Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 50: The Harsh Job Transfer Exam

Chapter 50: The Harsh Job Transfer Exam

Chapter 50: The Harsh Job Transfer Exam

“This Level 25 Golden Staff is yours. I don’t need it anyway.”

Although Su Rou wisely declined the distribution of supplies, Qin Fan wasn’t a stingy person.

“I…I can’t accept it! It’s too valuable!” Su Rou exclaimed, covering her mouth.

Indeed! This Level 25 Golden Staff would fetch no less than eighty million Drakes at auction.

And that’s just the starting price. Equipment and skill books are extremely scarce in the market, especially in Anning City.

Let alone Level 25 Golden equipment; even good Level 20 equipment is rare!

In such a market, equipment and skill books are often sold at exorbitant prices, far beyond what ordinary families can afford.

“As the team leader, I’m giving it to you, so just take it!” Qin Fan insisted, tossing the Golden Staff to Su Rou as if it were a piece of trash.

Su Rou carefully caught it, examining it closely, her eyes widening in surprise. No wonder it’s Golden-grade equipment! The enchantment effects and wisdom attribute boosts far surpass the staff her family made for her.

“Thank you!” Su Rou sincerely expressed her gratitude.

Qin Fan waved his hand and stored the remaining items in his internal space.

“Alright! The exam is over; it’s time to head out!” Qin Fan smiled. “Those big shots outside will be shocked!”

“No doubt about it!” Su Rou laughed, her smile radiant and healing.

Sometimes, it’s nice to have a pretty girl in the dungeon; at least, it’s pleasing to the eye and improves the mood.

“Gawu!” At this moment, Xiaojiu poked its head out from Qin Fan’s arms, seemingly saying, “I contributed a lot too!”

“Alright, alright, I know you did the most. Tonight, I’ll get you roast suckling pig, roast lamb, and roast rabbit, all to your taste!” Qin Fan patted the little one’s head with a smile.

Xiaojiu hummed in enjoyment.




Spatial ripples suddenly appeared in the magic teleportation array in the square’s center.

Everyone turned to see Qin Fan and Su Rou’s figures.

This magic teleportation array corresponds to the ‘Return Scroll’ each examinee holds.

Examinees can use this scroll to return to the real world if they encounter danger or complete the dungeon.

Principal Liu Bin, sitting on the podium, stood up, ready to go down and talk to Qin Fan.

At this moment, Qin Fan had already sent Xiaojiu back to the pet space.

Every Beast Tamer has their own pet space. As a Dragon Tamer, a hidden class for Beast Tamers, Qin Fan’s pet space is naturally much larger, accommodating the massive size of dragons.

Just as Liu Bin was about to speak.


The magic array produced more ripples.

Five battered figures appeared next, with two of them collapsing unconscious upon arrival!

On closer inspection, it was a team that chose the difficult level for their exam!

“Help! Save us!” The priest girl, her mana exhausted, cried out.

The medical team, always on standby, immediately came forward to treat them.

Qin Fan and Su Rou quietly watched.

This five-person team had two front-line warriors, a melee DPS, a ranged magic DPS, and a priest. A classic dungeon team composition.


Now, both front-line warriors were severely injured, their armor shattered and bodies covered in blood. They must have been severely wounded in a certain stage, forcing them to retreat.


At that moment, a scream of despair echoed from the screen.

A solo mage in the basic difficulty level was shown, his legs broken by a giant stitched zombie!

He quickly took out a Return Scroll, ready to use it…


But the giant stitched zombie tore him apart, blood raining down, as it greedily opened its mouths—each one sewn onto its body—to lap up the blood.


Su Rou covered her mouth, her face turning pale.

Someone died! A living person just died in front of everyone.

“Waaah…” The frightened priest girl cried harder, likely traumatized.

The principals and teachers on the podium silently watched without a word.

Sadness was evident. They were principals and teachers, and the deceased was their student.


They were helpless.

This is the job transfer exam; this is reality.

On the front lines, the monsters faced by job transfer experts are far more terrifying than those in this exam dungeon!

These principals and teachers have seen countless transfer exams live.

Qin Fan watched silently. He knew that any job transferer who wants to go far must experience such harsh scenes.

Just like when Qin Fan risked his life to obtain the Divine Fire Jade Essence to hatch the dragon egg, facing the cat demon.

He also didn’t know if his ‘Beast Affinity’ talent would work. If not, he would face a life-threatening battle.

As everyone remained silent.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!!

More teams and individuals emerged from the magic array.

To everyone’s surprise…

Even Hou Yibo came out battered!

He had chosen to solo the difficult level!

“Damn! Even Hou Yibo couldn’t pass!”

“This year’s exam is really tough!”

“No kidding, look at Qin Fan and Su Rou; they came out even earlier! They must have failed too, like us!”


Listening to these comments, the frustrated Hou Yibo looked up at Qin Fan and Su Rou.

Then, he stood up and walked over.

He turned to Su Rou, glaring and saying, “Su Rou, I ask you, do you regret it?”

“I suggest you retake the exam with me next year!”

“Teaming up with this loser Dragon Tamer, didn’t you get eliminated?”

He sneered as he spoke.

Clearly, he believed the gossip.

Thinking Qin Fan and Su Rou failed and came out early.

Many around them watched.

These were the ones who couldn’t pass.

Those who could were still grinding in the dungeon, likely needing at least an hour or two more.

This year’s exam was far tougher than anyone imagined.

Most people were stuck at the fourth stage.

Now, Hou Yibo, frustrated by his failure, wanted to mock Su Rou, believing she failed too.

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