Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 62: Naming Qinghan! Nickname Xiaohan

Chapter 62: Naming Qinghan! Nickname Xiaohan

Chapter 62: Naming Qinghan! Nickname Xiaohan


This melodious yet impatient chirp came from the small ice-blue creature's mouth.

Evidently, the newly hatched little one was startled by Xiaojiu.

On the other hand, Xiaojiu, with its carefree nature, continued to stare curiously at the ice-blue little dragon, whose bloodline pressure was no weaker than its own.

It had to be said...

The newly born ice-blue dragon was undoubtedly more noble in appearance and demeanor compared to Xiaojiu.

Its round dragon body shone a crystal blue like ice, with snowflake patterns adorning its dragon wings.

Two crystal-like dragon horns stood on its little head, and its eyes sparkled like the clear blue sky of winter.

If one were to make a comparison...

Xiaojiu was like a lively and cute neighborhood teenage girl.

While the ice-blue little one was like a princess of the dragon clan, exuding an aura of nobility and elegance.

After the initial panic subsided, the ice-blue dragon lifted its head, regained its previous noble demeanor, and looked proudly at Qin Fan, ignoring Xiaojiu.

What surprised Qin Fan even more was...

He could understand the ice-blue dragon's thoughts: Servant, what are you standing there for? Hurry and deal with this troublesome creature!


It considered him a servant?


How could he understand its thoughts?


Just as Qin Fan was lost in thought.

Xiaojiu, unable to contain its curiosity, approached slowly, cornering the ice-blue dragon, and then sniffed it.


Xiaojiu tilted its head and looked at Qin Fan.

He understood Xiaojiu's question: Is this my little sister?


The ice-blue dragon immediately chirped in refusal.

Clearly, it didn't want to be Xiaojiu's little sister.

The two baby dragons had different cries.

Xiaojiu chirped “gawu gawu.”

While the ice-blue little one chirped “ying ying ying.”

No, this wasn't the time to focus on their cries!

In that moment.

Qin Fan suddenly realized...

After careful sensing, he was astonished to find...

He had already formed a contract with the ice-blue dragon!

When did this happen?

He remembered that every time he used the “Dragon Mastery” on this mysterious dragon egg, it always showed failure!


At this moment, the system's emotionless prompt sounded in his mind.

[The system detects the host's extreme confusion and provides an explanation.]

[This mysterious dragon egg, as a welfare reward, automatically recognizes the master upon successful hatching, without stringent bonding conditions.]


So that's how it is!

Simultaneously, the detailed information of the ice-blue dragon appeared in Qin Fan's mind.

[Dragon Pet: Frost Holy Dragon (Lord of Winter)]

[Name/Nickname: None]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: Less than a month]

[Level: 1]

[Four Attributes: Strength 300; Wisdom 300; Physique 270; Agility 270] (No buffs, equipment, or items)


1. Ice Immunity (S): Passive skill, as the Lord of Winter, it can be immune to 100% of ice attribute damage.

2. Frost Breath (S): Active skill, sprays frost dragon breath forward, causing significant ice attribute damage to all enemies in a certain range.

3. Embrace of the Snow (A): Active skill, when activated, grants ice power protection to friendly targets, increasing health, dual resistance attributes by 80%; damage increases by 200%.

4. Winter Domain (S): Aura skill, when activated, all enemy targets within a 1km radius centered on itself will be affected by the power of frost, reducing all attributes by 70%.]

Qin Fan was utterly shocked!

What a monster!

I can only exclaim in awe!

The little dragon hatched from the mysterious egg was on the same level as Xiaojiu! Both were top-tier holy dragons!

Their Four Attributes at level 1 were identical!

And its accompanying skills were also a combination of 3S and 1A!

However, this Frost Holy Dragon seemed more inclined towards support!

Especially the skills ‘Embrace of the Snow’ and ‘Winter Domain.’

One enhanced friendly units' attributes, while the other weakened enemy units' attributes!

And the percentages of enhancement and weakening were astonishing!


While Qin Fan was marveling at the little one's power.

A cry for help suddenly reached his ears.

Looking over...

What a sight!

Xiaojiu had already started fulfilling its duty as the big sister, licking the Frost Holy Dragon, which it considered its little sister!

It's well known that feline creatures express care and comfort to their kind by licking them.

It seems that the dragon clan has inherited the habits of feline creatures.

However, the Frost Holy Dragon seemed quite averse to this elder sister.

It flapped its beautifully patterned wings, trying to escape.

But under the suppression of Xiaojiu’s level 15 attributes, it was pinned down by its little claws, unable to resist.

Thus, it could only chirp “ying ying ying” to Qin Fan for help.

“Alright, Xiaojiu, can’t you see your sister is about to cry because of you?”

“Stop it.”

Qin Fan quickly pulled the overly enthusiastic Xiaojiu away and held the pitiful Frost Holy Dragon in his arms.

Xiaojiu, although pulled away, didn’t get angry. Its four little dragon claws kept hopping around, excitedly watching its sister.

The Frost Holy Dragon, once under its master’s protection, raised its head proudly, ignoring the overly enthusiastic sister.

“Since you are my second dragon pet, it is my duty as your master to give you a name.”

Qin Fan said with a smile, rubbing the little Frost Holy Dragon’s head.


The proud Frost Holy Dragon responded.

But it also conveyed a thought: Servant, hurry and give me a name! And it better be a good one!

This made Qin Fan laugh helplessly.

But he still began to think seriously.

When it comes to naming...

Qin Fan believed he was quite capable.

Thinking of snow-related names...

He suddenly recalled a game character from his past life, whose lines were altered from an ancient poem.

"Who first saw the snow by the river? When did the snow first shine on people by the river?"

This line was adapted from the ancient poem “Who first saw the moon by the river? When did the moon first shine on people by the river?”

“Got it.”

“Your proud demeanor like a princess and your frost attribute…”

“Really suit that character.”

“Little one, you shall be named Qinghan.”

“Nickname Xiaohan.”

Qin Fan said with a smile.


Hearing this, the Frost Holy Dragon’s crystal blue eyes sparkled brightly.


It was satisfied with the name.

“Gawu gawu!”

Seeing that her sister had received a satisfactory name and nickname from their master, Xiaojiu also chirped happily.

Its four short legs kept hopping around.

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