Extra's Magic

Chapter 212 Sea of Monsters (2)

Chapter 212 Sea of Monsters (2)

The air in the temple was thick with the acrid stench of blood and sweat. My arms ached, and my heart raced like a wild stallion. The relentless horde of monsters continued to close in, but I couldn't give in to exhaustion. Not now, not when I'd come this far.

Swish... Swish... Clang...

My trident and longsword danced through the narrow corridor, a symphony of death and desperation. Each strike was a gamble, a wager on my survival. The monsters, though fewer in number now, fought with renewed ferocity.

"How many of you fuckers are there!?"

I taunted them again, my voice filled with defiance and defiance was all I had left.

The trident's shadowy prongs skewered another grotesque creature, its strange tendrils writhing as it spasmed and died.


I muttered, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow. The corridor had become a gruesome battleground, littered with the corpses of the fallen.

Tap... Tap...

The approaching footsteps of the monsters echoed in my ears, a constant reminder of the relentless danger that surrounded me.

"Think, think, think..."

I muttered to myself as I assessed my situation. There had to be a way out of this nightmare, a way to turn the tide in my favor.

The answer came to me in a flash of inspiration. The crumbling ceiling above held a chandelier, ancient and covered in cobwebs. It was a massive, ornate fixture, suspended by thick chains.

"Time to bring down the house..."

I grinned, a mix of desperation and determination in my eyes.


With a powerful thrust of the trident, I severed the chains holding the chandelier. It crashed to the ground with a deafening cacophony, a deadly pendulum of destruction.

"Look out below!"

I shouted, hoping to catch the monsters off guard.

The chandelier swung like a giant, metal-wrecking ball, smashing into the front lines of the horde. The impact sent monsters flying in all directions, their wails of pain and surprise filling the corridor.

"Ha! How'd you like that, you ugly bastards?"

I laughed triumphantly, reveling in the chaos I'd unleashed.

But I had little time to savor my victory. The monsters, though disoriented, were not defeated. They regrouped, their eyes burning with hatred and vengeance.


The corridor was now littered with rubble, a treacherous terrain that favored neither side. I took a step back, my weapons poised to strike. The monsters closed in, their twisted forms silhouetted by the dim light filtering through the temple's ancient windows.


A particularly gruesome creature, with rotting flesh and jagged spines, lunged at me. I met its charge with a fierce strike of the trident, impaling it through the chest.

"What the fuck are you!?"

I spat the words whilst letting out an angry laugh, my anger and frustration boiling over.

The creature writhed in its death throes, and I wrenched the trident free, black blood splattering my face. The stench of decay and death hung heavy in the air, but I couldn't let it distract me.

Swish... Swish... Thud...

I continued to fight, my movements fueled by sheer adrenaline and determination. The monsters closed in from all sides, their claws and fangs bared. It was a savage, brutal battle, and I was in the eye of the storm.

"Fuck off!"

I yelled as I struck down another foe, my eyes glistening like crystals in the dark.

The monsters were relentless, their attacks relentless. But I fought back with everything I had.

Although my hands were becoming numb, I kept going, ignoring the wounds piling up on my body.

I didn't have time to consume a Health Potion.


The temple itself seemed to shake with the violence of our battle. The walls were scarred with claw marks, and the ancient stone floor was slick with blood.

"Stay focused, stay alive..."

I muttered to myself, a mantra to keep my fear at bay.

With each step, I retreated further into the labyrynth of corridors, forcing the monsters to funnel in. It was a dangerous game, a gamble on my ability to hold them off.

"How can somebody be this ugly!?"

I taunted them again, my words a challenge and an insult.

The monsters roared in response, their eyes burning with rage. They lunged at me with renewed determination, their twisted forms a grotesque nightmare.


I struck out with my longsword, slicing through the air and catching a creature off guard. It fell with a gurgling cry, adding to the growing pile of bodies at my feet.

"Come on, you fuckers!"

I yelled, my voice echoing through the corridor. It was a battle cry, a shout of defiance in the face of overwhelming odds.

The monsters closed in, their numbers dwindling but their ferocity undiminished. They were desperate now, and desperation made them even more dangerous.

Tap... Tap...

The relentless footsteps of the monsters echoed in my ears, a constant reminder that time was running out. I needed a plan, a way to turn the tide in my favor.

Then, a glimmer of hope. I noticed a narrow alcove to my right, partially hidden behind a fallen pillar. It could serve as a temporary refuge, a place where I could regroup and catch my breath.

With determination, I dashed toward the alcove, my weapons at the ready. The monsters followed, their hunger for my demise unabated.

"Almost there..."

I muttered to myself as I reached the alcove, my back against the cold stone wall.

