Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 321 Worries


CHAPTER 321 – Worries

A few hours later, everyone was done with the dinner and desserts and they retired to the living room for some small talk.

"So, son, this trial in court, what guarantee can you give me that you would win and bring that thief to her knees?" Liu Jinchen inquired.

"I can give you my guarantee that I would bring them down. You have my word on that."

"What strong backings do you have?" Liu Houyi requested.

There was no way any of the Liu family members would be taken to court and no one would try to help and fix things.

Especially knowing that their family member was not in the wrong.

"Gramps, Andromeda is highly affected by this and if I can't protect her, then it is a failure on my part and gives a bad name to Liu Corporation should they win."

"We would be labelled as thieves," Liu Xiao Xin chipped in as she nodded in understanding.


Mrs Liu understood what was happening. This was their first ever true rise in the fashion industry where Starlight apparel's name resounded everywhere.

It was usual for their enemies to try to pummel them to the ground and drag their names in the mud.

"Andromeda dear," Mrs Liu called her name sweetly.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I know you are thorough so I would ask you sincerely. Do you have proof of their theft?"

"I wouldn't be suing them without one. However, I am not just after Beatrice Zhang, the thief herself but her partner Wu Bai, my ex-fiancé."

Everyone went silent and gave her complete undivided attention.

"Both of them are in this together. They started this while I was there and even leaving, it is obvious Beatrice is scared the veil covering her shame would be lifted and everyone would see her for the crook that she is. Which was why she shamelessly stole my designs."

"I think theft alone can ruin them, their brand's name and even their customer base," Yu Ai added.

"But not enough to take down this Wu Bai, right?" Liu Shen asked.

"Yes. So, we are digging deep to tie him to this and not allow him to make a scapegoat of his top fashion designer," Liu Xueyi responded.

"Not that it would be bad, really," Liu Chao chipped in. "I mean, it would be great to make an example of the Wu bastard that tried to sabotage the Liu Family's name and Andromeda's as well since she would be part of the Liu family in the nearest future."

Even though he spoke reasonably, his words were received as a trojan's gift.

"Funny, we are helping her fight her unfinished battle with her ex. How romantic. I never knew Liu's to be this understanding, benevolent and such a nose sticker.

Liu Xueyi curled his mitts into menacing missiles by his side. There was no end to his ridicule, was there?

Even in moments of important crisis.

"Liu Chao one more stupid word from your mouth and I will be grounding you for five months," Liu Houyi threatened.

"Hey gramps, I am no kid for you to ground again," he protested. "You cannot stop me from leaving the house."

"No. Who said anything about stopping you?" A wicked smile enchanted his handsome face as he brought that cold eyes to his grandson.

"You would leave the house. I would freeze your account. And you shall go to work each day for the next five months and be focused. There would be tasks and projects each month. I shall leave Liu Xueyi to supervise that."

"Pfft," Liu Chao-Xing let out a chuckle. It was too good to hold it in. Her brother deserved all that came to him.

His face turned into a grimace at his grandfather's will. As nice as the old man was, he could be seen as the most wicked person in the Liu family.

Ignoring her, Liu Houyi continued. "You know if I do, you would never accomplish any and then you shall face my wrath. Understood?"

"Yes, gramps."

"Better." Turning his head to the left-hand side where Liu Xueyi and Andromeda sat down side by side, his eyes held a smile at the young couple.

"Xueyi, I think it is time we called this meeting off. Andromeda has been stressed enough today. It is not good to keep your lady stressed."

"As you wish, grandfather. Thank you."

"Nonsense, what are you thanking me for? Anyways, you have the full support of the Liu family. Andromeda my child, fear not. I would ensure he goes down."

"No need, grandfather. I am capable of handling this matter on my own. I do not want to bother you all."

"I am sorry. You had your chance to ensure you trample this goat. Now that it has gotten to this point, we can no longer sit still. It affects us as well."

He did not bother himself with arguing anymore. His grandfather was still as stubborn as a mule.

"As you wish."

Taking a long glance at everyone, Liu Xueyi felt okay having such a family but his words were true.

Speaking of which, they needed to make an early start tomorrow in getting everything they needed.

Rising to his feet, Liu Xueyi, pulled Andromeda with him. Together they bowed before the Patriarch and matriarch of the family.

"Grandfather, Grandmother, we would be taking our leave now."

"Thank you for having me. I deeply appreciate this."

"You are welcome. It was nice having you too," Mrs Liu smiled.

"Mum, thanks so much for the dinner. I brought you your present. It is in the car though," Liu Xueyi quickly added before she scolded him.

"If you do not mind."

Understanding what he meant, she smiled too and got up from her seat. "Okay. I would see you two off."

Both of them bade their farewells to the others and exited the house with his mother in tow.

The moment the front door closed, the mild tension in the air returned fully. Everyone cast a glance at each other as though speaking about the untold misery with their eyes.

It wasn't until Liu Chao spoke up that everyone voiced out their inner thoughts.

"Are we really doing this?"

Grandpa Liu gave him the glare, hoping he would take that as his last warning. True enough, he did but that word made the others speak.

"She is dangerous I know," Liu Jinchen aired his views.

"Very," Liu Shen added.

"But," Liu Xiao Xin began. "That danger is what brother needs."

"Yes. However, I do not know if in time he would be able to take it," Liu Jinchen spoke again.

"What do you mean, brother-in-law?" Yu Ai inquired.

"She is a rare talent. Her goals and ambitions in life would always pull danger towards her and in turn Xueyi," he analyzed.

"I know. However, it is not up to us to determine what is dangerous and what is not for cousin Xueyi," Liu Chao-Xing gave her opinion.

It was a given fact and they all knew it. Liu Xueyi wasn't lying, one of the rich kids who had his life planned out by anybody.

He was a man of himself and they respected him for it. So why now were they this way? Men.

"No one is determining anything for him. We all want was is best."

"To me, you are fighting for your own skin and not the Liu family's cousin Chao," Liu Xiao Xin corrected.

"Xiao Xin."

"What? Did I lie or stutter? I only spoke the truth. Stop trying to sow discord. I only kept calm because Andromeda was here and out of respect for my brother. However, I would not stand and watch you try to speak that way to her or about her ever again."

The cold look in her eyes deterred Liu Chao from speaking one more wrong word lest her cunning nature played off and she ruined him as well.

When she got angry, it was something to beware of.

"We all have our past. Never you bring Andromeda's up. That is my last warning."

He breathed out, keeping his word to himself.

"Spoken like a Liu princess. All I can see is the men being scared of the inevitable. I concur with Xiao Xin. Andromeda is a danger, and so is every one of us present. Our family alone pulls danger to itself."

"Exactly. It would be a double danger for her and Liu Xueyi."

"Then let the couples fix that. Let them handle it by themselves. If they are not complaining and are ready to stand by each other, all we can and should do is support and nothing more, father."

"Xiao Xin."

"My words have been said, father. I hope you respect his wishes as you have always done."

"The more you speak, the prouder I am about your growths, my granddaughters. Nice one. Do not worry. All would be well."

"I hope so," Liu Shen added as everyone fell right back into their thoughts.

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