Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 69: Discovering A Hidden Treasure Inside a Sacred Place

Chapter 69: Discovering A Hidden Treasure Inside a Sacred Place

One minute before Harvard discovered the gigantic Water Army, he smiled at a cute level 30 monster.

He hadn't fought a class 1 monster in a long time, and decided to try and fight it with his bare hands. He smiled and put down his evolution cage by a large mountain that seemed a little out of place. However, he didn't know if he could put the genie snake in his inventory without killing it, so he decided to hold it.

"Hold on! One second!" Thirty seconds before Harvard got surrounded on all sides. He looked at the large monster up and down and nodded his head. It had a large shark fin on its head and two extremely humungous eyes with large claws. It was called a sharkclaw, which made sense considering its features. "I-I want to see the maximum speed I can run under water! I'll be right back girls!"

'You're awesome!" The blonde haired woman named Penny said. "Go get it! Wooh hoo! I'm rooting for you"


Harvard appeared in front of the shark claw and instantly punched it with a right fist. He felt its shell instantly get decimated and break into pieces before a shark swum off in the other direction.

[Sharkclaw has abandoned its shell]

[He's dropped a map]

'A map? A map to what?" Harvard reached down to pick it up. 'What's this? Battle plans to invade Central Capital? What the hell?'

Harvard had no idea but the sharkclaw he just punched happened to be a small, but trusted soldier in the Monsoon Kraken army. Turning around, he noticed his golden genie snake was starting to tremble and rushed to pick it up.

One second before all hell broke lose, he picked up the genie snake and just decided to throw it in his inventory. He smiled, and looked up, only to see half of the mountain had broken off.

"Kill him! He has both the map and the genie snake! Don't let that man out of here alive!"

"What? What the hell is happening?" Harvard watched ten mountains start to crumble all around him in the sea. Thousands of different types of aquatic monsters rushed towards him. A few of them had fins while others just had flippers, but they were all terrifying. The scariest one had to be the literal moving mountain crab that was 50 meters tall.

"What the hell did I do?! I just found a small map!"

Harvard had no idea, but that map given to the sharkclaw had been the wrong map, and was actually the master map! It had which of the 104 current cities that would be attacked! Of course, that was until Harvard saw a giant fish get sent shooting out of a catapult! What the hell was going on!

"Run! Harvard! They're only after you, not us! What are you doing!"

"Hmph, I was just thinking what to put in the world message! Smokescreen, activate!"



Harvard disappeared into a cloud of smoke while thousands of monsters rushed towards him.

The mountain crab slashed into the cloud and instantly tore it in half, but by that time, Harvard had already rushed over to another sharkclaw and activated ghost mirror.

He sighed and took a deep breath while looking outside from the sharks shadow. It was definitely a footsoldier in an army of aquatic monsters! However, he was a thief! If there was one thing he should be good at, it should be escaping!

"Damn it! He escaped! Start the invasion early!" The Mountain crab talked surprisingly well. It was literally the size of a mountain and had two claws sticking out of it. Every time it moved, it created giant waves of fury onto the beach above. "Damn it! However, go around where all the high level NPCS are! To the remnants of Village 1! That's where all the poor people are!"

"Hah, they think I escaped," Harvard gulped while his timer for ghost mirror ticked down. He forgot that he only had three minutes, but at least things were looking up.

The Sharkclaw was walking in the exact opposite direction of the ocean. He was heading towards a woman that looked very familiar. She was holding a gigantic golden trident and had on a green dress with scales!

'No way? Is that Dasota? What is she wearing?"

Harvard gulped in fear when he realized the sharkclaw was walking right over to her. He decided to analyze the sharkclaw just to see if it was special or something. I mean, he picked one out of thousands, it couldn't be that special could it?

[Sharkclaw Guard]

[Protector of Dasota, the Dragontail Kraken]

[Reputation: Loyal to a fault]

'Ugh, are you kidding me? Could it get any worse!"

"Sister, what the hell is happening?" A small boy with a chain wrapped around his arm trudged through the ocean with two sharp shark like teeth sticking out the side of his mouth. "I almost finished recovering my full strength. Hmph, did we find that golden genie snake yet?"

"No, but we're not even sure if it has golden seal! That skill can stun us for three seconds! If an army is around us, it will be more than enough time for us to be killed!"

'Huh, I have ten seconds remaining, and they just happened to say that. Things are looking up.' Harvard smiled and suddenly started to tremble. Wait, he didn't know how to use golden seal to do anything but remove curses! Was there a proper way to use it on others besides just saying the name! How the hell did he get in this situation.

"Let's go. We'll set up an outpost in the villages you destroyed in order to create quests for the monsters and black label Ghost Adventurers," Then the two disappeared so fast Harvard could barely see them.

The next second, he burst out of the shadow of the sharkclaw and screamed golden seal. Instantly, a large golden snake shot out of the evolution cage and grew to five times it size. It instantly bound the sharkclaw while Harvard stood there and scratched his head.

"I-I was not expecting that at all! Damn it! What about my golden seal! What the hell happened!"

"It's crushing me! Get me out of here!" Harvard walked over to the screaming sharkclaw and stabbed it straight in the head, then in the heart, and then cut off its claws and butchered it to little pieces. He sighed and looked at the smiling golden snake. "Hmph, you did a good job, but don't think this means we're friends!" Harvard sighed and couldn't help but pet the golden snake. "Hmph, get in your cage. I'll feed you later. However, right now, I'm afraid millions of Ghost Adventurers and NPCs are in trouble."

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