Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 484 Sun's Move

Chapter 484 Sun's Move



Seated behind his desk in his office, Sun Yichen was busy working away at some documents when the door opened and Fang Daiyu walked inside.

He kept his head down, his gaze focused on his work but the downward tug of his lips spoke all the words that needed to be unsaid. 

She was dressed casually today wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt with a red jacket over it. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail with a small silver ring on her right middle finger.

"Good morning, Yichen," Fang Daiyu greeted.

"Morning," he replied without looking up from the papers before him.

One thing Sun Yichen could not understand was the idea of who gave her the audacity to walk into his office and house at any given moment.

Although he did not quarrel or scold her when she informed him of her pregnancy, he did not appreciate her presence in his daily life.

It was as though there wasn't any breathing space now with her around. 

Dropping the document in his hands. He looked back at her. A simple question was all he could offer her. "What do you want?"

"I just came to say hello."

"You don't need to come here to tell me this. You can send a message on WeChat or a text message if you have something important to discuss."

"I know," Fang Daiyu interjected while keeping her eyes lowered. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave then."

The way and manner her expression changed and her voice made Sun Yichen feel something tug at his heartstrings for her.

And before he could stop himself, his lips moved and he stopped her. "No, wait."

He bit his lower lip, silently cussing himself for giving in to her antics but then a notification sound popped up on his phone, stealing his attention away for a moment. 

"Huh...?" Knowing all she was doing, Fang Daiyu shook her head. "It's okay. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I caused you some problems."

"It won't be a problem. I should be taking a break now. I'll be done soon. I'm going out later. You're welcome to join us," he said, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"If you say so then, thanks," Daiyu replied.

Sun Yichen nodded, picking up his pen again and returning to his work.

He had been doing so ever since Daiyu told him about her condition.

She was pregnant but aside from that, she was the Sun family's ticket out of their struggling situation thanks to her mother's marriage to the Beifangs. 

Of course, Fang Mei being a proud woman would not want her daughter to be engaged to a broke family. 

In other to save face, she would most likely do things that would help him, especially once the engagement pull through. 

"Anyways, I will be at the reception, waiting," Fang Daiyu informed him.

"Oh wait. There wouldn't be any need for that. Please seat. And... I'll soon make our engagement official. We'll talk more about it later."

Fang Daiyu's eyes widened slightly at Sun Yichen's proclamation. Her heart leapt for joy. "Okay."

More than anything, her joy knew no bounds at this discovery. She was sure her mother would be glad about the news. Little did any of them know about the Young Master of the Sun's family's plans. 

Once she nodded, Fang Daiyu proceeded to take her seat. On the other hand, Sun Yichen's eyes narrowed on his phone screen as he released a deep sigh. 

Earlier on when he had made her stop, a message came from his father with a clear instruction on what to do. 

'I heard the adopted daughter of the Beifang family is at your office. Mention your Engagement to her, and move quickly with plans. I can only stall the news from being widespread for a little longer. Do not disappoint me.'

Reading his father's words again, Yichen felt a heavy burden on his shoulders. 

"I hope this too shall pass away soon," he muttered to himself.

"What was that?" Fang Daiyu asked.

"Nothing." He shook off the thought. "So, how are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Good. You should rest. You can lie on the couch there."

"No, I'm okay."

"You should eat well too. You're still young. You should think about the baby in there," Sun Yichen said, pointing at her stomach.

"It's not like I have a choice," she replied, chuckling at her own words. "Thanks. I will do my best to ensure the baby is carried and born safely."

"Of course you will."


Knocking on the door to Andromeda's apartment, Liu Xueyi stood outside waiting for her response.

He had been knocking for some time now but no one had answered.

He had been hoping that Andromeda would be home but it seemed that she was out.

His lips curled into a smirk as he looked around the area. The place was quiet.

The sun was already setting by the time he arrived here, so it was dark inside.

And yet, he could see the lights were on.

A few minutes passed before he heard footsteps coming closer to the front door.

Opening the door, he saw a lady standing on the other side.

She had long black hair tied up behind her head, her eyes hidden under her sunglasses. She wore a white shirt with a red jacket over the top of her clothes.

"Hello, Jian Xiaofei," he greeted.

Jian Xiaofei's eyes went wide as she immediately recognized her boss. "Sir. My apologies. P-Please do come in."

"I've been knocking," Liu Xueyi stated as he walked in. 

"I was in the shower."

"Oh. Where is Andromeda?"

"She stepped out to get something for us while I was sleeping. Please have your seat. I am sure she will be here anytime soon," Jian Xiaofei explained. 


Ding! Dong!

Both of them whipped their heads in the direction of the door. Jian Xiaofei smiled at him. "Excuse me. I'll go check if she's back," she stated. 


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