Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 335 Cornered



"Miss, will you kindly take your seat and stop the commotion."

The judge's request came after seeing the multiple expressions that flashed on her face, and the judge's rules didn't make any sense to Andromeda.

"Listen, Miss Kai." Attorney Longwei chose to cut in as well, keeping a strict visage as she looked at the nonplussed Andromeda.

"If you have anything to say, you know where to stand and voice out your opinion, not cause an uproar in a courtroom."

"Funny you could say that. I indeed have a query to make," she began ignoring any warning signs from Lawyer Chang.

Sensing something was about to come up, the Judge shot Andromeda a warning glare, regardless she proceeded to talk.

"If Your Honour would kindly grant me the audience, I would like to prove to the court how this man," she pointed at Wu Bai, "is so far from being innocent. He is a scoundrel and a harasser."

"Miss Kai, I suggest you watch what you say and do not slander an innocent man," Attorney Longwei interjected sharply.

"Oh, I am not slandering. Unlike him, she," she pointed at both Beatrice and Wu Bai respectively, before bringing her gaze back to Attorney Longwei. "And probably, you."

"Excuse me?" Attorney Longwei voiced, placing a hand on her chest while giving Andromeda a wide surprising stare.

"Yes. I am no fool, to not understand what is going on here."

"Is that so? Pray, do tell."

"That is enough," the judge's voice intervened, tearing apart the mild tension both ladies were building.

"I have given you a forceful chance to speak, Ms Kai. Now go straight to the point or remain silent if you have no true evidence to back your claims."

"Thank you, Your Honour. As a matter of fact, I came with such evidence."

Attorney Longwei's eyes narrowed at her when she made claims to the so-called evidence, shocking everyone.

A minute ago, everyone thought she spoke purely on emotions and nothing more but to their surprise, that was not it.

It seemed the young top fashion designer had something up her sleeves.

Still, Attorney Longwei was not shaken. She stared on like a fox, waiting to cleverly catch her prey.

"Go on, get it out and it better be worth this court's time."

'I promise you, Your Honour, it would."

Reaching into her bag, Andromeda took out a flash drive and handed it to Lawyer Chang, whose brows remained creased as he took it from her but not before asking in a low tone.

"What are you doing, Andromeda?"

"Putting up a fight to let them see the cannibal of a being this Wu Bai is," she gave a hint of a smile and took a step back.

He had wished to tell her to let him handle it further but he needed to know the content of the flash drive first.

Sadly, time wasn't on his side as the next moment, the judge's voice cut in sharply.

"Are you bringing the evidence or trying to hoard it and stall for time?"

"My apologies, Your Honour. That is not the case," Lawyer Chang explained and immediately moved over to hand it to the clerk and waited.

Taking it in his hand, the judge requested it and inserted the flash drive himself in the laptop before manoeuvring on the keyboard.

Several lips remained shut as they watched with keen interest at what was going to happen or be shown soon.

Similarly, the judge's eyes dimmed, his facial expression somewhat unreadable as he stared at the laptop screen.

And after another minute, he raised his eyes, his expression now readable and filled with anger as swept a cold gaze at Andromeda.

"Ms. Kai, what is the meaning of this?"

"Pardon me, Your Honour, I do not understand what you mean," Andromeda responded calmly.

"You said, you had good evidence," he began but before he could speak, she interjected.

"I did and it is right there. That is a video clip taken from the CCTV footage of the fashion show event held at Liu's Corporation for Starlight Apparel."


"Apparently after the show, Mr Wu here approached me and that was when he tried to force himself on me."

"What?" Wu Bai immediately lashed out at the accusation but when he saw the judge's raised palm, he kept quiet and signalled to Attorney Longwei with his eyes.

Similarly, she returned his gesture with one of her own and looked at Andromeda.

"Are you saying my client's boss, your ex-fiancé tried to rape you?"

"Not rape but only God knows what would have happened, had I not been saved."

"Is that so?" The judge questioned, pulling everyone's attention.

"Yes, Your Honour."

"Good, then tell me why you have presented me with an empty flash drive, Miss Kai?"

Both Andromeda and Liu Xueyi's eyes widened with shock at the Judge's pronouncement.


"Yes. I allowed you a chance to prove your words but time and time and again, you failed to."

"I am sorry, Your Honour. I do not understand how that was an empty drive. It clearly had footage in it. I watched it this morning."

As she spoke, he turned the laptop to face them and indeed there was not a single video in the folder, further compounding her shock.

"It can't be."

At that moment Lawyer Chang knew what had happened and let his eyelid close in defeat.

She had been trapped and not by anyone but by the judge himself.

"That's…" the crease in her brows straightened as she once more hardened her expression.

She knew she may sound foolish at that moment, but she had to try.

"If your honour wishes, we can get another footage or have the security department retrieve…"

"Silence!" The judge thundered, silencing her once and for all.

"Not another word more from you, Ms Kai. You failed in slandering a man, now before you make me, make you pay for that crime, I suggest you keep quiet and let those who know how to do their job speak."

Her lips pressed into a thin line but the judge was not done.

"Enough of your shenanigans."

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