Eye System

Chapter 141: Fox Dominion Part 1

Chapter 141: Fox Dominion Part 1

The thought of having thousands of beasts submitting to him and being under control enticed Lex massively and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks, Eye Demon for this ability. I will use it to form an unstoppable army of beasts to destroy any demonic cultivator or being that threatens, me or anybody around me ever again" declared Lex.

"Jump fox" ordered Lex.

The beast seemed to understand Lex's order and was incapable to refute as it jumped, exactly as Lex had ordered it to do.

Seeing the beast doing as he said he couldn't help but smile.

He could feel that he was bearing his aura and power as a pressure over the comparingly small and frail beast, so lowered the domination effect of his Dominant Eye as not to kill the beast.

"Come here" ordered Lex less assertively.

Lex was unsure of the extent of loyalty the beast would have under his dominance, and knowing that fox beasts were some of the most intelligent beasts, Lex knew that he would need to coerce the beast into doing his bidding.

From the way the beast reacted to his Dominant Eye, Lex decided the best course of action was to assert his dominance, then also imbed his loyalty into the beast so that he wouldn't need to assert his dominance to control the beast.

It was the perfect Eye Power for learning to and becoming a beast tamer, that from what Lex could see was an extremely powerful occupation and also very lucrative.

Most the beasts used by the countries needed to be trained and tamed since birth and would grow with their master, but Lex could use the Dominant Eye to become the master of any beast that was below him in terms of willpower and below his Third Eye Rank.

The fox beast was reluctant and hesitant to approach Lex, but seeing his aura and presence becoming less assertive, it decided to do so and had no choice either way.

Lex on one knee, began to stroke the small fox's head, that reminded him of Kano from his past reality, and after a while, he noticed that the fox beast was warming up to him and becoming less uncomfortable and scared of him.

It was exactly as he had hoped, and he could see in the eye's of the fox beast that it had accepted Lex as a master of some sort.

The intelligent fox beast knew that it had no chance of escaping from Lex who was much stronger than it, and after seeing both Lex's dominance and warmth, it decided to become his subordinate and was hoping that if it was obedient, it might be rewarded.

"Now lead me to more fox beasts that are all Mortal ranked" ordered Lex to the fox beast.

The fox beast nodded in affirmation and signalled for Lex to follow it.

Fox's were sly beasts that are only out for themselves and the fox beast for its own survival was willing to lead Lex to where it knew others of its kind were, not knowing what Lex would do to them.

But at the same time, they were intelligent beasts and the fox beast didn't those in the burrow with it to be killed and was hoping that Lex would treat the other foxes in a similar way to itself.

Either way, it had no way to refute Lex's order and did as it was told.

It led Lex into the burrow that it had come from, and Lex, not wanting to alert the fox beasts by breaking his way in, crawled into the small burrow.

The entrance into the burrow was extremely small and luckily Lex's body had slimmed down slightly, otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to enter.

Entering the burrow that was surprisingly much larger than Lex had expected, Lex looked around to see small homes of fox families.

The foxes were all instantly scared and scrambled to escape and leave with their families, but before they could do so there was an all encapsulating aura of dominance that halted them all.

"Stand before me" ordered Lex domineeringly, streaming his dominance through his voice.

Instantly the foxes all began to slowly gather before Lex, unable to go against his words that seemed to be commands from a deity to them.

[So the Dominant Eye can also be used through my voice and not only by bearing down over the target] realised Lex, who had unconsciously used his dominance through his voice and not through his aura.

"All of you will now be under my command and I am now your master" declared Lex, asserting his dominance through his voice.

The beasts were not accepting of his declaration, but they all submitted, not capable of refuting the powerful human ordering them and bearing his pressure over them.

Observing their eyes, he couldn't see the acceptance and loyalty that the lone fox beast showed him, and Lex was now moving onto the second stage of his beast taming method.

"However, all I ask for is loyalty, while I will protect and nurture you as my subordinates" he continued, lowering the assertiveness of his tone and pressure over the beasts.

"Who was the previous leader" enquired Lex.

The fox that seemed to be most muscular and slightly larger than the rest stepped forth.

It was scared for its life as it knelt before Lex.

Expecting to be slaughtered by Lex, who was aiming to take his position as the leader of the fox beasts, the previous fox leader was shocked when Lex merely stroked its head.

"You can all understand me right," asked Lex, wanting to test whether they were merely acting out his orders by instinct.

A few of the fox beasts nodded, while others copied after seeing others doing so.

Observing those who were first to nod, Lex pointed at all of them to join his side and gathered 7 of the fox beasts, including the lone fox, that seemed to be the most intelligent and understanding of his words.

[My intent is shown by my aura of dominance, but only a few of the beasts truly understand my words, and they will be the ones I order directly] observed Lex.

"You 7 will be the ones I order and you will pass on the order to the rest of the fox beasts" informed them Lex.

They all gave Lex nods in understatement, but most weren't accepting of his command yet.

Lex continued to lower the pressure slightly over time, but continued to stand, watching over the fox beasts.

"Any beasts that do not accept my commands will be killed and any beasts that accept me as their master will be strengthened alongside me" stated Lex, as he lowered the dominating aura to the lowest level he could keep it at.

Some of the beasts became accepting and wanted to be stronger and save their lives, while others were still unaccepting of Lex and were looking for the chance to escape.

[There needs to be a balance of assertiveness and leniency to truly control the beasts. I should make an example of those beasts that are still unaccepting to show that they must obey me, but I must also reward those that do accept me so that their decision is solidified and they become more loyal to me] decided Lex.

"Stay here, I will return within a few minutes, those that leave while I am gone will be slaughtered" announced Lex.

Crawling back out of the fox tribe's burrow, Lex dusted his clothes.

"After I hunt a large amount of beast meat to feed my self and the fox beasts, I will kill those that are still unaccepting and rewards those that submit" decided Lex.

Seeing the fox beasts, it was obvious to Lex that they were all malnourished and weak, but Lex knew that beasts had much higher potential than humans.

He had found the perfect starting point, to taking over the Undergound Coves and ruling all the beasts, with the fox beasts.

They were intelligent beasts that understood him, were small, and had potential to grow, which was exactly what he needed.

As they grew, they would also become more loyal to Lex and would become self-sufficient and couldn't hunt for themselves and Lex.

Scouting Eye

Lex deactivated his Dominant Eye and activated his Scouting Eye and as his eyes became completely clear, he spread his vision in search for beasts to hunt.

Before attacking any of the beasts, Lex decided he would scout the area first and see what beasts there were in the area.

Not because he was scared, as all the beasts in the area were merely Mortal beasts, but to see the beasts that Lex would target with his fox beasts to strengthen them.

Dashing around the area with his Scouting Eye activated, Lex had covered the entire area in 20 minutes, with great speed, and after scouting the entire area, he found the beast that he would slaughter to eat and reward the obedient foxes.

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