Fallen Monarch

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

133. Undecided (3)

As Wolf followed Ellin to Toms office, Lulu, who was watching them, felt uncomfortable, thinking that he might have made another mistake. Ellin stopped before the door, opened it slightly, and peeked into the room. Tom, Oskal, and Akareal were having a conversation in a solemn atmosphere. It seemed difficult for her to butt in.

It seems they are busy. Is it about diplomacy?

No. Its nowhere near diplomacy.

Surprised, Ellin looked up at Wolf. 

You can hear their conversation?

Werewolves have good hearing.

Then tell me what theyre talking about.

Why dont you just go in?

But I dont want to interrupt. It hasnt even been long since the war ended. Im afraid I might ruin the contributions Ive made if I just uselessly butt in.

Her reputation was finally on the rise. She had even gotten praised by Tom, so she didnt want to ruin everything.

Wolf pricked up his ears and said, Its something private.

Something private?

Ill tell you literally. He said, What are you?

What? Is he talking about Tom? Ellin tilted her head.

Well, humans would indeed wonder what Tom was. Even Ellin herself didnt understand anything about him. She had no idea whether he was a human, a demon, or something else; what he liked and hated, and even what his past was, it seemed like nobody knew. The only thing she knew was his name, and everything else was unclear. Ellin frowned.

Come to think of it, I havent been able to ask anything about Tom since I met him.

Wolf kept eavesdropping and conveyed the conversation to Ellin. 

He said You bastard, I heard youre a doppelganger, though?'

That bastard? No. Doppelgangers can tell themselves apart 

Ellin shook her head.

Tom said, Yes, I am.'

Hes lying! Ill eat my hat if hes a Doppelganger! 

Ellin keenly caught Toms lie.

Doppelganger? It seems like doppelgangers these days also copy others swordsmanship and read peoples minds, huh? Dont lie! You bastard'

Ellin nodded at Wolf, who was narrating Oskals argument word-for-word.

Yes, of course, it was a lie. Where in the world would that kind of Doppelganger exist

He said, What is your relationship with Thoma?'

Ellins expression hardened at those words.


Tom felt like pressing his temples while facing Oskal and Akareal, though he was trying to maintain a calm expression. They were ambassadors of an ally and a vassal state. According to common sense, they had to be polite, but Oskal put that idea on the back burner and pressured Tom.

Why dont you answer me? Whats your relationship with Thoma!

I have no idea who that person called Thoma is. Ah, if I remember correctly, isnt it the name of Your Highnesss colleague in the past? Tom smiled and looked at Akareal with a shameless expression, hoping that she would stop Oskal.

Yes, it is. 

Akareal nodded. But it didnt seem like she was going to stop Oskal. She also found it strange in many ways after she listened to Oskals description.

Since Akareal refused to help him, Tom smacked his lips and said to Oskal, I dont know anyone called Thoma.

Dont play dumb. It doesnt make sense unless youre related to Thoma! His face, voice, attitude, behavior, habitsall of them are the same as yours!

Tom smiled awkwardly. 

What are you doing by going around observing that person called Thoma so much? Between men? I didnt know you were into that.

Oskal realized what he said and waved his hands. 

I dont know what misunderstanding Ive caused, but Im talking about that bastards swordsmanship. Moreover, its no use trying to get out of this like that. Oskal glared at Tom. It seemed as if he didnt want to hear any joke. On top of that, its not only your swordsmanship that is similar to his. Even that bastards strategy and way of thinking are exactly the same as yours! Its so much like a copy that its strange! Oskal crossed his arms. Then there are also other possibilities, like you being his student or son. But he doesnt have students. If there were any, it would be the kids of Abbey whom Akareal is taking care of, but those kids couldnt learn anything from Thoma. You might also be his son if we take your resemblance into consideration Still, a long time has passed. Even if he had a son, he wouldnt have been this young.

Tom leaned backward, as if he felt uncomfortable because of back pain. For Oskal, who had a simple mind, his thoughts went too deep. Tom wasnt used to that.

