Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 340 Finding Out the Truth

340  Finding Out the Truth


CHAPTER 340 – Finding Out the Truth


"Good. If you become a good girl and get better on time, to celebrate our winning the case, I would take you out for a vacation this Halloween and there I can shower your body with love and sex till you can take no more."

Her cheeks reddened from his direct speech and she felt like hiding under the covers.

"Naughty little Andy," he teased, making her blush even more.

"I thought you wanted me to go down on you and make you moan. Look at all your boldness disappear with just a sentence from me."

"A daring one," she said through pressed lips.

"Aye. Because you are mine, Andy and I get to do all of that and more for you."

"Sure…" As much as she wished not to smile, to prove to him she still wanted him, she could not hold in her laughter anymore.

"Aye and after that, no more."

"What?" She snapped her head to face him and let her confusion show in her eyes.

"I have my reasons love."

"They are?"

"I respect you. You wished to wait prior to your wedding before now, am I right? It was why you refused to give yourself to Wu Bai."

She nodded and held his gaze.

"I am glad you didn't but I am most glad I got to be the first. However, I should not desecrate you further and harken to your wishes till we get married."

"Xueyi I am okay, to be honest. It is you and I love you."

"I know. You do not have to change because of me. I respect you well enough for that. Also, I do not want you on pills or anything. I do not want any complications for you in future."

She let out a small laugh at his level of care.

He was really treating her like a child but she was sure deep within that he might not follow suit with those words.

She was his undoing as much as he was hers.

Nevertheless, she was made to rethink those thoughts, seeing the determined look in his eyes.

"Fine. As you wish."

"This also means, once I get everything set and straight, I would be coming for your hand in marriage, Andy."

Her mouth fell open at this reveal.

It was something already expected, especially after the family dinner, but she did not think she would hear him say that to her soon.

Marriage was something she cherished because of her will and wished to be with only one person.

Having that granted, she could only feel her heart swelling in her chest.

"I love you, Andromeda. With all my heart."

The tears she had managed to keep at bay suddenly spilt out of their sockets, staining her beautiful face.

"I love you," she broke down, letting her joy pour out in torrents.

"Love you most. Now stop crying, okay."

She nodded in response and watched him kiss a teardrop away before wiping her face clean.

"There. All good. I do not want my baby's face getting all red and having the doctor scold me."

"Hehe who dares scold the great Liu Xueyi?"

"My father mother and grandfather of course."

The earlier crease on his brows eased out as he straightened his back and entwined their fingers.

"I need to find out the truth of what happened, Andy. I would not let them go scot-free."

"I would not wish you to. It seems convenient enough that the Judge," she laid emphasis on the last word, "had an accident and then this new judge," once more she gestured with her brows, "saw it fit to rule stupidly."

Liu Xueyi tried to hold in his laughter at her every emphasis but he managed in the end, somehow.

"Aye. It was very convenient. Which leads me to want to pay him a visit."

"Please do."

"It may not be easy but I would get it done. And," he exhaled sharply. "The others extend their greeting."

"Thank you. Help me thank them. They should not worry. I would be okay."

"I will."

"Also, can I ask a favour?"

"You do not need to ask me for a favour, silly. State anything and it will be done," he stated with assurance.

"I… Y-you know clearly, I was wronged and the flash drive wasn't empty, right?"

"I do. I trust you I was there when we watched it and you kept it in your bag, so I know."


"And your favour? You want me getting the evidence or?"

'Make them all pay. Ger more than that evidence. I need that judge to be exposed for the crook that he is, Xueyi."

"Rest assured, I would make everyone involved pay for the embarrassment they caused my woman. I promise you. Rest here. I shall be back in the evening to pick you up."


"I would also call someone from my family home to take care of you in my absence and have the guards watch your ward closely. I cannot take chances with your life."

"Okay. You do you. I would wait and help however I can."

"Nah. Let me handle it."

He placed a light kiss on her lips and reluctantly took his leave.

"As you wish."

Once outside, Liu Xueyi's expression no longer wore the charm and smile he had when he was in the room with Andromeda.

As soon as the others laid eyes on him, they walked up to him, wearing the same expression on their faces.

They were angry at how things had gotten and were ready to do the needful in setting things back in "Sir?" Jian Xiaofei's voice broke the silence first.

"She is fine and sends her thanks."

"Thank God. Now, it is time to find the truth, I suppose?" Lawyer Chang chimed in, keeping a strong face.

"Yes," Liu Xueyi responded and darted his gaze along their faces.

"We need to not only teach them that tampering with the law is bad. We need to make them face full justice."

"Perfect. I think someone already got a lead in finding out the truth," Peng Xiaoli added.

"Who?" They chorused at once.

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