Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 326 Trial


CHAPTER 326 – Trial

Seated in front of the court, Judge Junjie gave his approval for the trial to begin.

Unlike the last day, Andromeda was suited in a dark purple suit with matching corporate trousers and a white inner long-sleeved shirt.

Her hair was neatly styled at the side, falling over her shoulder and going all the way down her back.

Her face held no smile as she stared eyeballs with the judge, unafraid of whatever was to happen.

They had one week to prepare for this day. Now that it had come, she could not wait for the outcome and to see the shock plaster on Beatrice's face, especially Wu Bai's when the case and their pieces of evidence go in her favour.

Slowly, she blinked, letting her lashes flutter as though she was shooting for a magazine while giving the bad boss's vibe.

'I await your despair, Wu Bai, Beatrice Zhang and my dear Lawyer Longwei.' Andromeda finalized in her mind, going over the plans they had for him.

At the same time, Lawyer Chang rose from his seat and proceeded to the space between the judge's high desk and the rest of the court.

Standing before the court once again, Lawyer Chang inserted the chip into a mini laptop, his gaze focused on the screen as he intently searched for the video.

A low revealing smile curved his lips as he handed it to the clerk, who went through the video first before handing it to the judge with a nod as if assuring the judge of something.

Blinking at him, the judge took the laptop from the clerk's hold.

Beatrice's heart was almost at its peak as her gaze remained fixated on the laptop handed to the judge, silently wondering what sort of evidence Andromeda's lawyer must have gotten his hands on.

However, while she battled with the turmoil inside her system, her facial reaction was a complete contrast to her inner rampage.

"In front of you my lord," Lawyer Chang began with his voice amplified, "is the video footage of someone breaking into the house of my client, Miss Kai." He informed.

The judge could see for himself as someone dressed in black from head to toe, broke into the room of Andromeda and got hold of the drawing that was placed on her table.

The court reporters wasted no time recording the evidence while the Jury went over the issue.

"This proves that the actual design of those works belongs to no one else but my client, and also proves that the earlier accusations made by Attorney Longwei are false."

The public who were seated in the chairs behind began their murmurings, obviously stunned because the video was played for them to see.

"You see, Miss Kai over here actually got valuable information that someone would try to steal her works, so being the smart woman that she was, she intentionally left those works on the table and planted a camera somewhere in her room, so she could catch the person legally responsible for stealing her works."

Beatrice's eyes widened slightly as the video was displayed for her to see and her heart dropped in her chest.

It felt like a time bomb just went off in her hand and unbeknownst to her, that wasn't the only time bomb that would be going off anytime soon.

'That good for nothing!' Beatrice bellowed in her mind.

'How did he let himself get caught?!' She wondered, her rage boiling inside her.

Rising to her feet, Attorney Longwei blatantly stated, "Okay, so maybe her works did get stolen, how does this prove my client is responsible for it?"

"You're right, that is still left to be brought to book." Lawyer Chang agreed without complaints.

Still, his simple retorts only added to the fuel burning in Longwei's eyes and she sat down back, knowing she couldn't argue further based on the fact he had readily agreed without putting up a fight.

Liu Xueyi crossed his long legs with a tiny, yet mesmerizing smirk displaying on his lips, obviously enjoying the show and how lawyer Chang happened to be handling the case.

He was showing the talent of a true lawyer who has worked for years.

But it wasn't over just yet, and he would make sure it wasn't until every one of those scum ended up behind bars for every single thing they'd done to his Andromeda.

"As for the accused, Miss Zhang, we also have proof of her secretly meeting with the person in another video footage."

Turning his attention to Andromeda, she was already aware of what he was going to ask for and got to her feet.

"Do you have the chip with you? Miss Kai?" He asked, and Andromeda responded with a nod of her head, bringing out the tiny chip from her purse and stretching it to Lawyer Chang, who walked up to where she sat and received the chip.

"Thank you."

Beatrice cast a death glare at Andromeda's way, hoping to instil fright in her.

Sadly, her expectations were destroyed when Andromeda simply smiled in return before taking her seat and making Beatrice's blood boil with her ignorance.

Handing the chip to the clerk, the clerk proceeded to insert the chip into the laptop and once again, the video was displayed for the judge to see.

When it was shown to everyone, it had the video of Beatrice, sitting all alone in a place that looked like some less fancy restaurant, sipping a glass of wine in her grasp.

Beatrice's face paled at the sight, as her heartbeat sped up to a dumbfounding degree. It was not until her attorney got up to speak again that she found a little bit of calm.

"But this is basically wasting our time," she said, "there's nothing here except a video of my client having a glass of wine. How does this prove anything?"

"Take your seat attorney Longwei." The judge finally intervened; his expression deadpanned as her disrespect towards the court law didn't miss his attention.

"You weren't giving permission to speak, which means you're to remain quiet until, given that right. This act shouldn't repeat itself again," he warned sternly.

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