Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1827 The Emperor's Breakthrough

Chapter 1827 The Emperor's Breakthrough

Hannah sensed the moment Alex came out of the trance he had fallen into. She felt a hint of relief deep inside her when she sensed that as that told her that Alex had beaten his Inner Demon.

That was the most troubling part of Alex's cultivation every time, so the fact that he managed to succeed meant that as long as nothing from the outside affected him, he was going to break through to the next realm.

At any other time, this would've been a lot more than just a simple hint of joy. It would have been a profound sense of happiness.

However, at this moment, with what she saw before her, she found it hard to be very happy.

The lightning bolt fell from the sky and the Dragon Emperor fought through it. He was beaten and somewhat wounded, but he stood victorious against the tribulation lightning bolt.

He had successfully survived all 9 tribulation lightning.

'Why did you take so long, Alex?' Hannah worried. 'Are you going to make it in time at all?'

* * * * * *

The Dragon Emperor took a deep breath, ignoring the burning ache that emanated all throughout his muscles, deep into his bones. How long had it been since he had felt the pain of this level?

Even when he lost his arm or when he was nearly cut in half, the pain was not like this.

There was a special pain to this tribulation lightning that was a product of the pain itself, the tiredness he felt, and the significant lack of Qi he had in him.

Each time he protected himself from the bolt of lightning, his Qi got stronger, but in that same process, they became less as well.

As time went on, by the time he was done dealing with all 9 lightning bolts he knew would fall during this tribulation, there were only a few more attacks he could do with the remaining Qi.

The Dragon Emperor didn't eat a pill to heal or to gain his Qi back. He had a feeling that if he did that right now, the lightning tribulation would get harder all of a sudden to compromise for him using external means.

He could only do this with what he started with.

He took another deep breath and held onto his Noble Dragon spear tightly, feeling his regular Qi which was now nearly as powerful as his Immortal Qi, as it surged through him into the spear.

Bright sparks of lightning bolts forked out from the spear.

The Dragon Emperor had noticed long ago that Alex and the rest had remained to fight him. He wanted to kill them all right now if he could, but he couldn't let his focus switch from this moment.

He had to give his all for the next bolt of lightning that came down.

The sky crackled and shot another lightning bolt. This time, it held within it an aura of Wood energy, shooting down from the sky with an unimaginable power.

The Dragon Emperor shot back his bolt of lightning, shooting at it with an attack mixed with his Dao of lightning and Spear aura.

The attack burst the sky with bright light, exploding the air with a large shockwave that sent out a force that shook the very ground.

The Dragon Emperor felt the aura of the heavens fall on him again, the dao of Wood emanating from it. At the same time, he felt the Qi in his body reduce and become stronger.

'How many more?' the Dragon Emperor wondered. There were 2 more Dao lightning to go through. He hoped that he had enough Qi to fight against those 2 attacks.

He prepared once again and the next lightning bolt formed. This one was for the Dao of Lightning itself.

The Dragon Emperor felt a little more confident. This was the Dao he used the most and knew the most, so he feared it would be the strongest for some reason.

He only knew Dao Lightnings were as strong as the Dao one understood, so that was what he assumed it to be.

The bolt of lightning fell and the Dragon Emperor launched his attack at the same time, leaving enough Qi for one more attack.

The lightning bolt took the form of a dragon as it flew toward the incoming bolt of Dao lightning.

The glowing dragon struck the incoming Dao lightning, and the crash let out a roar that shook the ground once again.

The Dragon Emperor felt the direct force of the rebound and stumbled to the ground, being forced to prop himself up with his hand.

He took heavy breaths, his chest heaving violently as he took in mouthful of air into his lung at every moment. His ears rang from the clash and he had to shake his head to keep himself from only hearing it forever.

He pulled himself up by his spear, slowly getting himself back into the moment. It wasn't over just yet, he couldn't let himself falter like this.

He checked the Qi in his body. It was very, very low.

However, it would be enough for just one more attack.

'Here goes nothing,' the Dragon Emperor thought and poured all of his Qi into this one attack.

The sky roared with thunder as the heavens prepared the final attack to send down on the Dragon Emperor.

Space aura filled the sky, the Dao of Space Expansion being woven into the next attack.

'Is this my strongest Dao then?' the Dragon Emperor wondered.

All of the remainder of his Qi flowed into his Spear, not a single bit remaining on his body to protect himself from the rebound. He had no choice but to do just that.

Long Tiankong looked at the sky and waited. When the lightning bolt fell from the sky, he let out his attack as well.

His attack roared as it flew to the sky, directly on the path to attack the falling lightning bolt. The two attacks struck each other, and momentarily, the Dragon Emperor lost all sense of self and person.

Then the loudest sound he had ever heard came from the clash, shaking the entire continent because of it. The Dragon Emperor felt himself pushed back by the force, immediately being flung away like a broken kite.

He skidded along the ground for nearly 200 meters before being stopped by the walls of a building. He was beaten and bloodied and in a hell of a lot of pain.

However, even through all that, the Dragon Emperor grinned. He ignored his pain, the black spots that swam in his vision, he ignored the constantly ringing eardrums.

All he did was focus on the very moment in front of him. He had done it, finally.

After 10 thousand years, after millennia of waiting for this one moment, he did it.

He closed his eyes and ignored what happened in the sky next. He could feel a strong aura gathering, enough to kill him, but he knew nothing would be happening to him at this very moment.

The Dragon Emperor simply remained there like a broken ragdoll until the moment he could feel what happened next.

He had stepped into the Immortal realm, and there would be the merging of body and soul for him to fully enter it.

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