Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 45: The Final Level! Tyrant Corpse!

Chapter 45: The Final Level! Tyrant Corpse!

Chapter 45: The Final Level! Tyrant Corpse!



Instant kill!

Once again, Xiaojiu displayed its immense power to everyone!

A continuous dragon breath, like molten lava pouring from the sky, obliterated the terrifying and nerve-wracking zombie horde in just half a minute, engulfing them completely in a blazing inferno.

Even the ten giant stitched zombies couldn't withstand the destruction of this dragon breath.

It must be noted that Xiaojiu's wisdom attribute now surpassed at least 3000!

All thanks to the magical amplification brought by the Divine Fire Destruction form.

Facing these small monsters with a magic resistance likely below 200, this divine fire breath was utterly devastating.

They could only accept their fate and had no means to resist.

Xiaojiu looked down at the sea of flames below, very satisfied.

These disgusting creatures deserved to be destroyed.

Fearing that some small monsters might not be completely wiped out, it circled the sky once more until it couldn't sense any trace of monsters, then returned to its adorable form and landed back on Qin Fan's shoulder.


Reverting to its pet-like size, Xiaojiu perched on Qin Fan's shoulder, its cries now turned into affectionate coos, rubbing its face against Qin Fan’s intimately.

As if saying: Praise me, master! Praise me!

"Xiaojiu, you're amazing! Thanks to you, we could clear this stage so smoothly!"

Naturally, Qin Fan didn’t hold back his praise.

He affectionately patted Xiaojiu's little head.

On the side, Su Rou once again felt a surge of envy.

How great it would be if she also had such a dragon pet…

But then she thought…

Even if she had a dragon, she couldn't form a contract; she was a priest, not a Dragon Tamer.

Moreover, forming a contract with a dragon required fate.

Not everyone could do it.

Thinking of this, Su Rou could only sigh helplessly.



The principals and teachers on the podium once again fell into silence and awe.

Though they thought this stage's difficulty was a bit beyond the standard.

When they saw Xiaojiu display its invincibility in different forms, they were still overwhelmingly shocked.

They thought the King of Hell's challenge was monstrous enough!

But unexpectedly, Qin Fan turned out to be even more monstrous!


This is just unreasonable!

"I feel that no matter how monstrous the final level is, it can't stop Qin Fan's progress!"

"Moreover, he is very likely to become the record holder for this dungeon labyrinth!"

"In other words, he will surely break the record, and we are about to witness history!"

As Qin Fan's homeroom teacher, Zhao Li couldn't contain his excitement and said.

No way.

A Dragon Tamer with a dragon is just too terrifying!

Clearing the way effortlessly!

Totally unreasonable!

So-called tactics, so-called difficulty levels, so-called tests, seem to be nothing in front of the dragon race!

No wonder they are at the pinnacle of the biological chain!!

"Congratulations to you, Yizhong, for producing such a prodigy!"

"What's funny is that at first, we thought your Dragon Tamer was a waste!"

"Here, I must apologize!"

At this moment, a principal from San Zhong stepped forward and expressed his apology to Luo Yang with a bow.

"Me too, me too!"

"We shouldn't have judged so quickly. Now it seems, we were completely wrong!"

"I must also apologize!"

Similarly, other principals and teachers who had laughed at Yizhong’s Dragon Tamer hurriedly apologized.

They had to apologize!

After all, this Dragon Tamer had really risen!


They weren't apologizing to this principal, but to Qin Fan!

For their previous ridicule of Qin Fan!

This Dragon Tamer was destined to rise!

If they didn’t apologize now, when he becomes a big shot and remembers being mocked in high school, what if he seeks revenge?

Better apologize quickly!

"Hehe! Just a misunderstanding, as long as it's cleared up…"

Luo Yang's smile was stiff.

In fact, he had also been disappointed in Qin Fan.

He didn’t provide Qin Fan with any hidden profession subsidies, thinking he had no chance of rising!

In Longguo Country's double-ten compulsory education, students who successfully transitioned to hidden professions are entitled to certain resource rewards.

Qin Fan, being a Dragon Tamer, a hidden profession, should have received resource rewards.

But Yizhong didn't apply, thinking Qin Fan wouldn’t rise.

"No, after this college entrance exam, I must personally visit and properly apologize!"

Luo Yang decided firmly.

While these events were unfolding outside.

Qin Fan finally reached the final level.

The deepest part of the dungeon labyrinth.

In the very center of the labyrinth stood a magnificent golden palace.

As Qin Fan, with Xiaojiu and Su Rou, stepped into the palace...

"Who dares to intrude upon my imperial tomb!?"

A loud shout suddenly echoed.

In the center of the golden palace stood a tall figure.

This figure wore a golden dragon robe and a luxurious crown, with a square face but iron-blue skin.

The oppressive aura it emitted filled every corner of the palace!

Qin Fan immediately used the 'Eye of Appraisal' skill on it.

[Monster: Tyrant Corpse.]

[Level: 30]

[Type: Humanoid Monster]

[Skills: ???]

[Aptitude: Gold★★★★★]

[Remark: An emperor from an ancient empire, a cruel and brutal tyrant in life, now a corpse steeped in killing, eternally imprisoned here.]


Good heavens!

Qin Fan could only exclaim good heavens!

The final BOSS of a silver-level dungeon turned out to be a monster with a Gold★★★★★ aptitude!!

Completely beyond the standard!

Its four attributes might all be at 500!

100 points higher than Qin Fan's current attributes!


The most crucial point was that this tyrant corpse was a terrifying level 30!

If Qin Fan were to fight it alone, he probably couldn't win!

What the hell?

Is this year's college entrance exam so difficult?

Although surprised, Qin Fan remained calm.

He was a Dragon Tamer, and a Dragon Tamer with a dragon!

Afraid of nothing!

Even more, to Qin Fan’s delight...

The harder the level, the more experience he would gain from clearing it!

This was a good thing!

On the side, Su Rou once again felt lucky for sticking with Qin Fan!

Thankfully, she didn't let go!

"Hmph! Very well! I have been lonely for countless years, longing for the taste of human flesh and blood. You will be my feast!"

"Come forth!!"

As the tyrant corpse's angry shout fell.

"Your majesty!!"


The originally empty golden palace suddenly filled with thousands of undead generals in various uniforms!

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