Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[86] Come On, Drink It

[86] Come On, Drink It

Chapter 86: Come On, Drink It

[Third Person Point of View]

Ranefer Phenex held a fan over her face as she waited for the event to end. She was standing behind the Satans who officially announced the result of the event and thanked everyone for coming to see this.

Minutes later, she was growing impatient as Aqua was yet to return. Just what was he talking with that little girl that took so much time...?

She wanted to try and eavesdrop, but she didn't want to get on his nerves. Not now, when he was so valuable to her.

When the audience began to clear, she finally saw Aqua walking out of that room. Oddly enough, the girl who he had gone inside with, Koneko, her name was, she recalled, was sleeping in his arms. He was carrying her like a princess which caught quite a few eyes.

"What happened to her?" The Gremory heiress ran to him, naturally worried about the reason why her Rook had fallen asleep in just under half an hour.

"Looks like she exhausted quite a lot of her Touki using that technique," Aqua said as he gently handed Koneko to Rias. "She fell asleep when I was patting her head."

"Ah." Rias blinked. "She let you do that? Phew, that's good. It looked like she was acting weird around you earlier, it's great if she's getting along with you now."

"I guess,"

"What did you talk about?"

Rias asked directly, and many eyes looked at him in curiosity. He shrugged.

"I wouldn't have taken her away if it was something I can share with everyone. It's a secret between a Master and a Disciple—I taught her a technique, so she's my disciple now, tell her when she wakes up."

It seemed he wasn't keen on sharing what was going on between the two of them. The Satans and even Quetzalcoatl looked very curious at this, but they couldn't really force him to talk since it didn't seem like he was doing anything weird to Koneko.

Regardless, Ranefer was too impatient by now. She opened her mouth to call him, but he spoke first.

"Mem-Cho," ignoring her, he called his girlfriend. "I'm going to the Phenex Family for a bit. I can't take you with me. Do you want to return to Earth?"

Mem-Cho shifted uncomfortably but soon nodded. "I think I should."

"You can stick with me if you want," said Quetzalcoatl as she ruffled her hair. "Aqua is going to spend a few more hours here, it seems. I'm planning to do the same. Stick with me until he finishes, then we two can leave together."


"I'd like that too," Aqua said as he looked at her. At that, she slowly nodded.

"Alright, I'll wait."

"Good, thanks."

A short silence stretched in the area.

'Hmm... what's this awkward situation?' Ranefer hummed. 'Nevermind, I just want to bring him to the mansion already.'

"In that case, let us leave now." Ranefer walked up to Aqua and slyly put an arm around his elbow. She showed him a flirty smile, even though she wasn't interested in him in that way.

"Careful, Lady Ranefer. Quite bold of you to touch my husband like that" Serafall said all of a sudden, causing eyes to turn at her. "...What? I'm just reinstilling the joke from earlier. It's a joke. Stop looking at me like that!"

"Onee-chan..." Sona gave her elder sister a dark look and shook her head.

Aqua laughed it off and began to walk away with a giggling Ranefer.

Issei Hyuudo stared at his back with envy burning behind his eyes. This time around, Issei was further from his harem dream than the canon timeline—since Sona was a lot harder to impress than Rias. Besides, there were too many competitors around him. For example, Saji was also in Sona's Peerage. Issei's status as a pervert didn't help his position against the others.

Especially against that guy who walked arm locked with an ancient milf.

'Just what is up with him...'

Now that he thought about it, wasn't he a bit too friendly with Class Representative Tsubasa too? What a jerk.

Issei hated him.

* * *

Once they got into the car, taking seats that faced each other, Ranefer looked at him with a frown.

"What's wrong?" The car began to move as Aqua asked.

"I'm... curious," she muttered. The more she learned about him, the less she doubted that he could provide her a cure. He had, after all, taught Koneko a technique that can deal with the Phenex's Regeneration. This young human was not ordinary, he was hanging out with Gods and Devils, and held power that few humans ever held throughout history.

"Curious about what?"

Ranefer didn't want to admit that she was considering how lucky this situation was. She was glad that he was trying to redeem their relationship. Someone like him ought to rise higher than this, he might reach heights of power never seen before. And sadly, Ranefer had made an enemy out of him last time. She was glad he was going to move around that.

"The time it'd take for the process to be completed," she said, it was something she was curious about too. "I wouldn't want to waste your time. So if it takes too much time, it's better if I order the herbs or items you might need for this alchemy."

"Ah, hm, that's a fair thing to be curious about. Let's see." He said and moved to her seat, nudging closer to her.

Ranefer wasn't some shy little girl, so she only found his outgoing personality cute. She didn't mind nudging closer to him too, hoping that slight physical intimacy would help their future relationship.

"Open your mouth."


Aqua ordered and she blinked. Looking at his calm expression, she realized he wasn't joking.

