Eye System

Chapter 195: Next Step Part 2

Chapter 195: Next Step Part 2

"Joining the sects would have some opportunities but the cons outweigh the pros and it is better if we move around the Lower Plains in our small group as we explore the Lower Plains and search for any opportunities or treasures that might increase our strength," said Lex.

"We all seem to have our own methods to cultivate for the future and unless there are any objections, we can all agree that we can travel around the Lower Plains together" stated Lex.

Angela wasn't against Lex's plan and also had hoped that she would be able to stay with Lex and Ella, while Ella had already decided that she would follow Lex anywhere as she watched him grow, so it didn't matter what he decided.

"So it is decided, we will move to the next continent that is closest to this one and we must find a map that we can use to get around the Lower Plains. Along the way, we should gather any information about the sects in the area and especially the Blood Moon Sect that has made us an enemy and has become our enemy" summarised Lex.

He planned to take down the Blood Moon Demonic Sect slowly and he knew that it was inevitable that they were after him. Their methods that relied on harming and killing others and innocents to increase their own strength disgusted him and infuriated him so much that he wanted to kill all demonic cultivators.

But Lex had learnt that, that wasn't his responsibility and that he should do what he was capable of, while making sure that his own safety and prosperity and of those that he cared about was the main priority.

Angela sat down in the bubble around the mysterious trinket to cultivate in its dense energy, while Lex went on a stroll around his Portable Sub-Dimension with Ella.

"Lex you do know that if the Sect Master of the Blood Moon Sect is resurrected, after they find a suitable host and acquire enough resources, the entire Lower Plains is in danger. Most likely that elder has chosen you as the most suitable host for the demonic cultivation master and that would place a massive target on your head from not only the Blood Moon Sects, but other sects that would want to kill you in order to prevent the resurrection of the Sect Master of the Blood Moon Sect" said Ella with a worried expression.

She knew that Lex's ability and potential were incredible, but he was still too young, inexperienced and weak to attempt to deal with such a threat.

"Yes, I realised that, but I didn't want to tell Angela because she may be overwhelmed or she may overreact, but what I do know is that the elder was only just resurrected and he has yet to recover his former strength of an ascendant. Before he is able to do so, we need to destroy the Blood Moon Sect and I also need to increase my strength enough that I made a name for myself in the Lower Plains where I don't have to worry about anything" replied Lex determinedly.

"If that is so then I will trust in your judgement and I will believe that you will be able to overcome this hurdle," said Ella encouragingly.

"Just remember there are still places above the Lower Plains and you are yet to be stronger than me, where I will become your girlfriend if you are, so you still have a long way to go" reminded Ella.

As Lex turned to her and gave her a cheeky wink, she blushed and scurried away back to where Angela was cultivating.

[Despite the strength and knowledge that she has, she is still only a young person just like I am and it is expected for her to act like that] thought Lex to himself.

He was happy with everything that he had and everything that he had built in his current reality and he wasn't willing to lose all of it because of a despicable demonic sect that would target him in the near future as a suitable host for the resurrection of their master.

Sitting down on the ground, knowing that the entire Portable Sub-Dimension was his and that there were only fox beasts and his two companions in it, Lex began asking the system questions.

He had yet to see how many system points that he had acquired after all the time that he had spent in the Underground Coves, but he wasn't bothered about them and only wanted to use them to buy more Eye Powers.

[System how many system points do I have and do I have any rewards that haven't been opened] asked Lex.

{Ding, the host has 1,398,263 system points and for defeating a former ascendant cultivator for the first time, the host had gained an A Rank Eye Power Draw} answered the system.

[What] exclaimed Lex within his mind in shock, pleasantly surprised by what he had.

[System what is the highest rank Eye Power I can buy with 1 million system points] asked Lex.

{Ding, with 1 million system points, the host can buy an A Rank Eye Power} answered the system.

[How about this, if I spend 1,000,000 system points and the A Rank Eye Power Draw, can I get the Fire Manipulation Eye] offered Lex.

He knew that the chances of him getting exactly that Eye Power from his draws were slim and was wondering whether the system would accept his offer.

{Ding, seeing as the host's offer is higher in price to that of the Fire Manipulation Eye that the host is after, the system will accept, however, this is only because of extraordinary circumstance. Because the host has an extension of the Hell Blaze Flame's Flame Seed within your dantian and with the host's offer, the system is able to accept this once} accepted the system.

[Great] exclaimed Lex joyously.

{Ding, the host has gained the Fire Manipulation Eye which is a growth type Eye Power, in exchange for 1 million system points and an A Rank Eye Power Draw} announced the system.

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