Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 52: We Are Not the Top Scorers!

Chapter 52: We Are Not the Top Scorers!

Chapter 52: We Are Not the Top Scorers!


When Tian Jinming, Xiong Shuang, and others saw the senior officials only showing faint smiles, they were a bit stunned. Even the principal of No. 3 High School’s praise seemed perfunctory.

Was this result not good enough? But they had cleared the difficult level of the job transfer exam in a team! This should be top-tier in Anning City, right? At least, looking around, no other examinee could achieve that, right?

While Tian Jinming, Xiong Shuang, and others were puzzled, Liu Bin, the chief examiner exuding terrifying sword intent, bypassed Tian Jinming and the others and approached Qin Fan and Su Rou.

To everyone's surprise…

As this Sword Saint approached, the other principals and teachers also followed closely, surrounding Qin Fan and Su Rou!


What’s going on!?

Not only were the surrounding examinees stunned, but Tian Jinming, Hou Yibo, and others were also dumbfounded.

What are these big shots doing?

“Qin Fan, you’re excellent! Truly excellent!”

In the next second, to the shock of everyone, this usually stern Sword Saint smiled broadly and patted Qin Fan heavily on the shoulder!

This gesture…

Wasn’t it the kind of gesture an elder would make when deeply admiring a junior?

But hadn’t Qin Fan failed to clear the dungeon?

Why would he deserve this?

Tian Jinming and the others were plunged into incomprehensible confusion. The praise that should have been theirs was given to Qin Fan. What sense did this make!?

“Alright, both of you can go home and rest now. Just wait for the results to be announced in seven days!”

“Also… keep it confidential,” Liu Bin instructed meaningfully.

“Understood! Thank you, Chief Examiner Liu!” Qin Fan and Su Rou nodded and thanked him.

Then, under the puzzled and chaotic gazes of the crowd, they left the examination site.

“Director Liu, we shouldn’t be stingy with this year’s top scorer!” After Qin Fan left, Li Bin turned and looked meaningfully at Liu Jinliang.

“Don’t worry about that!”

“I, Old Liu, prepared the rewards for the top scorer the moment I saw the results!”

“Our city’s education bureau will award 2 A-rank universal skill books, thirty million Drakes, a top-tier villa in Century Mansion, and a set of level 20 Purple-grade armor to this year’s top scorer!”

Liu Jinliang, the director of the Anning City Education Bureau, generously announced.

With these words.


Not only did the other principals and teachers react, but all the examinees present also changed their expressions!

Oh my goodness!

The city’s top scorer this year would receive such top-tier rewards?

Especially those 2 A-rank universal skill books, which are priceless treasures!

“Of course, our local pharmaceutical companies, forging companies, real estate companies, automobile companies, and others will also offer generous rewards!”

“Is this satisfactory, Chief Examiner Liu?”

Liu Jinliang continued to announce more rewards.

With these words.

The examinees’ expressions changed once again.


This year’s top scorer would be rewarded with resources from the entire city!

Past top scorers never received such treatment!

Could it be because this year’s exam was too difficult, so they decided to reward the top scorer generously?

But this is too generous!

After all, this is a small fourth or fifth-tier city!

Yet, the rewards are richer than those in big cities!

It’s said that the top scorer in first-tier cities only gets one A-rank universal skill book!

But Anning City is offering two!


Tian Jinming and Xiong Shuang were completely stunned!

And excited!

The chief examiner must have patted Qin Fan’s shoulder because of Su Rou!

Everyone knows that although the Su family in Anning City is a small family in Longguo Country, Su Rou’s father once saved the life of a Four-tier expert!

Because of this, Su Rou received the ‘Hymn Singer’ Second-turn Scroll from that expert!

The chief examiner patting Qin Fan’s shoulder was likely to comfort Su Rou and indirectly give face to that Four-tier expert.


It must be so!

The top scorer would still be between me and Xiong Shuang!

In the previous dungeon, Tian Jinming’s output was 5% higher than Xiong Shuang’s.

So, he might become the top scorer!

Thinking this, Tian Jinming couldn’t help but smile triumphantly, even if he wanted to maintain a calm demeanor.


Life couldn’t get better!

Once he becomes the top scorer, he would propose to Su Rou, marry her, and gain connections with that Four-tier expert.


He would have both connections and resources!



Seeing Tian Jinming’s smile, Xiong Shuang’s heart sank.

He knew his output was lower than Tian Jinming’s.

So, the top scorer might really be him!

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

He approached his school principal and asked quietly, “Principal, do you think Tian Jinming will be the top scorer?”

Although principals don’t grade the job transfer exams, they have a good idea of who will be the top scorer after many years of experience.

“You’re talking nonsense. How could Tian Jinming be the top scorer?” The No. 3 High School principal shook his head with a smile.


Not Tian Jinming!?

Xiong Shuang’s eyes lit up with joy!!

If it’s not Tian Jinming…

Then it’s me!?

The principal glanced at him, seemingly seeing through his excited expression, and had to add, “Don’t get excited, you’re not the top scorer either!”

Xiong Shuang: “…”


Not him!

Not Tian Jinming!?

Then who!?

Xiong Shuang was completely dumbfounded!

He walked back to Tian Jinming, dejected.

Tian Jinming, still in high spirits, smiled at the surrounding examinees.

Seeing him so smug, Xiong Shuang was annoyed.

Neither of us is the top scorer, and you still put on this stupid act!

“Come here! I need to tell you something!”

Xiong Shuang pulled Tian Jinming to a corner.

“What is it? Are you jealous that I’m about to become the top scorer and want me to share the reward with you?”

“No way!” Tian Jinming sneered.

“Damn it!”

Xiong Shuang couldn’t help but curse.

“See, you’re upset…”

“Upset my ass! Neither of us is the top scorer! Do you know how stupid you look being so smug?” Xiong Shuang glared at him.

“Huh? Not us!?” Tian Jinming was dumbfounded.

A huge thank you to [SLayGunner and Tristan Roy and openope and MrMooCow and Gapir58 and Brian Barrett] for joining my Patreon! Your support means the world to me.

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