Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 47: Viewership ratings for episode 2

Chapter 47: Viewership ratings for episode 2

Wednesday night.

After Tan Yue had dinner, he turned on the TV and sat on the sofa in the living room playing with his mobile phone.

The ratings of the first episode of "Tree of Wisdom" ranked last on the channel, making all the staff of the program group sweat.

If the ratings of the next program are still so low, maybe one day the meeting will be cut off by notice.

The day before yesterday, Tan Yue played a wave of effective commercials for "Tree of Wisdom" in the "I Am a Singer" live audition, which also boosted the morale of the originally low program team. The rate is a little more expected.

Tan Yue sat on the sofa, flipping through the chats in the working group of the "Tree of Wisdom" program group.

"Come on, the ratings of the second episode will definitely not be bad!"

"Yes, yes, I have followed the program for so many years, and I think the quality of our "Tree of Wisdom" is very good. The ratings were so poor before because there was no publicity. Now Teacher Tan has made such a big promotion for our program, there is no reason to watch it The rate is still not up!"

"I also think our show is good, but I'm quite nervous. After all, if this goes on, it's really bad for the show. We can wait, but the channel won't give us so much time."

"Let's see, I guess the ratings of this episode should go up a bit, as long as we take off our bottom one hat."

"I hope the ratings will increase!"

"It's good to break 4."

Tan Yue watched the group chat for a while, and everyone seemed a little excited.

Tan Yue opened Weibo and looked at the official blog of "Wisdom Tree". So far, there have been many comments from netizens.

Tan Yue roughly flipped through it, basically from watching Tan Yue's performance in "I Am a Singer" before.

What's interesting is that Tan Yue casually clicked on a page commenting on female netizens. He was clearly not married and was still talking about a boyfriend, let alone having a child.

But just like that, he actually ran over to Weibo and left a message saying that he was looking forward to "Tree of Wisdom".

Tan Yue smiled and took a sip from his teacup.

An hour later, the hour hand on the clock hit nine.

At nine o'clock on Wednesday night, the second episode of "Tree of Wisdom" was broadcast as scheduled.

On the basis of the first episode, Tan Yue, who has accumulated a lot of experience, made minor modifications to the second episode.

For example, in the music animation at the beginning, Tan Yue also added some special effects, which children should like more.

Tan Yue sat on the sofa and watched the show while watching the group chat on the phone.

Many people in the "Wisdom Tree" program group are also watching the program and expressing their opinions.

Tan Yue occasionally said a word in the group to cheer everyone up.

After a few links, an hour passed.

When "Tree of Wisdom" ended, it was already ten o'clock.

Tan Yue yawned. Looking at the chats of colleagues in the group just now, he thought this episode was pretty good.

But everyone follows the program every day and watches it every day. "Tree of Wisdom" has long been pleasing to the eye, just like some people think it looks pretty in the mirror. In fact, it is because they watch it more, and the aesthetics have undergone some changes. Only then do I feel good-looking.

People in the program group said that it can't be good-looking, it has to be liked by real audiences!

The ratings will be released tomorrow morning. Whether "Tree of Wisdom" can avoid being cut down depends on tomorrow.

Compared with other colleagues, although Tan Yue is equally nervous, he is still very confident. Others may be worried about the quality of "Tree of Wisdom" itself, but Tan Yue believes that it is not a quality problem, but a publicity problem .

After all, on Earth, the achievements of this children's variety show are there.

During this period of time, Tan Yue was too busy, so he lay down on the bed at ten o'clock in the evening to rest. After a few days, he gradually developed a good habit of going to bed early.

After washing up, he said good night in the group and went back to the bedroom to rest.

the next day,

Tan Yue also got up quite early, picked up his phone and looked at it, there were two unanswered messages.

One was promised, and it was sent after one o'clock in the morning last night, and I asked, "Are you asleep?"

Tan Yue scolded the silly dog and ignored him.

The other is the message sent by sister-in-law An Nuan at 6:03, mainly saying that yesterday's show was very good and Xinxin liked it very much.

Tan Yue smiled and returned a message to An Nuan.

Look at this comparison and you can tell, will some fools go to sleep? Look at An Nuan again, she must have supported her work last night.

After washing up, Tan Yue went out to eat breakfast, and then took the bus to work while wearing a mask.

Yesterday, my mother called him and said that the former neighbors in the old house watched Tan Yue's singing video in the "I am a singer" audition and asked about him.

Although he is not a celebrity, Tan Yue is considered a public figure in Jishui.

When he arrived at the unit, Tan Yue came to the "Wisdom Tree" program group.

Director Zheng Guang has arrived, with Erlang's legs crossed, mouthfuls of steamed buns, and a cup of hot soy milk on hand.

"Teacher Tan is here, have you had breakfast? Would you like to have some together?" Zheng Guang greeted Tan Yue when he saw Tan Yue.

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile, "I've eaten it, you can eat it yourself."

After a while, people from the program group arrived one after another.

When waiting for the ratings just this once a week, the big guys couldn't concentrate on their work and just waited for the ratings.

At ten o'clock, Zheng Guang and two other directors of the Wednesday program group went to check the ratings.

"Fuck, Old Zheng, stay away from me, you smell like oil." A director pinched his nose and moved two steps away from Zheng Guang.

Zheng Guang snorted and said, "This is obviously the authentic Xiaolongbao flavor."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead to get the ratings of the second issue of "Tree of Wisdom".

The ratings of other program groups are very stable, moving within that range every week, nothing to look forward to.

But Zheng Guang is different. The ratings of the first issue of "Wisdom Tree" are only ~ ranked the bottom among all the programs of the entire children's channel. "Tree" has really become the program with the shortest survival time on the station.

Zheng Guang, as the director of the program, is also very detrimental to his future career development. Two consecutive programs have been cut, and no director is willing to bear such a reputation.

After Zheng Guang left, the colleagues in the program group got together and talked.

Everyone was nervous and looking forward to it, for fear of hearing bad news from Zheng Guang about the worst ratings.

Sun Guoqing brought a cup of coffee to Tan Yue, put it on Tan Yue's desk with both hands, and said, "Boss, what do you think our ratings are?"

As the planner of the program group, Sun Guoqing is Tan Yue's direct subordinate, and he calls him the boss to show his intimacy.

Tan Yue thanked him. Yesterday he casually said that the coffee in the tea room was good, but Sun Guoqing remembered it. After thinking about it, he said, "Let's break five."

Compared with the satellite TV stations that face the whole country, if the ratings can break through one, it is a good level, but Jishui TV station is not a satellite TV, but a local station, and the audience is local people, which is relatively more concentrated.

Generally speaking, breaking five is considered a normal level of local programs.

As Tan Yue was the chief planner, many people wanted to know Tan Yue's estimate of the program's ratings, and they all pricked up their ears.

After hearing Tan Yue say that he could break five, the colleagues in the program team also talked about it.

"Break five? This is only the second period, won't it break five so soon?"

"It's fine if you can break four, as long as it's not the bottom one."

"Teacher Tan has great confidence in us, hehe."

While speaking, Zheng Guang walked back with an A3-sized paper, his face flushed, as if he had drunk alcohol.

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