Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[65] Shadow of the Deep Sea

[65] Shadow of the Deep Sea

Chapter 65: Shadow of the Deep Sea

Although we had that verbal agreement, I made the cubs sign the Official Summoning Contract too.

I trusted their loyalty, but at the same time, it's been a couple of thousand years since my Trigathar self died. It would be odd if the cult's loyalty was the same as I recalled, moreover when these five are kids. On top of that, the official contract would make sure they are unable to disobey its contents even in case of mental manipulation. The Heaven's Will will keep it in check.

There weren't any complicated rules in the contract though. It stated the same thing they agreed to verbally. They were to follow all of My and my Family's orders. The five of them already signed it easily, and the magical contract burst into light particles.

I rearranged the couch back to its former place and let the girls in. The humans sat on the couch while the cubs sat on the floor, looking up at her with awe. 

On a side note, I warned them not to talk about my past to anyone from this world. So there shouldn't be any problem with their interactions.

"Hmm," Ai hummed, looking at the cubs with a curious look on her face. "They are cute. You sure they can do manual labour? Can they shapeshift? Earlier, you said the Summoned beings can."

"I can," Blue chimed. "The others can't since they never bothered to learn polymorph."

"That's troublesome..." Ruby pondered.

"Not necessarily," Tsubasa seemed to have an idea. 

"How so?" Asia was curious, and so were we. We all turned to her.

"Well, many celebrities own fancy pets. As Japan's biggest celebrity, Ai can own a few too." Tsubasa explained. "The boxer legend Mike Tyson owns a tiger, you know?"

"That's actually a good idea," Ai agreed. "I think I'll make this 'Blue' my driver since she can shapeshift. She can also act as my bodyguard outside. Inside the household, it's great just having tigers. People will be on their edge if they want to try anything. As for the front gates, I can install technical security there."

"That works," I agreed and looked at the cubs. "But still, learn polymorph soon just in case. It shouldn't take more than a few weeks."

"Alright, milord!" The tigers agreed.

* * *

I needed rest for the next couple of days, so I slept after setting up posts for the tiger cubs. Morning came in no time, and we got up a few hours before the usual time.

In the dining room, both my and Tsubasa's family gathered. Uncle Ichigo and Aunty Miyako were a little startled by the tigers, asking Ai why she bought such dangerous pets without notifying them but ultimately calmed down. They didn't suspect anything since Ai was always chaotic with her money like that, buying whatever she wished.

They were more shocked after they found out about Asia a few days ago. Had this woman really just kidnapped a child? Compared to that, this was no big deal. 

"It's gonna be your first time in the States, but you'll be fine." Uncle Ichigo told me while eating breakfast with all of us. "And it seems like you are gonna have a girlfriend when you return. Sad, I wished…"

"Honey~" Miyako quickly elbowed her husband in the ribs before he could say something embarrassing. He wanted me to end up with their daughter, though they never really pushed that idea.

'Well. Tell you what.' I looked at Tsubasa as she blushed and looked away. She too found the talk amusing, but unlike me, she found it embarrassing too.

She looked fine otherwise. She agreed not to be my official girlfriend herself, so she didn't feel much – or show much reaction – hearing I'll get a girlfriend for myself.

"He better," Ai said in a warning tone, as if she'd eat me alive if I didn't return with a girl.

"Um, good luck with getting yourself a girlfriend. I'll pray for you." Asia said as she clasped her hands and my family burst out laughing. She's cute.

"Mhm," only Ruby stayed silent, her head lowered as she ate in silence. Now, what's up with that little girl?

Soon, we finished eating. Uncle gave me some advice, and even Miyako talked to me after a long time. After I saved Tsubasa that night by her stepmother's request, she stopped avoiding me as much as before.

I returned to my room to change while the family chattered amongst themselves. I just put on my pants when a knock fell on the door.

"Aqua, it's me…" it was Tsubasa.

I opened the door and yanked her inside.

* * *

Tsubasa left the room a few minutes later after having a blood feast. It had been a while since she last drank my blood, so she needed that. 

