Emperor of the Mysterious Heavens

Chapter 19 - 030 Killing Ding Wugu

Chapter 19: Chapter 030 Killing Ding Wugu

"Boom!" The green snake was shattered by Ding Wugu.

However, the snake venom entered his body.

Ding Wugu manipulated the black qi around his body to resist the rain of arrows. Therefore, he couldn't force out the snake venom with all his strength. Coupled with his current injury, in an instant, Ding Wugu's face turned somewhat bluish.

"Shoot!" Yan Chuan shouted.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded.

It was Ding Wugu who wantonly killed their comrades. Now they could finally take revenge.

The soldiers, filled with hatred, pulled their bows full again and again. Mercilessly, they kept shooting.

Yan Chuan didn't do it himself. At this moment, he gave the opportunity to shoot and kill Ding Wugu to his subordinates.

Although the compromise with Ding Wugu on that day had basically faded from the hearts of the soldiers, there was still a hint of shadow. The commander must give the soldiers absolute strength and absolute confidence. There must not be a single hint of shadow left. Otherwise, it will surely become a great disaster in the future.

Yan Chuan was implanting a psychological thought in the soldiers. As long as they follow him, they will definitely not be wronged.

Shooting and killing the enemy. This time, let the soldiers vent. After venting, they will definitely be more loyal.


There were many snakes but few targets. Even though there were a large number of sharp arrows passing by, the poisonous snakes still rushed forward one after another.

In an instant, Ding Wugu was surrounded by countless poisonous snakes on all sides.


One poisonous snake after another broke through the black qi and bit Ding Wugu one by one.

"Ah!" Ding Wugu let out continuous screams.

"Young Master Yang, save me!" Ding Wugu called out.

In the distance, Yang Zhijiu's expression changed and he was about to rush over.


Suddenly, Mo Yuxi blocked in front of Yang Zhijiu.

"Didn't you say it? This is their personal feud. We'd better not interfere!" Mo Yuxi said with a smile.

"Ding Wugu fell into Yan Chuan's trick. He is about to die!" Yang Zhijiu said anxiously.

"What trick? He is just inferior in skills. He is just seeking death on his own!" Qinglong said disdainfully on one side.

"Saintess, save me... I came to help you. Saintess!" Ding Wugu called for help to Mo Yuxi.

"Help me? Before coming, I took quite good care of you. But... are you really helping me?" Mo Yuxi said coldly.

Ding Wugu's face gradually turned black.

"No, you can't kill me. Daoist Lord Maori sent me to help you. If I die, it will be difficult for you to explain to Daoist Lord Maori!" Ding Wugu shouted urgently.

"Daoist Lord Maori? Don't worry about it. You invited me to witness your life-and-death battle. You went back on your word. I won't be like you!" Mo Yuxi said in a deep voice.

"What are you, Ding Wugu? A half-baked feng shui master at the Refined State. How dare you threaten the saintess?" Qinglong scolded.

"Young Master Yang, Young Master Yang, save me... I can help you. I can help you!" Ding Wugu shouted loudly to Yang Zhijiu.

"Yu Xi!" Yang Zhijiu looked at Mo Yuxi with a difficult expression.

"Young Master Yang, you are the son of Daoist Lord Maori. Outside, you can represent Daoist Lord Maori. You won't go back on your word and make Daoist Lord Maori lose credibility in the world, right?" Mo Yuxi stared at Yang Zhijiu.

Yang Zhijiu frowned and stared at Mo Yuxi for a while. Finally, his brows suddenly relaxed and his expression suddenly became "cheerful." "How could I? Ding Wugu brought this on himself! No one else is to blame!"

"Um!" Mo Yuxi nodded in satisfaction.

In the distance, Ding Wugu was suddenly abandoned by everyone and immediately showed a look of despair.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. No!" Ding Wugu spat out poisonous blood while screaming hysterically.


Suddenly, a white light shot from a distance and soon flew to the valley.

