Eye System

Chapter 143: Gamma Country

Chapter 143: Gamma Country

During the month and a half that Lex had spent forming his third eye and contemplating and cultivating the Elemental Ascension Method, Ella and Angela had also not sat idly and set out to accomplish their aim.

They rode on Angela's ice leopard, that despite drawing attention, was faster and made it so that it was easier for them to talk to each other.

They conversed for hours on end as Angela began to talk more and more about herself and Ella dodged all questions about herself.

After an entire month of nonstop travelling, stopping only to recover their energy, cultivate and sometimes eat, they had finally begun nearing their destination.

Over the month, they had gotten very close and there was no longer any awkwardness between them, after spending an entire month together.

"We should go the rest of the way on foot, otherwise we may be attacks by the Gamma country" decided Ella.

Nodding in agreement, Angela retracted her summon as they both jumped off its back and landed calmly onto the ground.

Ella, who was very observative, had noticed Angela's dual Soul Spirits, that were juxtaposing in characteristics and had also observed how it affected her personality and actions.

The warmth from within her was more dominant when she was around her friends and those she cared about or when she was healing somebody, but the coldness was more dominant when Angela battled or was facing tough situations that required her to be calm and ruthless.

Watching her closely, Ella observed the changes in Angela, as the welcoming warmth she imbued while around Ella was changing to a more cold and aggressive aura.

'She must be preparing to face her scum family and Jackson' observed Ella as she dashed towards the gamma country alongside Angela who slid over ice, leaving a trail behind her.

In the distance was an enormous country, that was multiple times larger than the Earth Country, that had large walls surrounding it, just like the rest of the other countries.

But unlike what you would expect from a country, as Angela and Ella approached the wall, there were hardly any signs of life.

Unlike the fertile and nutritious soil that surrounded the Earth Country, the Gamma country was situated over rocky and infertile land with small mountainous regions all around it.

The Earth Country's main export was crops and agricultural goods, that they produced the most, whereas the main export of the Gamma Country was valuable materials that were mined in the area.

Each country was built in a strategic location by its founders and each had its own advantage, with the Gamma country choosing to reside in an area rich in materials, but poor in fertility.

Looking over at the outside wall that was closest to them, it was evident to Angela and Ella that battles had occurred.

On the way to the Gamma Country, Ella and Angela had come across dozens of Voltacs that they ruthlessly slaughtered and dead bodies had become common on the continent, with the living Voltacs running rampant throughout the continent.

Reaching the 20-metre tall wall that was formed of a sturdy and impenetrable material, mined in the area around them, Angela and Ella streamed large amounts of energy into their legs and jumped up onto the top.

From the top of the wall, they could see the outer area of the Gamma country stained red with blood and completely deserted.

"The battle really did take a toll, even on the great Gamma country" commented Angela.

"We can only hope that they have enough strength to give us some assistance" mumbled Ella, seeing the dire state that even the strongest country on the continent was.

Angela and Ella had both prepared black hooded robes to cover themselves and not draw attention, while also keeping Angela's identity secret as they scouted the area.

It took them a few days of rapid travelling to reach the inner parts of the country, and only then were they beginning to see large amounts of people.

Along the way, they had seen innumerable bodies and blood dyed the entire country red.

It was a horrible scene to behold, but luckily in the Gamma country, half of the population had survived and moved towards the centre of country.

"If Mason had been successful in absorbing the blood of all these bodies he would have been unstoppable. Imagine what monster is coming that would not only consume this continent but many others" stated Angela, feeling slightly hopeless at the thought of having to face such a demon.

Mason, who was the supposed master demonic cultivator's servant, was able to defeat Angela with ease, which made her wonder exactly how powerful the demonic cultivator master would be.

"These are merely obstacles on our path of cultivation and I am sure Lex will be powerful enough to deal with anything coming our way" reassured Ella.

The faces of all those they came across were void of any happiness and everybody seemed to be lifeless.

The country was barely managing to function with hunger being an obvious concern of the masses, who didn't have much fertile land to farm on or many places to hunt.

"This is what we will exploit. The Earth Country has an abundance of food because of the massive loss in population and fertile land, but doesn't have much more fighting power. While the Gamma Country have a shortage of food but have much more strength and people" decided Ella.

"Yes, but my family are very stubborn and hardheaded and won't easily submit and want to lower themselves to joining up with another country" stated Angela, unsure of whether Ella's plan was feasible.

"Then you must show your worth and power, but also appeal to their emotions and common sense to be able to make them join up with us. Otherwise relying on Lex alone to battle the incoming threat is not very realistic and also unfair on Lex who is relying on us" advised Ella encouragingly.

One of Angela's biggest goals and reasons for gaining strength was to not only surpass Lex, but also provide him with assistance and allow him to rely on her for once.

If she managed to screw up the first thing he asked of her, she wouldn't be able to live with herself knowing the number of times Lex had saved her life and she knew that he was also the reason that she had managed to gain the Jade Empress's inheritance.

"We will succeed and will not only fend off against the demonic cultivator coming, but will kill him to avenge all of those who were killed because of his orders" declared Angela determinedly.

'As the ice queen and my inheritor, you cannot leave what Jackson did you unavenged' stated the Jade Empress within Angela's mind.

'I will kill him then I will go accomplish our task' planned Angela.

"Ella, we will punish Jackson and get my revenge, then negotiate with my parents" decided Angela.


The two slim robed figures dashed above the tall buildings in the inner areas of Gamma Country and headed towards the central and restricted district, owned by the royal family.

Unlike the Earth Country, the Gamma country and the other countries, were ruled and governed by a royal family and had a closed off and restricted central area that was only accessible to those in the royal family and the few noble families bellow them.

"We must be stealthy and after you get your revenge, we will head to your parents without alerting everybody, as it will be impossible for us to fight against an entire country" whispered Ella to Angela as they stood on the tallest building they found that was peering into the royal district.

"Yes, after we make that bastard pay, I will confront my parents and hope that they understand and join us. As it is almost impossible for us to defeat them in battle and I can only hope that they are understanding" agreed Angela.

Nodding in agreement, Ella signalled for Angela to be quiet and follow after her.

Ella made no noise in the slightest, while Angela, who wasn't proficient in stealth, was not as skilled.

However, Ella was covering for her lack of stealth with her mysterious abilities as she cancelled out the sound that Angela caused, making sure not to alert the dozens of powerful guards that were heavily armed and on high alert after the Voltiac Guild's attack.

"Which way is Jackson's quarters" whispered Ella to Angela as they hid behind a cart in the corner of the royal district.

"His quarters were on the western wing and should still be there" answered Angela quietly.

The night sky gave them some cover as they camouflaged with the darkness with their black robes, but the area was still on high alert and had blaring lights, illuminating most areas.

They sneakily dashed around in the royal district, dodging all guards and only taking areas void of light and after an hour of carefully treading through the long route that Ella found was the safest, they finally reached the residence she recognised as Jackson's.

Angela's expression was cold and calm, but her eyes were filled with hate, anger and sadness as her past memories streamed through her mind.

'Time to finally get my revenge on this bastard'

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