Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 71: Carpenter and logging quest

Chapter 71: Carpenter and logging quest

We found a carpenter's store and as we entered the store, we saw many processed boards. I've seen a lot of wood in the forest, but this space with the smell of processed wood is different and I like it a lot.

"Welcome. What can I get for you?"

The sales clerk, an old lady, called out to me. Well, it seems there is no word for renovation. I'll have to explain the situation.

"The store I'm going to live in is falling apart. Is it possible to renovate the floor and stairs?"

"Of course we can. It's cheaper than building a whole house, but it's quite expensive"

"How much would it cost?"

"How much? The price varies depending on the size of the house and the materials used, but I'd say 500,000"

That's a lot! No, it's cheaper in reality.

"Is there a particular material you're looking for?"

"I was thinking of hinoki cypress or japanese cedar if possible"

"I see. You're not an amateur, are you?"

No, I'm an amateur. Grandma. Well, I've renovated Kayo's house before and at that time the carpenter liked me, so I've heard a little about it.

"Why do you think so?"

"You answered without hesitation. And the way you looked at me when you were looking around the store, you had the eyes of a craftsman"

Did I have that look? No, it's true that I was looking for a good board, but...

"I've been looking for a good board, but I've only learned a few things from a expert"

"Well, you wouldn't have come to me for a commission if you didn't. If you don't have enough money, are you willing to take a request?

Info flows when Grandma says that.

The request quest Carpenter Grandma's Requesthas occurred

Quest Carpenter Grandma's Request

Reward: A reduction in the carpenter's work

Description: Lumbering Japanese cypress

I see. If you get the cypress, you'll get a reduction.

"How much money will it be?"

"That's right...I'll give you 5,000G for five whole cypresses"

That's a whole lot cheaper. That's scary.

"Are you sure you're okay with such a low price?"

"Oh? Don't underestimate the price of wood. Cutting down a tree costs ones life"

Eh? Your life depends on it? No, it's a dangerous job, but I'm starting to get worried.

"So, what are you going to do?"

It's obvious. There's no way out.

"I'll accept it"

"You're right. I'll lend you this axe, just in case. You'll need it to cut down the trees"

I don't have the logging skill, though. Hahaha.

"After that, you can get japanese cypress in Trent Forest at the end of the east road. So please take care of it"

Hmm? Isn't Trent the name of a tree monster? I have a really bad feeling about this, but I have to do it!

"So, let's go to Trent Forest to fix the house"

"That's great, but how are we going to cut down the trees?"

"I've gotten trees from Lily's attacks before, so hopefully that's how we'll get them, but if not, I'll have to get the logging skill"

When I say that, Lily gets excited, but looking at her, I have a feeling it's not going to happen.

For now, we'll start by gathering information. The first place we went was the library. It's the capital of the country, after all and the scale is different. Anyway, it was huge. I was at a loss as to how to find the books, but there was a terminal and when I searched, the books were transferred to my hand. I was impressed by the convenience, but what was the point of the first library?

However, there was no vital information. I think this is because my reading skill level is too low or it's a specification that no information is available in uncharted areas. In other words, I had no choice but to give up.

Next, we went to the Adventurer's Guild. It's huge and many of the NPCs are summoners. I accept a few quests.

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Trent: Difficulty E+

Reward: 5000G

Defeat five Trents that appear in Trent Forest

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Grey Wolf: Difficulty E

Reward: 1000G

Kill 10 Gray Wolves on the Seek Road

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Crow: Difficulty E

Reward: 1000G

Kill 10 Crows on the Seek Road

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Goblin Thief: Difficulty E

Reward: 750G

Kill 10 Goblin Thieves around Freetia

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Goblin Fighters: Difficulty E-

Reward: 750G

Kill 10 Goblin Fighters around Freetia

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Goblin Shaman: Difficulty E+

Reward: 750G

Kill 10 Goblin Shamans around Freetia

Subjugation Quest Subjugation of Goblin Archer: Difficulty E

Reward: 750G

Kill 10 Goblin Archers around Freetia

For the time being, I will receive this much. I'll have to fight Trent, Grey Wolf and Crow on the way and Goblin Fighter, Goblin Thief and Goblin Shaman around Freetia, so I decided to take them.

Now we were all set. Once back at the store, I gave Hephaestus an explanation and one of the glass containers. He was impressed that he had never heard of this mineral and his eyes lit up when I told him that there was a chance he could get his hands on it. He seemed to want to make one.