"Hmm?" A sound of confusion came from the white light.

With confusion, the white light instantly shot towards Ding Wugu.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, save me. Save me!" Ding Wugu shouted ecstatically.

"Qinglong!" Mo Yuxi's eyes turned cold and she called out.


Qinglong instantly flew into the sky and soon blocked in front of the white light.

The white light stopped. It was Mr. Wen Ruo in white clothes.

"Qinglong, what are you doing? Why don't you save him?" Mr. Wen Ruo frowned and said.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, I respect you as a person. But now, please don't interfere!" Qinglong shook his head.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, quickly save me. Save me!" Ding Wugu weakly shouted urgently.

Mr. Wen Ruo frowned and looked in the direction of Mo Yuxi.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, please don't interfere!" Mo Yuxi shook her head and said.

"Saintess, this can't be done. I have already found the location of the Wondrous Demon Lotus, but I can't obtain it. A feng shui master is needed. Please spare Ding Wugu for now!" Mr. Wen Ruo said anxiously.

"You found the Wondrous Demon Lotus?" Mo Yuxi's expression changed.

"Yes, it's over there. I have already seen the Wondrous Demon Lotus. But there is a large cover outside that prevents entry. A feng shui master should have a way. Please temporarily spare Ding Wugu!" Mr. Wen Ruo said urgently.

"Yes, yes. Quickly save me... I can help you obtain the Wondrous Demon Lotus!" Ding Wugu seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and said urgently.


Just at this moment, a golden arrow feather suddenly pierced through the black qi and instantly shot at Ding Wugu's heart.


The arrowhead pierced through his heart. The arrow tail trembled violently. Ding Wugu's eyes widened in shock.


The black qi around him suddenly dissipated.


A large number of poisonous snakes instantly coiled around Ding Wugu.

Ding Wugu looked in the direction from which the arrow feather had come.

"You, you!" Ding Wugu pointed at the person who shot the arrow in the distance with unwillingness until his death.

In the distance, it was Yan Chuan who shot the arrow.

Yan Chuan pulled the bow and stood there coldly. With one arrow, he pierced through the heart.

Originally, Yan Chuan had let the soldiers slowly shoot and kill Ding Wugu. But seeing Mr. Wen Ruo coming, he knew that if he dragged on any longer, Ding Wugu might not die. So he had to take action.

Today, to establish authority, gain loyalty, and resolve a deadly feud, Ding Wugu must die!

The power of Celestial Dragon Power was contained on the arrow feather. With one arrow, he shot and killed.

"You! Yan Chuan!" Mr. Wen Ruo's expression changed and a flash of anger appeared in his eyes.

Yan Chuan handed the longbow back to Huo Guang and looked up. "In most feng shui formations, there is a 'Heavenly Pool' place. As you said, the Wondrous Demon Lotus must be sealed there. Just a Heavenly Pool. Without Ding Wugu, I can take you inside!"

"Just you?" Yang Zhijiu in the distance said unpleasantly.

"Don't you believe me, Young Master Yang?" Yan Chuan smiled.

"I believe you!" Mo Yuxi immediately exclaimed.

Looking at Yan Chuan again, Mo Yuxi's eyes suddenly had a kind of trust for some reason. A strange and strong trust. And Mo Yuxi had a feeling that Yan Chuan would definitely help her.

Mr. Wen Ruo looked at Yan Chuan complexly and then at Ding Wugu's body being devoured by ten thousand snakes in the distance. Finally, he could only nod and let out a sigh.

"Then we'll have to trouble Young Master Yan!" Mr. Wen Ruo said with a wry smile.

"Since I am the guide, it is my duty! I'm sorry for offending you. Please forgive me, Mr. Wen Ruo." Yan Chuan nodded.

"You didn't offend me. As long as our group obtains the Wondrous Demon Lotus, everything else is nothing!" Mr. Wen Ruo said.

"I'll do my best!" Yan Chuan nodded.