...Should she have not played along with him? Now he was going too far. While she didn't mind a little physical intimacy with him, kissing was still-

"I'm not going to kiss you. Just open your mouth."


Ranefer parted her lips slightly and he slid in his thumb. She blinked but seeing the slight frown contort his face, she realized he must be measuring her body's warmth.

'Still, if someone were to see this...'

Luckily, this car was designed in a way that the driver couldn't see what happened in the backseat. Otherwise her image to her subordinates would have been ruined.

"Ggh..." Ranefer blushed slightly when he moved his thumb inside her mouth. It was somewhat attractive just how serious he looked right now.

"It's not that bad," he said as he withdrew his thumb. It was wet with her saliva, and Ranefer was about to pass a tissue to him but he wiped it on her dress.

"....The dress is expensive."

"Since it's not the worst it could have been, it shouldn't take long to make the medicine. Still, you're right. It's better if you send someone to bring the materials already, so that no time is wasted."

Ranefer held back a sigh. She was trying to score a good relationship with him, but that didn't mean she liked him humiliating her. Why would he wipe her saliva on her dress?

Still, as desperate as she was right now, she just nodded. She handed him a paper from a notebook that was in the car, and he held it between his fingers. Qi sizzled out of him and burned the paper in an intricate display of control, making a list written in English.

"Useful technique," Impressed, she tried a compliment.

"Thanks," he handed it over to her and placed a hand on her thigh. Instead of going back to his seat, he leaned in closer to her.

She shook her head and endured it, taking a picture of the paper with her phone and sending it to her servants. They should be able to prepare these in no time, they didn't seem very hard to get.

"Now you basically have the recipe of the medicine," he began. "That alone should secure me a reward. But I'm going to see it to the end and make the medicine for you since I doubt anyone else can do it, even if they know what materials it needs. There is a certain combination and heat you need while making this. I am just letting you know before you think I have no use for you anymore."

"I wasn't thinking that," she was thinking that, somewhat. She wasn't going to drop him now that she knew the ingredients, but she was feeling a bit relieved that she knew the recipe. So even if the deal didn't land with him, she'd have a lead to go with.

"Sure you weren't. By the way, you are yet to tell me about the reward. What can you give me in exchange for practically saving your life?"

"What do you want~?" given the fact that he was rubbing her thighs right now, she might have had an idea about it.

Still, she wasn't keen on selling her body. She would do it if there were no other option, her life was more precious than a single night's sleep with him, but she would rather give him something else.

Since this Aquamarine boy wasn't just some horny child but actually had eyes for weapons and treasures too, she hoped to impress him by showing him her treasure collection in her mansion. That'd seal the deal.

Honestly, she wasn't thinking of tricking him. It was too risky. Although she hated how arrogant he was and how he liked to humiliate her, she didn't want to go piss him off now—when freedom was so close to her. Ranefer held onto her pride and let him grope her a little.

* * *

The grandeur of Ranefer's mansion was something to behold, but Aqua seemed largely indifferent to it as they walked through its opulent halls. His attention was primarily on the task at hand, a focused look in his eyes. Ranefer, sensing his disposition, led him directly to the treasure trove.

The room was vast, filled with artifacts, jewels, and weapons of all sorts. Each item had a history, a power, a story. Ranefer, with a hint of pride in her voice, began to describe some of the most notable pieces. Yet, Aqua's gaze wandered, only partially listening.

The room was vast, a grand chamber filled with artifacts, jewels, and weapons of all sorts. Each item had a history, a power, a story. Ranefer, with a hint of pride in her voice, began to describe some of the most notable pieces.

"This here," she gestured to a gleaming sword hanging on the wall, "is the Blade of Eternal Frost. Forged from the heart of a glacier by an ancient ice giant, it's said that a single cut can freeze an enemy's soul, trapping them in an eternal winter."

Aqua's gaze lingered on the sword for a moment before drifting to the next item Ranefer pointed out.

"And this..." she continued, moving towards a small, intricately designed box on a pedestal, "Is the Pandora's Casket. Legend has it that it contains a piece of the original Pandora's Box, capable of unleashing or absorbing mystical plagues. It's sealed by a spell only the most powerful sorcerers can break."

"Looks nice, but-"

"Yeah, you're not a sorcerer, I know. See the next one."

Aqua nodded at her interruption, his interest piqued but not yet fully captured as they moved to the next item.

"This," Ranefer said, holding up a delicate necklace with a single glowing gem at its center, "is the Eye of Chronos. It's rumored to have been crafted in the depths of time by Chronos himself. The wearer can glimpse into the past and future, though the visions come at a great cost to the mind. I used it once back in the day, it helped me avoid a bad future. I am quite fond of it, want it?"



As Ranefer detailed the history and powers of these artifacts, Aqua's gaze wandered, only partially listening. His attention was drawn not to these grand, powerful items, but to something else entirely - the small, unassuming box with dancing symbols.

