Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 300 Delusional Yuemi



"Please have your seat."

Following her heed, Beatrice went ahead to sit down on the couch and waited for Fang Mei to carry on.

It was no news that she hated Andromeda but as to why she could not tell.

One thing she was sure about was the fact that the animosity stemming from the lady was nothing like a normal stepmother's hate.

Beatrice Zhang knew there was more to it. More than she was let in on.

More than she ever saw. And for that she was sure, Fang Daiyu would do what she could to help in her pursuit to bring Andromeda down and remain on top.

In essence, it was she exploiting the hatred the lady had for Andromeda to her favour.

'After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

This was their relationship and that was her goal. She would use anyone to get what she wanted and discard them if need be.

It was the basic human nature and instincts of the cruel world.

To survive, one had to do the needful.

In this life of survival of the fittest, only the strong lived and ruled.

Life wasn't fair to many and they had to take what they wanted by force. Will it and take it. Snatch if you must.

But believe me, life isn't a bed of roses and not everyone was born with a silver spoon.

Those who weren't and who hated losing, some took the hard part and some took the easy way out, be strong and trample on people.

"How are you?" Fang Mei asked as she breathed out sharply.

"I wish I could say I am fine, Mrs Kai."

"Hmm, do not tell me Andromeda has affected you so much that you are not fine?"

"You of all people should know what that stepdaughter of yours is capable of doing I believe," Beatrice reminded her.

"I do and I can very much tell you. Andromeda Kai can do nothing more than a dead rat. And the fact that you are scared of her little ploy is making me disappointed."

Hearing those words from her, Beatrice lifted her head and held her gaze.

She hated anyone perceiving her as weak. And right now, because she was in a tight spot, that had become the other of the day.

"I am no disappointment. I am not scared. However, I only wonder if Wu Bai would not deny me at the last minute. Which is why I do not want to put myself in such a situation first."

"I see. Hm okay. I see your point. Then we cannot afford to fail. I would make calls to my contacts and see if we can get the judge to rule in your favour and shun every accusation made against you."

"Thank you and if it can be treated as slander then good. I just wish this cup of suffering passes away from me soon. My reputation is at stake, Mrs Kai."

"Sure. You can count on me. However, I think you should soon start making her boyfriend, Liu Xueyi begin to hate her. With him gone as her helper, so would her backing."

"Okay–" Beatrice's voice trailed off as she tried to understand the logic of what was going on.

"I do not mean now. First, let us win this battle."

"Okay. I understand."


While Andromeda and Liu Xueyi strengthened their love for each other, Liu Xiao Xin hoped earnestly for a chance at love.

Without doing so much, her friendship with Xie Tian began to grow closer and closer.

Even though, she knew it wasn't enough to get the young master of the Xie family to fall in love with her completely.

Still, she never gave up and let the flow continue. However, she knew time was of the essence. Soon she would have to make that trip.

What bothered her now was the fact that her departure would put a whole space between them and Xie Tian goes back to Andromeda.

Or would he forget the love he had for Andromeda and focus on the one she brought him?

Sadly, for her, as much as she tried not to think about it, she found herself thinking about the matter.

Right now, she would easily give anything to be like Andromeda. To her she was lucky. She had all she wanted.

A rich boyfriend, a doting one for that matter and a loving one who understood her and was ready to give all he had for his love.

She released a deep sigh and tucked the loose strands of hair falling freely on her face.

Slowly, Liu Xiao Xin lifted her eyes to look at the heart-shaped, pinkish wall clock in her room. Subconsciously she put down hard on her lower lips while her gaze remained fixed on it.

'Hmm, time. Time is running out. I have but one week till my departure but I have not gotten that which my heart yearns for.' She wondered inwardly.

Inhaling deeply, Liu Xiao Xin scrolled through her chats and finally returned to her chat with Xie Tian.

With how close they had become, she had spent most of the time chatting when he was free, giving her lots of memories, to begin with.

With the passing of the hour, Liu Xiao Xin found herself grinning from ear to ear, blushing even while reminiscing about the past.

After some time, her gaze went straight to check the time, only to find out she had spent over an hour on their chats.

"Hmm, who would have thought that reading through old chats would be this much fun?" Liu Xiao Xin voiced as she locked her phone screen and placed the phone on her chest.

The smiles never left her lips, illuminating her entire face while thoughts of their time together and even those yet to happen spiralled in her head.

"All I can say, is I think I am finally getting the hang of things and knowing how love truly works."

She giggled and spread her hands to her side to further reach for her dreams.

For the next minute, she basked in her joy but every dream was meant to be woken up by and this dreamer was no different.

Ring! Ring!

The disturbing sound of her phone's ringtone going off jolted her up onto a sitting position.

Quickly, Liu Xiao Xin placed a hand on her chest, hoping to ease the fast beating of her shocked heart.

Still, nothing stopped. Rather her heart clenched tighter and tighter in her chest.

Finally, she picked up her phone to check the caller and the moment her gaze landed on her screen; a frustrated sigh fell off her lips.

"God hold me before I kill someone with words," she complained and answered the call.


There was no time for pleasantries. It was straight to the point.

At the very least that was the only simple help and forgiveness she could give in answering the call in the first place.

"What do you want?"

"Hello, Xiao-Xiao."

"Never call me that," Liu Xiao Xin interjected quickly.

"That is no way to greet your future sister-in-law."

A small laugh resonated from the other end of the phone. Still, Gao Yuemi was not dissuaded by her claims.

"Scoff all you want, my dear Xiao Xin. However, I would win."

'Win in your loss? Yuemi, until when do you wish to realize the truth that my brother would only have eyes for Andromeda Kai?"

"I fail to see a reason for that. After all, he once loved someone else and where is that relationship today?"

Liu Xiao Xin shook her head. Really the more she spoke to the lady, the more she was reminded that delusion was something still affecting people.

Somehow, she could guess that the rejection from her brother further brought Gao Yuemi to a strong denial and placed her in her delusion.

People tend to hold on stronger to a love that cannot be.

Or better still to something they cannot get or achieve, because they have a hope that they can attain it.

It was just a test of human nature, human greed at play and honestly, Liu Xiao Xin was getting tired of it all.

"Gao Yuemi, I am in no mood for games. If you called me to remind me of how sorry you are, then please try that with someone else in case this girl here doesn't give a bloody damn about you anymore. Okay?"

"Hahhaa, I cannot believe you would want the less for your bother. I thought you had high standards and would want your dearest older brother to always have the best."

"I do and he has found it."

"Hmm. I wonder then if you would still call his choice the best after you see the pictures I sent to your dm. Check your messages and see. Then tell me if your words can still remain true."

"What nonsense are you sprouting now, Yuemi?"

"Just check, Xiao-Xiao."

Liu Xiao Xin was tempted to say some mean words to her but held her tongue and decided to check it out.

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