Theres something else too. Oskal looked at Akareal. Akareal, the magic you researched on. Is it possible to save Thoma, who was dying, with that?

It is. Also, it can keep ones youth. But its impossible without a sacrifice.

Any other methods?

Im not sure. Butconsidering the Devil of Lanias might, its probably a totally different power from the existing magic.

Oskal knew about Akareals research to some extent, including the fact that she was keeping her youth

Tom, who was listening to their conversation, broke out in a cold sweat. Although he could guess their thoughts, he still feigned ignorance. 

What the hell are you talking about?

Oskal went straight to it without beating around the bush as Tom smiled awkwardly. 

Im asking if youre Thoma yourself. This damn bastard!

Toms smile disappeared. He narrowed his eyes with an icy cold expression.

There are not only one or two things that are strange. Theres something else in common between you and Thoma except for what I just said: the hate you both have for Pope Salem and the time the Devil of Lania appeared. Thoma was on Salems bad side, and he was tortured as a result. Something happened to Thoma, making him hate that bastard. And the day Thoma was released, the previous capital of the Holy Kingdom, Lania, collapsed. Reason? The Devil of Lania, you, appeared.

Oskal shrugged his shoulders and fixed his gaze on Tom. He was glaring at him, as though he would bore a hole in him if he found anything unusual.

Isnt it strange? Too many things are overlapping to just write it off as a coincidence. You look like him, your swordsmanship is similar, your way of thinking is the same, and you both share a grudge against that damned Salem. Coincidences happen once or twiceokay, say around thrice at most, but still, this isreally strange? Isnt it? Also, more than anything, theres crucial evidence.


While Tom was perplexed, Oskal smiled unpleasantly and said, You testified when we fought. You called me friend.

Toms cold expression loosened up. He smiled and shook his head, dejected.

Hahahathat cant be called evidence. It was a critical situation, and I might have said it to make you lower your guard by using your past and the fact that I look like the person called Thoma. Havent you thought about th 

Tom trailed off while looking at Oskal. Oskal didnt say anything, just keeping his eyes on Tom. Tom knew what his gaze meant. He wanted the truthnothing else. Tom, who had the eyes that could see through lies and truths, knew how desperate Oskal was.

In the end, Tom closed his mouth and said a totally different thing, You really beat me, stupid, dull boy. Its nice that youre honest and simple, butI hate how sometimes youre really quick-witted. to the point its scary. Oskal and Akareals eyes grew wide as saucers. You were the same in the past, someone who couldnt hold back. When you thought something was right, you would blindly try to butt in, even by being stubborn. Just how much I had a hard time whenever you did that Oskals jaw hung open, and Akareal covered her mouth with her trembling hands. Sometimes, I couldnt even get out of it. Various problems happened because of that personality. Well, since I can now call it a memory too It wasnt all that bad. Instead, it was really fun. There was also a time when Oskal, Akareal, Salem, and I, the four of us, formed a party and went on a thrilling adventure of subjugating the Demon Lord.

Tom smiled brightly at the two shocked people. 

Its really been a long time. Oskal. Akareal.


While holding a tray with tea and refreshments, Lulu looked at the duo standing in front of the office door. Wolf was whispering something in Ellins ear.

What are you doing here? Mr. Wolf? Miss Ellin?

Wolf was startled and looked down at Lulu.

Were out here because it seems like theyre having a serious conversation inside. The atmosphere just feels like we cant barge into the room. I heard them talk, but I dont understand what its about.

Isnt that eavesdropping?! You cant do that! As Lulu rebuked him with an arguing tone, Wolf stroked the back of his neck. Miss Ellin, you too. Please stop standing here and eavesdropping! As an Apostle, wheres your dignity? Lulu tilted his head while mumbling the end of his sentence. Miss Ellin?

Despite Lulus calls, Ellin just stood there in a daze while muttering to herself. 


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