Eye System

Chapter 157: Heading Out

Chapter 157: Heading Out

Lex had never thought that there could be a beast, that would pose him a threat in the Underground Coves, especially with the power boost that his Elemental Body and Third Eye provided.

But it seemed as though he had massively underestimated what was in the Underground Coves.

However, Lex was not scared or angry and was actually happy and excited to face off against powerful beasts that would have valuable beast cores, beast meat and may even provide him with powerful Beast Powers.

It was exactly what he needed to increase his own strength and the strength of his fox beasts quickly, and were a massive opportunity for him.

The Ice Leopard was rumoured to be one of or the strongest beasts on the continent, and Lex was wondering whether he would find a stronger beast in the Underground Coves.

Waiting for the Unit Leaders to awaken, Lex continued cultivating.

With his drive strengthened and after dealing with the impact of the clone's death, Lex's cultivation was much faster than it was previously.

[It seems my mental fortitude and the impact my body can take has increased again] observed Lex as he felt the speed at which his strength was increasing was faster.

Overall it was an entire week before the Unit Leaders awoke and as they did so there was a slight disturbance in the energy in the area, which was quickly noticed by Lex who with his Elemental Body had strong a elemental affinity and sensitivity to energy.

Curious to see what had caused the commotion, Lex dashed towards the area where he could sense that the energy was strongest and found that it was around the Fox Beast storages where the Unit Leaders were still sleeping.

Elemental Vision

Activating his Elemental Vision, Lex could see that the energy in the area was being sucked towards the Fox Beast Storages, and entering the storages he saw that the golden light around the Unit Leaders was becoming increasingly bright.

[They are breaking through] observed Lex, fascinated by the unique way that the fox beasts were breaking through.

After a minute of large amounts of energy being sucked into their bodies, their bodies surpassed the limit of the Earth Mortal Rank and broke through.

The increase in strength was blatant and as they awoke, they could all feel the power that they had gained.

"Good job" congratulated Lex.

The Fox Beast Unit Leaders had shown their capability in the fox tribe and were all, including the 5th Unit Leader, respected as leaders, which was exactly what Lex wanted.

"Now we will set out together to hunt" declared Lex.

Before they left, Lex sat on the ground as the fox beasts closely observed Lex curious to what he was doing.

Self-Cloning Eye

Lex's eye colour didn't change, but he felt that he could release large amounts of energy and relay an Eye Power to form a clone.

Lex was beginning to understand more about his Self-Cloning Eye Power, but his knowledge was nowhere near enough to be capable of cloning his body without the help of the Self-Cloning Eye and just like the rest of his Eye Powers, Lex didn't have complete understanding about how they actually worked.

Which was another advantage that the Eye System gave him over others that were also in pursuit of strength, as he didn't need to have a complete understanding of an ability to be able to use it.

Forming 3 clones one after another and relaying to each of them an Eye Power, the fox beasts were shocked and in awe of what they just saw.

"These are my clones and will protect all of you to avoid casualties. They should be treated in the same way as I am and are just as powerful as I am" announced Lex to his fox beasts.

The fox beasts understanding Lex's words were all in awe of the ability he just revealed to them and they began to jump around Lex's emotionless clones playfully.

"Protect any fox beast that you see is at risk of death while we are hunting and also play with them and treat them well if they are playing with you" ordered Lex to his clones.

With their orders, they also began playing with the young fox beasts and had their aims, but it was obvious that there was no real emotion behind their actions.

Allowing the young fox beasts to play for a while, Lex after recovering his energy was ready to head out.

"We will head out now" announced Lex.

As soon as the Unit Leader's heard Lex's announcement they began barking orders at their subordinates and the 5 fox beasts units formed a large formation.

In the centre of the formation were the younger and weaker fox beasts along with the few female fox beasts that were pregnant. While along the edges were the yellow and orange fox beasts who had the strongest bodies and thickest fur.

At the front of the formation stood Lex and the 5 Unit Leaders while each one of the clones stood along one of the edges of the square formation.

Lex couldn't help but be shocked by the fox beasts' development as he observed the strategic layout of the formation.

As Lex began jogging forth at a speed that was similar to an Earth Mortal, the army of fox beasts followed closely behind him, staying in formation.

[The young will be able to witness hunting, eat beast meat and beast cores and hunt weaker beasts, while the rest of the fox beast army will strengthen themselves, hunt and spread their territory] thought Lex to himself.

Any beasts that they came across were ruthlessly slaughtered and Lex or one of his clones would place it in their inventory, so that they could feed all the fox beasts after they had finished hunting.

After an hour or so they had finally reached the Earth Mortal Regions of the Underground Coves and Lex allowed the fox beast army to hunt freely in the area around him, while Lex and his clones were patrolling the area to help any of them that were about to be killed.

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