Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 448 Best Hospital Visit


CHAPTER 448 – Best Hospital Visit

~50 Minutes Later~

Having finished her appointment in the hospital, Andromeda exited the doctor's office and headed towards the elevator when she heard the soft whispers of two people and halted.

Her brows knitted as one of the voices struck a chord in her mind, a striking resemblance to one she had heard before. Not once at the very least and definitely not one she would forget.

"Doctor, I am telling you we just need to keep this up a little longer. He is buying it." Soon I would have him completely in my hands where I want him."

Andromeda's eyes widened, her pupils dilating every now and then.

'Wait... Zheng...'

Suddenly a manly voice resounded from the corner they hid in, pulling her mind back to the present. "I'm sorry but I cannot go on for long. It wasn't supposed to be this long. My job and license are at stake here."

"And what about all the money I have paid you, huh? Seriously, is this how you are? We are in this together. You can't back down now."

"But the young man is hurting. I think it is time you tell him the truth," the Doctor advised.

"What?! The truth?" Zheng Ling snickered.

"What the fuck do you want me to tell Liu Xueyi? That his son Zheng Ying is not diagnosed with ALL cancer and that everything was just a lie or that Zheng Ling is not even his son in the first place? Tell me which of these do you think is more favourable that won't send either of us to jail, huh?"


The sound of footsteps made them turn around quickly while they were still talking. 

Similarly, having spotted the intruder first, Andromeda withdrew, keeping her gaze locked on her phone as a woman dressed in white rushed past their direction without even looking their way until she reached another door further down where she stopped briefly and then entered through it.

"Phew!" Andromeda breathed softly and pushed a bit closer to the sound. 

Once they were sure the nurse was gone, the duo resumed. "Doctor I am sorry to say, but you cannot leave now. There's no going back. You would see this to the end with my partner and I."

"But the lady would understand if we choose to stop right now."

'Lady?' Andromeda's eyes widened slightly at the new information. Was there another lady involved in this?

"Stop kidding yourself. Who do you think orchestrated this? There's no turning back now"

Andromeda's heart raced as she listened to the conversation unfolding before her. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, intertwining with her own hidden secrets.

She discreetly retreated, taking a few steps back as she kept her phone back in her bag. Her mind worked swiftly to process the newfound information.

Questions flooded her thoughts, demanding answers that had been shrouded in darkness for far too long. 

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and a surge of determination coursed through her veins as she formulated a plan.

"Zheng Ling," she whispered to herself, the name falling from her lips like a revelation.

Quickly she took the other turn and headed straight for the first nurse she saw.


Leaving the hospital, Andromeda felt more refreshed than she was when she first left the house and even came to the hospital. 

Earlier on, through her drive, she could not relinquish the thought of Liu Xueyi sleeping with Zheng Ying from her mind. 

That was one major problem that had affected her these days and made her almost collapse. She kept pondering on the matter, imagining Liu Xueyi making love to Zheng Ying as he did with her. 

At first, she was hoping they could try surrogacy, that way Liu Xueyi wouldn't have to be intimate with someone else but then everything was something she avoided. 

The thought that the suggestion may be rejected by even Zheng Ying, the doctor or Liu Xueyi made her fret. All she could do was avoid it, hoping that by the time the contest was over, she would tackle it. 

To her dismay, it took all of her concentration and focus away. The first time she was truly happy was after speaking to Rong Bolin and Liu Xueyi made love to her. 

But the second after she left the house that day, it came like a wave ready to engulf her. Call it jealousy or bitterness, Andromeda found it hard to escape such feelings that they ate her subconsciously.

But now…

Her grip on the steering wheel tightened further as she increased her speed limit, feeling the weight lift from her mind. 

"Zheng Ying is not… is not Liu Xueyi's son. That means…" 

She looked forward to disclosing the news to Liu Xueyi but before that, she had other plans and she needed to make sure she cut the problem from the root. 

Glancing at her open bag, her eyes caught a transparent small glove and her lips curled up into a bewitching smile. 

Tapping on her phone screen, she ordered, "Hey Siri, call Hong Chaoxiang."

"Calling Hong Chaoxiang."

Andromeda waited for the call to go through and once it connected, she breathed out first, before answering. 

"Good day, Hong. It's Andromeda."

"I know. Good evening. How are you?"

"I'm okay but most importantly, I need your help. Where are you?"

"Still at the hospital. I would be done in an hour. Are you not feeling fine? Anything wrong with your health?" Hong Chaoxiang inquired quickly. 

The last thing he needed was for Andromeda to fall sick and he could not help her. Liu Xueyi would never let him go scot-free. 

"No, yes. I mean I am now. However, I need your help. Do not worry, I will meet you up later. Please send me your house address, just in case I happen to arrive at the hospital late."

"Sure. Anyways, relax, okay?"

"Definitely. Thanks."

The second the call cut, she asked her phone to call another person. It took some seconds but the call finally connected. 

"Hey, bestie, what's up?" 

Her heart leapt for joy hearing his cool voice. He was okay and that was good. She needed him to be in his best state of mind for what she needed. 

"Gu Jun."

"Hahaha, why does it sound like you are eager and happy to hear from me, Andromeda?"

"Because I am. Jun, I need your help."

"State it, anything for you."

"I need you to get a doctor you can trust. I would pay you a visit later."

"What?" Immediately panic rose in his voice. A doctor, what did she need one for? "Andromeda, are you sick? What is Liu Xueyi doing not taking you to the hospital?"

Andromeda burst into a peel of laughter as she shook her head and turned the steering wheel, taking a different turn down a long road. 

"Nothing. I am fine. I just need to check something and I do not want Liu Xueyi to know."

"Wait… Are you pregnant?"



"Andy, talk to me. You know I would always support you," Gu Jun poked.

"It's not that. I know you will support me. It's just... I had the best hospital visit. Pfft, it's a long story though and I'll let you know later but for now, I need you to trust that I am okay. I just need to confirm something."

"Fine. Anything you say. I would get in touch with a doctor now. See you dear."


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