Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 379 Mo Yuning



Just as he had arranged, Sun Yichen ignored Liu Xueyi's warning and had his men go to him.

By the time Liu Xueyi hung up on him, he gritted his teeth deeply and had his eyes narrowed on the picture in his gallery on his laptop.

It was a picture of Liu Xueyi and Andromeda during their Halloween vacation on their way out of the airport.

"You think you can speak when I ruin this peaceful life you are having huh?"

He placed a hand on the laptop screen and closed it. "Do not worry. I would make Andromeda's life a mess with your life going viral and see if after everything she would still wish to be with you."


Taking a break from work, Andromeda paid a visit to one of the restaurants in the city and went over to take a seat close to the window, to get a good view of the city. 

As tiring as her work had been she knew she needed this break and when Gu Jun invited her for lunch to catch up on old times, she happily took the invitation and went.

Up till now, Liu Xueyi kept the news about Sun Yichen being the culprit from her not to make her spark any action on her part and allowed whatever they wished to do to happen. 

Typing happily on her phone, chatting with her beloved boyfriend, Andromeda missed it when Gu Jun walked into the restaurant with a plus one in hand and came up to her. 

It wasn't until he cleared his throat that she took note of her guests. 

Her eyes went round as she gave a lovely smile when her eyes landed on Gu Jun. 

"Jun," she called out quickly, before letting her eyes on the lovely girl beside him. "You brought a friend."'

"Yes, sorry I did not say it earlier but I asked her to come with me."

"No worries. Welcome."

"Yes," Gu Jun's face lit up as he introduced the girl to Andromeda. "Mo Yuning, this is Andromeda, my best friend."

Andromeda beamed a lovely smile at her. "And Andromeda, meet Mo Yuning, my friend."

Even if he had not yet said the complete words, Andromeda could guess what the last words would be. 

'My crush.'

From how he smiled at her and behaved nicely, she was sure he had a crush on her. 

"Hello, Andromeda, you can call me, Yuning. Nice to meet you," she said and stretched forth her hand.

Taking her handshake, Andromeda rose to her feet and nodded. "My pleasure, Yuning.  Any friend of Jun is mine. Please, sit."


Watching him draw out the chair for her, Andromeda kept her phone after bidding Liu Xueyi bye and settled her gaze on the duo. "So, tell me, what am I missing out here?"

"Huh?" Both of them chorused at the same time. 

"Nothing, Andromeda. You are thinking too much," Gu Jun smiled but gave her a sign to behave and not embarrass him. 

Recalling what Gu Jun did to her when he first met Liu Xueyi, her brain kicked off and her plans went into motion. 

"So, when did you two meet?" Andromeda began the conversation, obviously ready to channel it to wherever she wanted. 

"I bumped into him one specific day when I was rushing for the elevator to deliver something," Yuning explained, allowing her smile to spread on her face. 

"It was both embarrassing and good. He helped with the documents and that was how we met."

"I see." She shot Gu Jun with a knowing look. He was always the gentleman with ladies. 

"How romantic. This feels like a movie. Who approached the other next?"

"I did," Mo Yuning blurted out quickly, earning a laugh from Andromeda.

"You did. Wow, nice. Why?"

"It was a business thing though. And I was directed to his office. I had no idea he was the one until I got there."

"And from there the friendship bloomed," Andromeda finished for her.


The waiter arrived, took their others and departed. While they made small talk, she saw sparks flying from all corners and could barely hold in her laughter and joy. 

He had told her he may be bi, she expected that the next person he would be introducing her to would be a guy, considering loving one would be the reason he felt he was. 

Who would have thought that it would be a girl first? 

She blinked charmingly when their meal arrived and watched the two eat their meal over small talk. 

From their conversation, Andromeda learnt she worked in the same company as he worked. That alone was something great as she felt it would help build their relationship. 

Taking a look at her own life and how her relationship bloomed with Liu Xueyi, she could feel more connections between the duo.

Unlike Liu Xueyi who was slow to reciprocate his feelings, he could see Gu Jun dropping suggestive hints every now and then. 

About thirty minutes after their meal, Mo Yuning got a call and had to excuse herself from lunch, leaving the friends alone. 

As much as Gu Jun wished to take her back, she refused, not wanting to take him from his best friend since he spent most of his time on her instead. 

Bidding her goodbyes, she returned Andromeda's smile and left with Gu Jun.

Once they were sure she had gotten the cab he ordered for her, he returned to the restaurant and took his seat.


"So…" her voice trailed off as she rested her head against her palm and kept her suspicious smile on her face.

"So…." Gu Jun mimicked, not wanting to lose the battle just yet. 

"Get it out, Jun, who is she?" Andromeda questioned.

"My friend."

"Your crush," she corrected, saying the forbidden words out loud. 

"At the very least, she is not here to hear you say that," he chuckled and picked up his glass of wine from the table."

"Shoot. Does she like you too?"

Gu Jun took a pause, darted his eyes around and finally returned his gaze to her. "That's what I wish to know, Andy. You are a girl, you tell me. Does she like me too?"

eαglesnᴏνel Her smile widened and she shifted in her seat and looked more professional. Suddenly both of them burst into a fit of laughter till they managed to calm down.

"Andromeda, you are making me nervous," Gu Jun proclaimed.

"What, I can't help but laugh. It was very much easier for you to spot, Liu Xueyi's own but you can't figure it out with a girl you have feelings for?"

Gu Jun shook his head. She was missing the point. 

As easy as it was, it still wasn't.

There were some girls who would make you read the wrong sign and then you think they love you until the bitter truth is out. 

"I cannot bank on it. Some signs may be misleading. I need you to help me ascertain whether she is just being nice as a friend or she truly likes me too."

"I can't bank on it too. For all I know she may be outing on a good air with me around and knows you may seek advice from me. I do not entirely see her that way but I am being practical here."

"But I…"

Andromeda lifted her palm to stop him. "I think the best option would be to ask her straight up, Gu Jun."

"Andromeda!" He half yelled and paused when he noticed the eyes that were on him. 

She heaved out a sigh. "Look, this is different. If there is anything I learnt from Liu Xueyi and I, it was the fact that we should have opened up to each other when we could and confessed our feelings."

"And you two did not. Honestly, everyone thought you two were dating since."

"It was all an act. He was scared I would reject him and I just couldn't tell him myself because I had given him so many hints to know and yet he never took the initiative."

Gu Jun gave her a knowing smile before dishing out his input on things. 

"To be honest, Andromeda. You two were literally dating a long time ago but not by name in quote. He literally chased every guy from you," Gu Jun stated and picked up his glass and brought it to his lips to have a sip.

"Yeah, all except Sun Yichen and Xie Tian."


She had not expected his reaction to what she said when she casually dished out the information until he sprayed her face with the drink in his mouth. 



Shock remained evident on Gu Jun's face as he stared wide-eyed at his best friend who had an almost similar expression on her face. 

A minute passed before he got himself when Andromeda's lips closed and she lifted a furious brow at him. 

Quickly, he picked up a handkerchief and tried to dab it on her face when she snatched it from him angrily and tended to herself. 

"I'm so sorry, Andromeda. I did not mean to."

"Sure. Of course, who would want to spray my face," she snapped at the last word, "with wine from their lips, huh?"

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