I closed the door to finally put a shirt on. Just when I did so, yet to close the buttons, the door knocked once again.

I opened the door, "What is this Tsubasa, back again for another roun- ah."

It wasn't Tsubasa I stared into the eyes of.

Red eyes of my twin sister stared back at me, lowering a little to observe the lipstick marks all over my chest.



Silence stretched before Ruby gave me a disgusted look. 

"Ew. I can't believe how you manage this." She probably recalled the time she saw me kiss Tsubasa and then Mem-Cho right after. "Anyways, come out already or you'll miss your flight." She said and turned around.

I felt she had something else she wanted to say. She had been acting weird since the morning, but it didn't seem like she wanted to talk now. Then after I return, I guess.


My family dropped me at the airport, and I was taken inside by a filming crew member. I put my luggage away and was led to the plane. It was a private plane, to my surprise. How did they afford a private plane? Damn.

Gazes fell upon me when I walked in. My [Jade Perception] told me there were two compartments, one for the filming crew and another for the acting crew. I was currently on the second, as the kids' gazes fell upon me.

"Hey, A-kun!" Mem waved with a cheerful smile.

From beside her, Mai also waved, though she didn't say anything. The boys high fived me as I walked by the seats to look for mine and found an empty beside Akane.

"Mind if I-?" I nudged my chin at her as she smiled softly and nodded.

"Good morning," she said as she moved to the side to let me sit.

After exchanging greetings, I began to chat with her. The plane took off soon.

* * *

It took a bit more than eight hours to reach Hawaii. The insane travel time would have bored me to death if not for the kids. They could be fun for when it counts.

Finally, we dropped in on Oahu. We left the airport and headed to our resort. It was in the Waimanalo Beach of Oahu.

"Nice place," Memmy said as I sat beside her on a jeep, our eyes looking around. "It's so beautiful…"

"Not bad for a mortal plane, I suppose," I murmured.


"It's nothing."

After travelling for half an hour, we reached the place we would be staying at. A resort, a large white building with an infinity pool on top. It looked nice.

We lodged, and the film crew notified us about our shoot. It will begin tomorrow, the episode will suddenly show that we are in Hawaii and we'll enjoy our time. So today and tonight was a free roll.

I wanted to explore the sea. Dive down and look for some mermaids, maybe. I actually really liked Fish People. Their meat tasted good… Though I suppose it'd be inhumane of me to eat them in this life. 

Haah, the threads of moralities once again keep me tied down.

Sadly, I couldn't go out on my own. The kids pulled me with their little group to see the town around us. To grab some seafood and roam around a little.

"Why must I go?"

"I feel responsible not to make you feel excluded, kid." Mem-Cho pulled me by my wrist as I sighed and walked behind her. She's lucky she's cute, otherwise…

Time flew, and the day ended. We had personal rooms this time since this was for one episode and not two; we didn't have to shoot any content in our rooms, so trying a sleepover scenario wasn't needed.

Which made it easier for me to slip out and go dip in the sea. The possibility of meeting a mermaid aside, I really just wanted to see the sea. It's been a while. 

I didn't want to recall my 8th life, but during that time I came to understand just how beautiful life under the sea was. Being half a Fishman allowed me to experience the sea great.

Now let me see what hides beneath the sea of this world.

* * *

My body slipped beneath the surface of the crystal-clear waters off the coast of Maui, a world of enchanting beauty welcomed me. 

I used the [Tiger Icon] to breathe under the sea; since I had evolved to a space monster in that life, I could even breathe in outer space. It would have been easier to just call something from my 8th life, but there was no need. I didn't want to burden myself by connecting with more Icons than necessary at Underlord. Instead of a Mirage Frame, my insides were what transformed this time.

The ocean's beauty unfolded before my eyes. The initial surprise of the cold water was quickly replaced by the calmness of being able to breathe effortlessly beneath the waves. My lungs, adapted to this aquatic realm, allowed me to savour the sensation of salty seawater filling them.

Moonlight filtered down in intricate and dappled patterns, casting an ethereal glow upon the vibrant coral reef below. Schools of iridescent fish darted around me, their colors a dazzling kaleidoscope as they either lingered or scattered by the odd human's presence. 