"This?" Aqua inquired, pointing to the object that had caught his eye.

Ranefer seemed taken aback by his interest in the less ostentatious item, but she obliged, "Oh, that? It's an ancient artifact of unknown origins. Rumored to contain a fragment of a celestial map. I got it from an auction a few centuries ago, and since then it's been collecting dust here. Its true purpose or power remains a mystery, never managed to open it."

"Hm," Aqua took it from the intricate shelf that hung from the wall and inspected it closely. "Interesting. It's a magical puzzle lock. I will take it, solving a magical puzzle sounds fun. It even comes with a treasure map to boot."

Ranefer raised an eyebrow but didn't object. "Very well. It's yours."

So that was the item Aqua chose.

* * *

[First Person Point of View]

A Treasure Box with interdimensional energy lingering on it. It's the only interesting thing in this shabby place, that's why I chose it.

Setting aside the box containing the celestial map fragment inside my Void Storage, we were notified by a servant that the ordered herbs were here.

We went to the living room, near the kitchen, and found intricate boxes containing expensive herbs, each with its own unique properties and energies. The potion I was about to brew was complex, requiring not only precise measurements and timing but also a deep understanding of the alchemical properties of each ingredient.

"I'll get to work. Normally, I'd want other people to stay far from my work space, but even the steam from the cooking should help you. Take a seat on that couch."

I instructed Ranefer, who dutifully nodded. She had been trying to hide her excitement for a while now, but it was obvious she was dying for me to finish.

"Alright, take your time." with a smile that masked calmness, she sat down and looked at my work. I looked at her a few times when I could spare her glances, she was an eye-candy in that tight bodycon.

[Image Here]


I stopped looking at her when I had to get focused. I began by carefully sorting the herbs, separating them based on their potency and compatibility. Some needed to be crushed into a fine powder, while others had to be infused whole.

The servant hadn't only brought herbs, but a fine cauldron as well. The Soulfire beneath the cauldron provided the perfect heat – constant, controlled, and infused with a subtle magical essence that would enhance the potion's effectiveness.

As the herbs simmered in the cauldron, their essences melding together, I monitored the temperature and the color of the brew. It shifted gradually, the liquid transforming from a deep emerald green to a radiant golden hue, a visual indicator of its nearing completion.

Ranefer watched from a distance, her gaze intense and curious. She was breathing slightly heavy too, her body forming sweat thanks to the steam in the room. She was delighted at that feeling.

This must be the first time she's feeling such warmth in centuries. Poor girl.

The final step required the utmost concentration. With a steady hand, I added the last ingredient, a rare catalyst that would bind all the components together. The potion reacted immediately, its glow a vibrant red as it reached its final form.

"Done." I extinguished the Soulfire and let the potion cool for a moment before decanting it into a vial. The golden liquid shimmered with an inner light, its potency palpable even in its sealed container.

Ranefer, a mix of greed and hope on her face, rushed from her couch and reached out for the vial. "This is it, then? The cure? Give me." she asked.

"Yes, yes, stay calm," I gently pushed back to the couch, standing over her as she obediently sat down.

"Can't I just drink it...?" By now, her eyes were filled with desperation. She had no doubt in her head that this was it—The Cure. Just the steam from the cooking process had helped her body warm up, she was sure the liquid itself would fix her instantly.

"Don't be so hasty. Remember, its effectiveness depends on how it's consumed. Follow the instructions carefully," I replied, handing her the vial.

She clutched it close, nodding in understanding. As I told her, she didn't instantly drink, using all her will power to hold back.

"Careful with it," I said as I approached her, taking the vial in my hand again. She looked as if I dug her heart out as she looked at me like a puppy. "Before you use it, try taking a sniff. Tell me if it seems helpful?"

She looked at me, slightly puzzled, but complied. Uncapping the vial, she took a cautious sniff. Her eyes widened slightly, and she admitted, "Yes, I... It's great. My body already feels warm."

"Great. So you understand that it is the cure." I couldn't help but smirk evilly at her response. In a swift, unexpected move, I raised the vial to my lips and drank the entire potion, all in one go.

Ranefer's expression turned from shock to a sense of betrayal, and then to rage.

"What have you done?!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of disbelief and anger as she jumped up and grabbed me by my collar, glaring at me.

I looked at her, the smirk still on my face, enjoying the moment of surprise and chaos I had just created. "Just a little test," I replied casually, "to see how effective my potion really is. It seems pretty good. Now..."

Her reaction was exactly as I had anticipated, a mixture of shock and outrage, but there was a certain thrill in turning the tables like this, in showing that I was always one step ahead.

She glared at me as I pushed her back to the couch, undoing my belt.

"Now we just have to get it out of my body again. Do your best."





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