Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[75] Seducing the Devil

[75] Seducing the Devil

Chapter 75: Seducing the Devil

I flew into the sky of Hawaii and muttered curses under my breath. People were all waking up at once, still dazed. I suppose it won't wear off until everyone is awake. The memory erasure technique did its job.

Flying over to my resort, I paused as my eyes caught on a figure waving at me. It was Mem-Cho, and she wasn't alone — the bunny girl and Akane were beside her.

“Aqu-tan! A-kun! Aqua!” She called my different nicknames fearing I couldn't hear her, and I waved back to calm her down.

I flew over and landed before them, and she let out a relieved sigh. “I thought you got into trouble. You look fine… But are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” I tilted my head. “How do you have your… memories intact?”

Mem blinked, as did the two girls behind her. She smiled widely. “Well, when I first saw that beam of light killing the Kraken thing, I thought the fight ended. But then another beam of light happened, so I was unsure if Hawaii was safe. So I ran to find these two and hid on the ground floor with a Time Bubble around us. Whatever made the rest of the population lose their senses didn't affect us.”

Ah. Was it her Time Bubble or the fact that she was underground, that the light of Venus didn't reach her? Even so, it sure was the Time Bubble that just ignored or lessened the pressure of [Heaven Icon]. 

That's impressive.

“You did well,” I ruffled her hair as she frowned, quickly shoving my hand away. How pouty. “Anyways, the situation has been dealt with without any issues. You guys don't need to be on edge. Enjoy the last few hours and let's get ready to leave.”

“Sure, if you say you're alright…” Mai said as she glanced at me from the side of her eyes before walking away. “Next time you can ask for help… I might not be very strong, but my powers are useful.”

Akane just stood there, staring at me and then down at her feet. She looked at my eyes and nodded, before silently walking away. She might be feeling useful, always having to be protected by others.

“How about you go talk to that girl? She seems sad,” Mem-Cho turned around and began to walk away too when I was busy staring at Akane's back.

What's up with her?

I yanked her by her wrist and spun her around, pulling her against my body. Her face went red as I lifted her chin up and frowned down at her.

“W-what are you doing?!”

“Holding my girl, what else?”

“....” She looked away, her face growing a tint redder, but she said nothing. I dragged her to the swimming pool to enjoy a bath.

I think I have… played around with her enough. It's time to do something to close the deal. I'll work on it in the place where the production crew takes us next.

* * *

As I expected, the population regained their senses only after everyone was awake. They continued their prior conversation, work, or whatever they were doing as if there was nothing wrong with it.

A few hours later, the production crew led us to the airport and we took the plane. As Mai Senpai had told me in school, the last episode will also be shot in the US. I didn’t know where, but now I did.

“Why Disneyland?”

“Shut up, I've wanted to go there since I was a kid! Be happy for me.”

Mem-Cho didn't agree with my unamused reaction at the location. I guess they had to add an amusement park in the season.

After the plane landed, we lodged in a massive resort made out of white marble. Before we went into our rooms, the director said his bidding words.

“We’ll shoot around tomorrow a bit and then on the day after. Disneyland will be in tomorrow's schedule. Remember, on the last day's shoot, it will all happen Live.”

We left for our rooms. This time again, we had our separate rooms. The guys had rooms on the left side of the hallway and the girls had on the right; coincidentally my room faced Mem-Cho's directly.

After dinner at the fancy restaurant on the first floor, we roamed the area for a bit. We explored the outside area, then went to the room, and met some internet celebrities - while Mem-Cho recorded with a phone. This clip we posted on Twitter right away, is a teaser for the next episode.

After having some fun, we went back to our rooms. Well, the others did. I followed Mem-Cho into her room, slipping past her door right before she could close it.

“What?” Mem-Cho asked as she closed the door with a click. “Creep. Get out.” 

She said that but she had already closed the door and was walking back to her bed. She fell on her back on the bed and let out a yawn while dropping the plastic bag in her hand on the floor.

I walked over to the bag and tapped it lightly with my shoe, letting the wind carry a can out of it. “Beer?” Then I looked down at the bag. “And smoke. You smoke?”

“None of your business,” she raised her head and glared at me. “What do you want, really? Ah- hey, don't drink that! You're underage!”

She quickly got up and tried to stop me as I opened the can and poured its contents down my throat. Alcohol wasn't a smart thing to drink for me – even if it's very low in contents. But a can of two should be fine, otherwise, I wouldn't have drunk any back when I kissed Ai. I don't get drunk- okay, I do get drunk, but not in the usual way. The other shades of my personality become a little more prominent… a lot more prominent if I fall drunk. And I can't control which of the many shades will get a boost. 

The last time I got drunk, I accidentally made a mistake with Aunt Miyako. Now I know calling cheating an “accident” is just cheap and stupid, but that's what happened. If I hadn't switched to the Sorcerer of Eternity mode, I wouldn't have flirted with her and led her to moan in my bed.

A can or two should be fine though.

“Ugh,” Mem-Cho stopped when she saw I was already done with the can. She shot me an annoyed look. “Why don't you ever listen to me? You're so annoying.”

“You can try making me listen to you. But you never do it.” I poured the last bit of beer into my mouth and licked my lips at her. Her eyes trembled a little as she looked at my glossy lips before looking at my eyes again.

“Is the Sect Leader giving the disciple his permission to tame him?” she said with an amused smirk. “You are the Sect Leader, right? I'm confused now after that talk we had earlier.”