The three thousand soldiers watched Ding Wugu being eaten by ten thousand snakes. They all let out a long breath. Then they all looked at Yan Chuan together. There was a flash of firmness in their eyes.


Ding Wugu was killed.

Under the leadership of Mr. Wen Ruo, the army was marching in one direction.

Yan Chuan stood on Mr. Wen Ruo's small boat, floating forward in mid-air. Below followed the army led by Huo Guang.

"We have already found the Wondrous Demon Lotus. Why are we still bringing these three thousand burdens? Our speed is seriously dragged down." Yang Zhijiu questioned.

"Young Master Yan, why don't we let Qinglong stay behind to protect your three thousand soldiers? Let's go and get the Wondrous Demon Lotus first?" Mo Yuxi also persuaded.

Shaking his head, Yan Chuan smiled. "There's no need. I can protect them!"

"You? Just you?" Yang Zhijiu said disdainfully with a smile.

"Just me!" Yan Chuan said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

"Alright!" Mo Yuxi nodded and didn't insist anymore.

Mr. Wen Ruo had been looking at Yan Chuan. But at this moment, Mr. Wen Ruo, who always had a unique perspective, had a feeling that he couldn't see through Yan Chuan.

"Saintess, what did you encounter these days? How did you get out of that cage?" Mr. Wen Ruo asked curiously.

"We've already come out. There's no need to mention the matter of that cage anymore!" Mo Yuxi shook her head.

Seeing that Mo Yuxi didn't want to talk about it, Mr. Wen Ruo sensibly didn't ask anymore.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, when you previously found the location of the 'Heavenly Pool', were there others around? Yan Chuan asked.

"Yes. Perhaps we really entered late. Outside the Heavenly Pool, I saw at least ten sects of people just by passing quickly!" Mr. Wen Ruo said.

"There are already so many people? Then we should hurry up!" Yang Zhijiu said anxiously.

Shaking his head, Mr. Wen Ruo said, "Young Master Yang, don't worry. The cover outside the Heavenly Pool is not so easy to break. Even with all my strength, I couldn't shake it at all!"

"Just out of curiosity, how powerful is Mr. Wen Ruo's full-strength attack?" Yan Chuan asked.

"I am at the Spirit State!" Mr. Wen Ruo didn't hide it.

"Refining qi to transform spirit. Spirit State?" Yan Chuan pondered slightly.

"This feng shui formation has an extremely strange origin. It has existed for at least several thousand years. I don't know how such rules were set. Those above the Void State are not allowed to enter. Only cultivators at the Spirit State or below can enter. Anyone who dares to cross this limit will be jointly punished by the world!" Mo Yuxi explained.

"Anyone who dares to cross this limit will be jointly punished by the world? Only those below the Spirit State are allowed to enter? Why are there such strange rules?" Yan Chuan asked in confusion.

"I don't know. Anyway, all the powerful sects have this rule. My Great Zhao Sacred Land is also like this. Otherwise, Daoist Lord Maori would have come in person long ago!" Mo Yuxi shook her head.

"Listening to Miss Mo mention that Mr. Wen Ruo is extremely learned. Do you know?" Yan Chuan looked at Mr. Wen Ruo.

Mr. Wen Ruo shook his head and said with a wry smile. "I have sworn not to reveal a single bit. Please forgive me."

"Since it's like this, then forget it!" Yan Chuan also sensibly nodded.

"Mr. Wen Ruo, you actually know?" Mo Yuxi was surprised.

"Not only do I know, but Daoist Lord Maori also knows. Otherwise, he wouldn't want to obtain that Wondrous Demon Lotus. But... Alas!" Mr. Wen Ruo sighed slightly.

Mo Yuxi was about to ask more.

"We're here!" Mr. Wen Ruo suddenly called out.

Everyone immediately turned their heads and looked forward.

The small boat stopped. The three thousand soldiers also stopped suddenly.

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