Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 374 Yinchen's Intervention



Immediately, Sun Wu Jang heard Andromeda's name, his forehead puckered. That name rang a bell that spelt anger for him just the same way his business deal spoke to him currently.

From what had happened in the past it was her presence that made Sun Jingyi behave foolishly and made him lose face before Li Jing. 

Hmm! He breathed out. 

The name brought him bad luck as far as he was concerned and seeing how Su Mei stormed in forgetting her manners like a mad woman to come and ring a stupid bell in his ears, he could say calling her bad luck was an understatement.

"Oh, now you are interested?"

"Depends. You are still on probation. Speak. What about this Andromeda Kai?"

"That she was caught by your son and then she was saved. He let her go. Sun Yichen is getting weak."

"You mean I kidnapped her, something against the law?"

Both of them turned their head towards the direction of the door and silently watched him walk over to them.

Placing a hand in his trouser pocket, the latter majestically made his way over to his parents and sat down on one of the sofas in the living room, ignoring his mother.

"Good day, father," he greeted politely while taking a white handkerchief from his dark blue suit pocket and wipped his hand while keeping his leg crossed like the gentleman he was.

Su Mei waited where she stood for her son to utter his greetings to her but to her surprise, he did nothing shocking.

"Sun Yichen."

"Father, you have heard what was said. What do you believe?" 

He did not waste one breath on his mother and focused on his person of interest—his father, the head of the Sun family.

"It depends on you. What do you have to say for yourself? Did you truly let her go?"

"I arranged for the kidnapping in the first place. Do you think I would have let her go without achieving the aim for which she was kidnapped?"

"This is you, my son. You can be so unpredictable."

"And let's not forget that he is madly in love with her. Of course, he cannot bear to see her be treated like that," Su Mei chipped in, adding much emphasis on the fact that he was in love.

Both Sun Wu Jang and Sun Yichen raised their brows at her. 

Her son did not bother to hide the disgust he was feeling now. 

To him, the fact that Liu Xueyi could save Andromeda was a big flop on his path and he wished to get things sorted out properly.

Everything would have gone according to plan had his mother's big mouth not wandered off to meet his father. 

His father was particular about failures. And unlike his mother, he knew about the flop in the business deal and knew now was not the best time to communicate with the old man.

"You love her?"

"I do. But not madly like mother said."

"You recognize the fact that I am here and standing before you, huh?"

"Point of correction. You are here and standing before the head of the Sun family. I am here to plead my case and let him know the truth."

She twisted her lips. He was no different from his father in terms of temperament. And she hated it when he had an even worse gut than his father.

The presence and aura he carried with him, having good hair on his head but a dangerous disposition, sometimes confused her.

"You're just like him."

"Father, what do you think?"

"It is better to be like me than to be like your mother and Jingyi."

She balled her hands at her side, clenching them hard, her nails dug into her palm. 

"What really happened?" Su Wu Jang inquired.

"He rescued her."


"You know who. Liu Xueyi. I could not risk letting him see me after beating up the men who mother hired."

"Pftt. Your mother?"

"Yes, they were good but Liu Xueyi was better," Sun Yichen informed him with a straight face.

"I see. Okay, Su Mei, please have a seat. Just having you stand over there is annoying."

"I will stand. You and your son do not care about me."

"Suit yourself." Her brows creased further while showing forth her anger toward her husband. She had hoped that by saying that he would forget his grudge and pamper her.

But what did he do instead?"

"Anyways, you do not have to worry father. We may have lost her this time; however, I have my trump card against Liu Xueyi."

A dark glint flashed in his eyes, breaming with more danger as he leaned forward and placed both elbows on his thigh. 

"If used right we may be signing the contract with Liu Corporation soon."

"If you are so sure about this then you have my support. I won't push through knowing your plans. Make sure that this time there are no flops and we can get him in the palm of our hands."

"I would, father."

He stood up, placing the used handkerchief on the chair and arranged his suit. 

"I must take my leave. There is no time. Plans need to be put in place. Please take care of mother and Jungyi. It would be bad if nasty rumours were given ears to by a member of the Sun family."

"I understand."

"Goodbye, father and mother."

Having no other discussion to speak with them on, Sun Yichen excused himself first, leaving the husband-and-wife duo to handle themselves.

Once she heard the sound of the front door coming to a close, Su Mei rolled her eyes at her husband and crossed her arms in front of her chest with her small blue bag dangling from her hand.

"I would not pet you."

She walked over to the space on the sofa where he sat down and placed her bag on the chair a she leaned in on his arm.

"What were you hoping by telling on him?"

"Nothing. I need him to be focused. I would hate it if this Andromeda is affecting him and ruining our family's plans."

"Trust your son and have him achieve the greatest. Never forget that."

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