“Yeah, I'm the leader. Keep it a secret.” I admitted. I trusted Mem-Cho enough to let her know this.

“Sit down. Let's drink, then. Don't call me out about this later on… it's you who drank first by yourself.” She said and sat down on the floor, pulling a small table to place before her.

I sat down opposite her, putting the plastic bag on the table as I looked into her eyes. “My Memmy plans to drive me drunk and fame me or what?”

“You'll find out,” she scoffed with a smirk and took out multiple cans of beer.

Soon, we began drinking.

‘Hm, should I do this?’ I was fairly sure it would be safe, even if I [Switched]. I was with Mem-Cho; I shouldn't have hated her even if I met her in my other lives.

Except for maybe the Emperor-man… I, uh, was kinda racist in my 7th life. All that wasn't humanity – I hated it. There were exceptions, but those were few. Still, Mem is half-human, so she should still be fine.

Then I suppose I can allow myself to get a little drunk.


“And then I ran off the park,” Mem-Cho put her empty can down on the table and grabbed another. Her face was slightly red and she was looking at me with a cutesy frown on her face. “They were creepy bastards. Humans are pretty shit. And we always spread stories about devils being bad people, while humans themselves are no matter. Hypocrites.”


“Why are you staring at me like that?” She squinted her eyes as if she was seeing blurry, due to the drunkenness. 

She looked at my face as I was smiling at her, at my rosy face. My eyes were droopy, I was drunk, and I'm glad the Humanity's Emperor wasn't the one who took over me. He might have done something bad to her if he heard her trash talk about humans.

Rather, I enjoyed her banter with a playful chuckle. I had my face titled and resting on my palm as I stared into her eyes. "Indeed, Memmy, if humans were as insightful as you, they might not have been such a disappointment. But humans are generally greedy creatures, it's unavoidable. If only all humans were as honest as you. As… cute and charming as you. But that's just wishful thinking, I know; how can there be more of you? You are like a polished and rare gem in a world full of mere stones."

“....” Mem’s face grew a shade redder and she looked away. “You are drunk.”

“People say I'm more honest when I'm drunk,” the Sorcerer of Eternity was far from an honest man, though. Lying to get what I want, including women, used to be my hobby back then. Now I was doing the same to my own disciple. I lifted a can and poured it down my throat.

“They lied. You're anything weird… lies right now.” She cleared her throat and also took a sip. “You wouldn't be looking at other women if you thought of me like that.”

“Ohh, Mem-Cho!” I laughed and leaned back on my hands. “If I have a large bag of stones and a dog runs after me, would I throw stones at it, or would I throw my precious gem at it? I'm saying the other girls are other girls, they're ordinary. You are my most lovely little demon; how can they ever compare?”

“....” Mem-Cho's face grew redder but she glared at me the same. “You're so bad at this. I can see through your lies.” If she did, she was still blushing. “I remember your offer. You said you don't plan to get into a relationship with your subordinates, but if I wanted I could have a skinship with you. I'm not into that. So just leave me alone from now on and find yourself a real girlfriend.”

‘Wow, this one's pouty.’ I gave her a sad look that she avoided by looking away.

I lifted an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Is that what's making you hesitate? Memmy, you've got me all wrong. I might have said I don't mix business with pleasure… but ugh, you're not just a subordinate. You are making me question my own rules. And sure, I play around with other girls, but if you let that bother you, it's like comparing pebbles to a priceless artifact.” I leaned in, my voice dropping to a whisper. “I might have a knack for throwing words around, but when it comes to you, Mem-Cho, it's a different game. Those other girls? They're just fleeting thoughts. You, sweetheart, are a lingering desire. So what do you say we throw caution to the wind and let loose like what the both of us have been waiting for? Let me be the devil who turns your world upside down in the best way possible."

“Liar…” she lied as she stared at me with a massive blush. She believed every single word of mine, this cute little girl.

I gently grabbed her hands, bringing them near my face as I inhaled her scent and pressed a soft kiss on her skin. She looked at me with heavy breaths and twinkling eyes. “May I have the pleasure of unraveling the mysteries that make my Mem-Cho so captivating?”

She licked her lips and gulped. But she didn't make me wait long for an answer. “Yes… you may.” 

She nodded, allowing me to gently pull her over the table as I fell on my back with her on top. My right hand went around her back while my left gently guided her face to my mouth. She parted her lips for me as I slid in a tongue, filling her mouth with unbelievable ecstasy.

I realize my words were too sugary and filled with too many lies to lead a girl to join my harem. But they sure can make a girl crawl to my bed.  I only tried this trick in the last to get a girl to entertain me for a few days, when I was bored with my magical research but it can never get someone to love me because they'd realize I'm such a liar after the night ends. 

But it's fine since it's Mem-Cho since she has already fallen for me. I just need to give her the sweetest time of her life, filled with lust and romance, to tie her down.

This was the first time she agreed to go all the way. Every other time, even though we kissed and made out, she always pushed me away when I tried to push further. But as expected, my drunken charm was not what a girl can resist.

As our lips met, the taste was a tantalizing blend of anticipation and sweetness. There was a subtle hint of the drink we'd shared, lingering on her lips like a delightful memory. It was a taste that spoke of warmth and the promise of something more, a flavor that left me craving another sip of the intoxicating essence that was Mem-Cho.

She tasted addictive.





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