Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 54: All Good Things Must Come to an End

Chapter 54: All Good Things Must Come to an End

Chapter 54: All Good Things Must Come to an End

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

This morning, all the parents in Anning City were eagerly waiting, sitting with their children in front of the computer, nervously awaiting the 9 o'clock results release on the Anning City Education Bureau’s official website.

Today is the day that students and parents nationwide look forward to the most every year.

Because today decides if their lives will take a dramatic turn for the better.

For ordinary people, if their children can get into a prestigious school, their future is bound to change significantly.

It’s known that since the integration of the game world with reality and the start of the Great Cataclysm, the power of job changers has been highly valued by countries worldwide.

Industries related to job changers have become the most sought-after fields.

For instance…

Teachers at job transfer high schools.

Training instructors at adventure guilds.

Practical combat teachers.


And so on.

The welfare benefits for these professions are exceptionally good.

So many ordinary people hope their children can get into prestigious combat academies, achieve great things, and then enter these desirable professions.

Of course…

If they achieve excellent grades, staying to work at the university is also a great option.

Therefore, the day of the results release naturally becomes an event of national attention.

Qin Fan did not wait in front of the computer for the results because he already knew his score.

He would definitely be first.

During these seven days, he was preparing for his study tour.

During this time, he also contacted Su Rou, asking her to use her family’s connections to find some reliable people to join the orphanage as new staff.

At this moment, Qin Fan's phone rang.

Upon answering, Su Rou’s cheerful and clear voice came through.

“Qin Fan! The results are out!”

“You're the top scorer! You’re the top scorer of Nanzhou Province!”

Qin Fan wasn’t excited at all because this was already within his expectations.

“How about you? How did you do?”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

“Thanks to you, my results are very good too, definitely in the top twenty of the province, so getting into one of the top five academies won’t be a problem!”

“I really have to thank you. Without you, I probably wouldn’t have done so well!”

Su Rou said sincerely.

She wasn’t exaggerating at all.

All she did was give Qin Fan some buff skills during the exam.

Although this was because she was just an auxiliary class, if she had teamed up with anyone else, she wouldn’t even have made it to the top twenty in Anning City, let alone the province.

Even in a team, the overall score of examinees is based on their performance.

Qin Fan single-handedly raised the team’s score, allowing her to have such a high comprehensive score and evaluation.

“Well, congratulations to you too. By the way, which university do you plan to apply to?”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

“What about you? Which university are you applying to?”

Su Rou didn’t answer but asked in return.

“I’ll probably apply to Dongling Academy.”

Qin Fan said.

The top five academies are:

Dongling Academy.

Fengtian Academy.

Shengchuan Academy.

Nanyun Academy.

Yaoxing Academy.

Logically speaking, Qin Fan should apply to Nanyun Academy, the closest one.

After all, Nanyun Academy is within Nanzhou Province.

But unfortunately…

Nanyun Academy is not a combat academy.

It’s a specialized academy for auxiliary professions.

As mentioned before.

In this world, professions are classified into several categories.

Life, enhancement, and combat classes.

Combat classes hold the highest status and are divided into offensive and auxiliary professions.

Life and enhancement professions are collectively classified as 'auxiliary professions.'

For example, chefs, enchanters, blacksmiths, alchemists…

These all fall under the category of auxiliary professions.

Nanyun Academy specializes in training auxiliary professions.

It’s said that the deans of Nanyun Academy are all god-level auxiliary professionals, enjoying high status and reputation in Longguo Country and globally.


Nanyun Academy, as a top-tier auxiliary profession academy, is the wealthiest, and they don’t select students based on exam scores but on whether the student’s awakened talent matches an auxiliary profession.

That’s why Qin Fan didn’t choose Nanyun Academy but opted for Dongling Academy.

“My dad wants me to go to Fengtian Academy…”

Su Rou’s tone noticeably dimmed.

“That’s fine too. After all, it’s an important life choice, and Fengtian Academy has a very strong faculty. You’ll learn a lot there.”

Qin Fan said with a smile.

He didn’t mind too much.

“I actually want to apply to the same school as you…”

This sentence was buried in Su Rou’s heart and left unsaid.

She had promised Qin Fan to keep the secret of his dragon pet, not even telling her father.

In addition to the exam results, all information about examinees must be kept strictly confidential.

So even after the results are out, the outside world only knows that Qin Fan is the top scorer, but his combat footage will be strictly confidential.

All examinees are like this.

Only scores are published, not their information.

The principals and teachers supervising the exam are not allowed to mention it.

“Alright, don’t forget to go to school tomorrow. The admission officers from the prestigious academies will be coming in person.”

Su Rou said softly before ending the call with a tinge of sadness.

Qin Fan didn’t mind too much.

Su Rou choosing Fengtian Academy was normal. Fengtian Province is the capital of Longguo Country.

It’s a place full of prodigies, with numerous aristocratic families and widespread connections, fitting Su Rou’s family’s future plans.

She will likely end up marrying some prodigy from a prominent family.

These are not things Qin Fan cared about; he just found Su Rou to be a polite, non-spoiled rich girl who was pleasant to be friends with.

If she applied to the same university, they could team up in the future, and he could help her out.

But now, they must part ways.

All good things must come to an end.


Just as Qin Fan was thinking about what to have for dinner, a sudden system notification sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for making a remarkable achievement in the job transfer exam, winning the top scorer title of Nanzhou Province!]

[Combining the host’s overall performance, you have exceeded the system’s challenge task!]

[Rewards matching the achievement are about to be distributed!]

Hearing this, Qin Fan’s eyes lit up, and any sentimental thoughts vanished instantly.

It’s here!

The system’s grand reward is finally here!

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