Some came and hung out with me, rubbing themselves with my face. How nostalgic.

I could hear the melodious symphony of the ocean as the faint crackling of snapping shrimp, the distant songs of humpback whales, and the soft rustling of swaying kelp leaves filled my ears. The sound under the sea was much different than the sound above.

I decided to descend further, marvelling at the underworld of the sea. Anemones swayed gently in the gentle current, their tentacles waving like colourful banners. 

It was then that I encountered something beyond normal. My eyes sparkled as I encountered a sea turtle, its ancient eyes gazing into mine with a wisdom born of millennia in this underwater world. 

"Ggghmmm…" the thousand year old sea beast stared into my eyes. Then it turned and left me alone. Good choice.

I ate turtle meat earlier, so I wasn't in the mood for it again. Lucky thing, go thank Mem-Cho. The turtle's surprisingly fast movements carried out away as it left.

As I ventured deeper, bubbles of water around me, the moonlight faded, and the depths grew darker. 

Bioluminescent creatures, like tiny stars, illuminated my path. How beautiful. In the distance, the eerie silhouette of a shipwreck emerged, covered in corals and inhabited by curious eels that peered out from the shadows.

I swam amidst swaying forests of giant kelp, their towering fronds reaching for the surface far above. A sense of profound connection enveloped me. With each breath, I remained a part of this magical realm— and then I sensed danger.

It was like a badger sensing a snake.

My White Tiger senses rang like a bell as the shadow of a massive serpentine dragon caught my eyes in the distance. Mixed chills ran down my spine as the feeling of threat clashed with the urge to fight.

'That's not a small dragon. It's more than a few kilometers long.' I noted. 

How was such a beast hiding so near Hawaii? How had it never come out to humanity's view? 

That thing could level America, Mexico, and its nearby lands with ease.

Not wanting to destroy Hawaii, but very curious about who that creature was, I had to hold back a grumble. I put effort into concealing my presence and left the area. There wasn't any point in clashing with an unbothered beast of destruction. 

* * * 

[Third Person Point of View]

God-in-Spirit Quetzalcoatl strode out of the sea as her serpentine body transformed into humanoid. She stepped into the sand as she stretched her arms, her wet body glistening under the moonlight.

"Mhm, what was that?" As she stood on the beach of Mexico, having returned from the little mass of Hawaii, she asked out loud.

"What are you talking about, O' my God King?" A feminine voice asked as the sand beneath Quetzalcoatl's feet morphed. The visage of a woman formed. Chalchiuhtlicue, an Aztec deity of water, rivers, and seas, said. "Did you not enjoy the swim?"

"Oh, it was fantastic," she jerked her hair off the water. "It shook off the irritation I was feeling recently. You know, they sensed the Box of Xotolt in Japan, and then they sensed the weapon that was inside. The Sword of Death has been taken out. Yet, we don't know its location because it was taken out in a Middle Shore realm and used in a Heavenly Realm. That means that the Shinto Gods know about the weapon, and I needed that swim to calm my nerves. I was just about to rush to Shinto and wreck a little havoc just now."

"Ah," the Sea Goddess smiled awkwardly.

"Don't worry, O' She of the Jade Skirt," Quetzalcoatl started. "I am feeling relaxed for now. Instead, tell me this. Did you sense any peculiar presence in the sea? I think I sensed… Tezcatlipoca or one of his people." That would be the Jaguar God, the Aztec equivalent of the White Tiger of the West. "It was odd."

"Hm," the Goddess hummed. "I sensed a human going deep in, that's all. I didn't pay much attention, so maybe it was him who you sensed? The depth he went into is too much for a normal human to venture to."

"I see," the Aztec Chief God nodded and stretched a bit more. "Alright then. I was supposed to go to Hawaii tomorrow anyway, I wanted to see a few people. I guess this is another reason to venture there. See you later, Jade Skirt."

Quetzalcoatl said before she leapt into the air. Wings came out of her back and carried her through the clouds and into her heaven.




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