There's one more thing I need to do. I put the salted char in the other container, cover it with a lid and seal it. I heard that you can actually use sardines or something, but everything is a challenge.

"What are you making?"

Ion asked, perhaps because I used fish.

"I make a kind of seasoning called fish sauce"

"Fish sauce?"

"Yes. If I can make it, my cooking repertoire will increase dramatically, so you can look forward to it"

When I said that, not only Ion, but Lily and Setia reacted as well. They really do react to food. But in reality, it's going to take more than a year. I don't know what will happen in the game world, but I'll wait patiently.

We headed back to Trent Forest. The group consists of me, Lily, Ion, Setia, Hiyori and Yuuga. We needed a flying force because of the crows and we needed someone to be on the lookout for them, so I decided on these members easily.

We immediately proceeded down the Seek Road and the first thing we encountered was a sheep.

Sheep Lv7

Summon Monster Subjugation Target Active

We succeeded in identifying it, but it noticed us and ran away. It was running away really fast. Sheep aren't that nimble...how is it that even Hiyori can't catch up? But I'm not giving up! Next time I see one, I'll kill it! Lamb meat! Or mutton!

The next thing I saw was a goat. Are there only such monsters here?

Goat Lv7

Summoned Monster Subjugation Target Active

I was able to identify it, but it also escaped. Damn! The goat meat got away! I know how the lions in the Savanna feel. No, I don't think there are any sheep or goats in Savanna.

But goats are more famous for their goat milk than their meat. They can make cheese, right? It's called goat cheese. Unlike cow's milk, it has a sour taste. I'd like to try making it.

From here on, however, there was a rush of battle. We defeated a pack of gray wolves and got rid of a flock of crows, but the crows were troublesome. They sensed our ranged magic, ran away and cast debuffs on us. It was kind of a crow-like battle. Fortunately, there was no direct magic attack and their only attack was to peck at me with their beaks, so I was saved. I guess they're a nuisance when they come with other monsters.

Then everyone except me leveled up. The Gray Wolves and Crows were the ones that had evolved once. If I kill a lot of them, I'll be able to level up.

Name Takuto Summoner Lv18

Vitality 27

Magic Power 60

Strength 20

Defense 12

Agility 18

Dexterity 38


Fighting Lv1

Kicking Lv12

Staff Lv10

Summoning Magic Lv14Lv15

Alchemy Lv6

Mining Lv6

Dismantling Lv8Lv9

Appraisal Lv7

Identification Lv9

Wind Magic Lv10Lv11

Fire Magic Lv11Lv12

Earth Magic Lv10Lv11

Water Magic Lv10Lv11

Dark Magic Lv10Lv11

Light Magic Lv11Lv12

Lightning Magic Lv9Lv10

Explosion Magic Lv8Lv9

Wood Magic Lv8Lv9

Ice Magic Lv8Lv9

Space-time Magic Lv8Lv9

Reading Lv4

Cooking Lv15

Feeding Lv4

Fishing Lv5

Name Lily Dragonewt Lv16Lv17

Vitality 2627

Magic Power 1617

Strength 5254

Defense 2021

Agility 16

Dexterity 12


Bare-handed Lv6

One-Handed Sword Lv9

Fighting Spirit Lv4

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv13Lv14

Vitality 2425

Magic Power 2829

Strength 1718

Defense 12

Agility 4446

Dexterity 3840


Dual Wield Lv6Lv7

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv3Lv5

Name Setia Elf Lv11Lv12

Vitality 2021

Magic Power 5052

Strength 10

Defense 8

Agility 14

Dexterity 5052


Staff Lv4

Bow Lv1

Woodworking Lv1

Collecting Lv4

Dose Lv5

Water Magic Lv2Lv3

Earth Magic Lv3Lv4

Wood Magic Lv3Lv4

Tree Magic Lv2

Elven Knowledge Lv5

Name Hiyori Hawk Lv3Lv4

Vitality 2425

Magic Power 2324

Strength 3031

Defense 18

Agility 2628

Dexterity 20


Flight Lv6Lv7

Assault Lv2Lv3

Claw Lv2Lv3

Wind Magic Lv2Lv3

Name Yuuga White Wolf Lv3Lv4

Vitality 2526

Magic Power 1617

Strength 2627

Defense 2425

Agility 3233

Dexterity 22


Bite Lv3Lv4

Sign Lv3Lv4

Night Vision Lv3

Water Fang Lv2Lv3


Author note:

It is a new summoned beast candidate appearance time. Please make various predictions.

Next time will be a battle in the Trent Forest. Please look forward to it.

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