

Fighting Spirit Lv3Lv4

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv11Lv13

Vitality 2224

Magic Power 2628

Strength 1617

Defense 1012

Agility 4044

Dexterity 3438


Dual Wield Lv6

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv3

Name Setia Elf Lv8Lv11

Vitality 1720

Magic Power 4450

Strength 810

Defense 68

Agility 1214

Dexterity 4450


Staff Lv2Lv4

Bow Lv1

Woodworking Lv1

Collecting Lv4

Dose Lv5

Water Magic Lv1Lv2

Earth Magic Lv2Lv3

Wood Magic Lv1Lv3

Tree Magic Lv1Lv2

Elven Knowledge Lv5

Name Gray Gray Wolf Lv4Lv5

Vitality 2830

Magic Power 12

Strength 3537

Defense 1819

Agility 3537

Dexterity 2020


Bite Lv8Lv9

Sign Detection Lv8

Night Vision Lv4Lv5

Danger Detection Lv4

Hardened Fangs Lv3Lv4

Name Kotetsu Saber-toothed Tiger Lv3Lv4

Vitality 2830

Magic Power 2

Strength 3840

Defense 2628

Agility 2223

Dexterity 20


Bite Lv6Lv7

Claw Strike Lv6Lv7

Leap Lv6

Night Vision Lv3Lv4

Assault Lv3Lv4

Intimidation Lv3Lv4

Name Konoha Snowy Owl Lv3Lv4

Vitality 2930

Magic Power 2930

Strength 2021

Defense 18

Agility 2426

Dexterity 2628


Surprise Attack Lv6Lv7

Flight Lv6Lv7

Claws Lv4

Night Vision Lv3Lv5

Stealth Lv6Lv7

Wind Magic Lv1Lv3

Water Magic Lv1Lv3

Ice Magic Lv1Lv4

Name Hiyori Hawk Lv1Lv3

Vitality 2224

Magic Power 2023

Strength 2630

Defense 1618

Agility 2226

Dexterity 1620


Flight Lv5Lv6

Assault Lv1Lv2

Claw Lv1Lv2

Wind Magic Lv1Lv2

Name Chess Polar Bear Lv1Lv3

Vitality 3031

Magic Power 1618

Strength 3031

Defense 30

Agility 1516

Dexterity 1516


Bite Lv1Lv2

Bare-handed Lv2Lv3

Assault Lv3

Swimming Lv1

Ice Claw Lv1Lv2

Name Gale Liger Lv1Lv3

Vitality 2426

Magic Power 2428

Strength 3032

Defense 20

Agility 3034

Dexterity 1620


Bite Lv2Lv3

Claw Strike Lv2Lv3

Intimidation Lv2Lv3

Night Vision Lv2Lv3

Provocation Lv1Lv2

Lightning Magic Lv1Lv3

Name Byakuya White Tiger Lv1Lv3

Vitality 2628

Magic Power 2024

Strength 3032

Defense 2022

Agility 2628

Dexterity 2224


Bite Lv2Lv3

Claw Strike Lv2Lv3

Leap Lv2

Night Vision Lv2Lv3

Intimidation Lv1Lv3

Wind Magic Lv1Lv3

Sprint Lv1Lv3

Name Yuuga White Wolf Lv1Lv3

Vitality 2325

Magic Power 1216

Strength 2426

Defense 2024

Agility 3032

Dexterity 1822


Bite Lv2Lv3

Sign Detection Lv3

Night Vision Lv2Lv3

Water Fang Lv1Lv2


Author note:

In case you're wondering, the wolfman that appeared this time is an event-specific wolfman. It has nothing to do with the mid-boss.

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