The monsters closed in, their eyes filled with malice. I had to make my stand here, in this narrow space. It was a gamble, but it was the only chance I had left.

"Come and get it, you bastards!"

I roared, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The monsters funneled into the alcove, their grotesque forms crowding the space. It was a gruesome tableau, a deadly dance of steel and shadow in the dim light.

As the monsters closed in on the cramped alcove, I knew this was my last stand. There was no room for error, and I couldn't afford to let fear take hold. It was do or die, and I was determined to make it "do."

"Time to show you hellish freaks what I'm made of!"

I roared, my voice a defiant battle cry that reverberated through the stone walls. My heart pounded like a war drum as I braced myself for the onslaught.

The first of the creatures lunged at me, its grotesque form distorted by anger and hunger. I met it head-on, my trident and longsword flashing in the dim light. With precision honed through countless battles, I struck it down, black blood splattering across the alcove.

"Come on, who's next?"

I challenged them, my chest heaving with exertion.

The monsters pressed on, their numbers squeezing into the tight space. I spun and slashed, thrust and parried, each movement a desperate bid for survival. The walls seemed to close in around me as I fought, the stench of blood and death overpowering me.

"Is this all you've got?"

I taunted, my words a mixture of bravado and madness.

The creatures roared in response, their eyes filled with unbridled hatred. They attacked with a frenzy, their claws and fangs seeking my flesh. I dodged, blocked, and struck back with all the strength I could muster.

Swish... Swish... Thud...

The minutes felt like hours as the battle raged on. My arms burned with fatigue, and my vision blurred from the sweat stinging my eyes. But I couldn't give in. Not now.

"How many more of you are there?"

I panted, my breath ragged, my determination unyielding.

The monsters showed no signs of letting up, but neither did I. I fought on, driven by a primal instinct to survive. My trident and longsword became extensions of my very being, cutting through the horrors that surrounded me.

Tap... Tap...

The relentless footsteps of the monsters echoed in my ears, a never-ending drumbeat of danger. I had to keep moving and keep fighting. The alcove had become a battleground, a crucible of blood and fury.

"Stay focused, stay alive..."

I muttered, the mantra echoing in my mind like a lifeline.

With each strike, I retreated further into the alcove, drawing the monsters in. I knew that this tactic was risky, but it was the only way to even the odds.

"Come on, you ugly sons of bitches!"

I yelled, my voice cracking with exhaustion.

The monsters closed in, their frenzied attacks pushing me to my limits. My breath came in ragged gasps, and my muscles screamed in protest. But I couldn't afford to falter. Victory was tantalizingly close.


A massive brute lunged at me, its brute strength and fury making it a formidable adversary. I met its charge head-on, my trident and longsword clashing with its massive fists.

"You're not taking me down!"

I snarled, defiance burning in my eyes.

The struggle was fierce, a test of strength and willpower. I could feel the brute's hot breath on my face as we grappled, locked in a deadly embrace. But I wouldn't yield. Not to this abomination.

With a surge of adrenaline, I mustered every ounce of strength I had left. With a mighty shove, I sent the brute stumbling backward, crashing into its fellow monsters. The domino effect created a pile of writhing bodies, a grim testament to my determination.

"Fuck yeah!"

I exclaimed, a surge of triumph coursing through me.

The remaining monsters, though fewer in number, were no less determined. They charged at me with renewed ferocity, their claws and fangs gleaming in the dim light.

Thwack... Thud... Clang...

I fought on, each strike a testament to my relentless spirit. It was a brutal, grueling battle, but I refused to back down.

"Come and get it, you freaks!"

I yelled, my voice hoarse, my body battered and bruised.

The monsters closed in, their eyes filled with a hunger for my demise. But I had one last trick up my sleeve.

Summoning every ounce of strength I had left, I lunged forward with a final, desperate attack. My trident pierced through the heart of the nearest creature, and I swung my longsword in a wide arc, cutting down the others in a flurry of steel and shadow.

And then, it was over.

The alcove was filled with the lifeless bodies of the monsters, their grotesque forms sprawled in a macabre tableau of death. I collapsed to my knees, my chest heaving, my body trembling with exhaustion.

"I... I did it..."

I gasped, disbelief and relief washing over me.

With the last of my strength, I pushed myself to my feet and stumbled out of the alcove. The temple was eerily silent now, the stench of blood and death hanging heavy in the air.

I had survived, against all odds. And though I was bruised and broken, I couldn't help but smile.

"Never again..."

I muttered to myself, a vow to avoid dark, ancient temples for the rest of my days.

"Oscar would've loved this..."

I smirked, trying to stay somewhat positive.

But for now, I needed to rest.

I collapsed onto the cold stone floor, my body spent, and let darkness claim me.

Little did I know, a Demon was nearing my location and its intentions weren't friendly.

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