Eye System

Chapter 85: Reliant

Chapter 85: Reliant

"Nooooo" screams Lex as he suddenly jumps up in his bed.

His body was sweating profusely as he wheezily gasped for air.

"It was all a dream" he mumbled as he began to calm down and wipe the sweat off his forehead.

As the painful experiences that he went through repeated within his mind in his sleep, Lex couldn't help but have his past grievances reawakened, especially the excruciating memory of his body being annihilated when he attempted to break through his past sub-dimension.

[I won't let those events repeat themselves] he vows.

Looking around he saw that he had shocked all the children who had just awoken and everybody gave him looks as if he was crazy.

Realising he was only shirtless and was still wearing the ripped shorts he was wearing when he first transmigrated, Lex noticed he need new clothes.

[I will go get the reward for the beast hunting missions I accepted, then I will buy some clothes and train] he planned.

Throwing a bag of spirit coins he had taken for accepting the missions, Lex seeing the state of the orphanage knew they needed more money.

"Buy the kids some clothes," he said as he walked off.

"Ashura, watch over them" he ordered as he withdrew his Soul Pet, remembering its power and trusting that it could protect them.

The black raven was annoyed by the tone of voice he was spoken to with by Lex, but as his master, he couldn't do anything and expected it for him attempting to help the Eye Demon.

Lex was about to use the Scouting Eye to look for a tailor to get himself some clothes, but remembered that he shouldn't use his Eye Powers and was beginning to realise just how reliant he was on his Eye Powers.

"I can use this time to become less reliant on my Eye Powers" he mumbled trying to find some good out of the situation he was in.

Despite it being the day, Lex felt that ever since integrating with the Eye System, his life had always been a race with time and he didn't have any to waste.

Lex entered an alleyway, then a minute late came out a figure in white robes that rushed off towards the Voltiac Base he used last, which was also the closest to him.

With the help of Kano, he managed to get onto the rooftops, out of the way of the civilians, as he dashed towards the Voltiac Base.

His body being much stronger than it was previously and having more energy to wield, Lex covered the distance in less than 20 minutes.

However, remembering the speed and power of Max Ford's body, made him frightened and realise how weak he was on this continent and if this continent was small and insignificant, how puny he was compared to the entire world.

Entering the Voltiac Base he made it a quick exchange where he provided the shrivelled bodies of the beasts on the missions for the rest of the reward and left straight after.

"These bodies are completely void of blood, vitality and energy. How did he accomplish such a feat" wondered the woman who was usually at the front desk of the Voltiac Base.

Lex had around 1000 sprit coins altogether now, but still felt he was progressing at too slow of a speed and only when the Eye Demon was in control would he progress at unimaginable rates.

Another thing Lex noticed was that all the missions to defeat the beasts all were requested by the same family, the Weston family, which he noted and added to the list of things he had to investigate.

Lex bought a few sets of plain black outfits and placed them in the inventory and after paying would rush off.

Returning Kano into the inventory and putting on a set of new clothes, Lex walked out of an alleyway in an all-black outfit and finally felt comfortable for the first time in nice clothing that fit him.

Looking at himself in the reflection of a storefront, Lex saw that his body was still slim, but felt that he looked quite good, even though he would never be approached or appreciated without the wealth, strength and status that females were looking for.

"What happened to my hair" he exclaims seeing that the roots of his hair were becoming red and black while the rest of his hair was still white but slowly also becoming black and red

"Can't I just have normal hair" he mumbled as he walked away, receiving looks as though he is crazy from those watching him talk to himself.

{Ding, your hair's colour, texture, and or thickness, are all affected by your mind, body and energies and became white due to the trauma and sadness in your life and was very rough and lost all nutrition due to the host's body at the time not having enough nutrition and therefore sacrificed your hair.

However, now with the abundant evil energy in your body and sharing a soul with the Originator Eye Demon, your hair will gain the colour red and with your Spacial Eye linked with the void your hair will also have the colour black} the system explained.

[Does that mean I will have red and black hair] he wails in his mind thinking about how weird he might look.

{Ding, the host is correct and that may even change again depending on future Eye Powers and circumstances} the system stated.

Hearing this he began to think about having all different weird colours of hair, but then remembered that hair was the least of his worries and he should aim to get stronger.

[Where should I train] he thought.

He had nowhere that belonged to him and would sleep anywhere he found and luckily found a bed in the orphanage, but wasn't looking to buy a property in the outskirts of Outer Aria which was mostly slums and poverty and wanted to at least move closer to the inner country, but needed enough money and strength to take those in the orphanage with him.

[Why don't I get that mysterious old lady in the orphanage that was a founder of the Volitac Guild to train me and help me be less reliant on my Eye Powers] thought Lex.

[Yes, It must have been fate for us to cross paths and she should be willing to help me] he decided.

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