Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

Chapter 141

In the living room, Nan Yin leaned on Feng Zhixing's shoulder. "What did you just say to Yuchuan?"

"The matter's hardly settled, and you're already calling him Yuchuan. We need to present a united front," Feng Zhixing replied.

"We can't let our precious daughter be snatched away. Who knows what might happen in the future?"

Although what they had just witnessed wasn't initiated by Qin Yuchuan, any father would be unsettled seeing his daughter so intimate with another man.

Nan Yin said, "Don't get any devious ideas. Qingyi can be stubborn. Once she's made up her mind about something, she'll see it through to the end."

"If you try to sabotage this behind her back, I won't help when you two end up estranged."

Feng Zhixing sighed, "...Actually, if he didn't have designs on Qingyi, I'd say he's quite a decent young man."

"He's more mature and sincere than most young people these days. He didn't make any grand promises, just said he'd prove himself over time."

Nan Yin smoothed her long hair.

"Well, there you have it. Qingyi's always had good judgment. Our children will make their own way. We shouldn't meddle too much."

"She needs to make her own choices in life. We can offer advice at most. As you said, who knows what the future holds? Whether they can go the distance depends on them."

Back in his tent, Qin Yuchuan listened to the howling wind outside, lost in thought.

Today's unexpected meeting with Qingyi's parents hadn't left a good impression. He hoped he'd have a chance to make amends.

They were Qingyi's family, concerned for her well-being. He couldn't let her be caught in the middle.

The tent flap opened, letting in a gust of cold air. Na Muqi entered, carrying a pot of wine.

"General, I've just heated some wine. It'll warm you up. The weather here in the South Border is even harsher than the Northern Desert."

"Just set it down," Qin Yuchuan replied.

Na Muqi looked at Qin Yuchuan, who was staring at deployment maps. "General, are you worried?"

"The South Border has sent Prince Murong Yi as their commander. Do you know anything about him?" Qin Yuchuan asked.

Na Muqi shook his head. "The South Border royal family has few members. Apart from Crown Prince Murong Chen and Second Prince Murong Mu, I've never heard of any other princes."

A third prince appearing out of nowhere – perhaps he had been prepared for this, or secretly groomed for years. It seemed the South Border had put some effort into this.

"Any recent news from Shengjing?" Qin Yuchuan inquired.

"None, sir," Na Muqi replied.

Qin Yuchuan thought to himself that his opponent probably wasn't ready to make a move yet. Not knowing the details of what had happened years ago, he felt he had no right to advise him.

Known for his decisiveness, Qin Yuchuan must have carefully considered his position to have come this far.

"You may go," he told Na Muqi.

At the tent entrance, Na Muqi turned back to look at Qin Yuchuan.

"General, are you still in contact with Prince Xian?"


Hearing this, Qin Yuchuan realized Na Muqi had likely noticed something. He wasn't surprised.

"Prince Xian would be a good choice. If you're on good terms with him, you could lend him some support."

"How can you be sure he won't be the next emperor?" Qin Yuchuan's cold tone seemed to startle Na Muqi.

"You're right, General. I was being foolish."

Weren't the previous emperor and Qin Xu once as close as brothers?

Yet later, for the sake of power, that brotherhood was sacrificed.

In the royal family, how could there be any true feelings? In their eyes, power trumped everything.

In Shengjing, at the General's Mansion.

Bai Wei was packing clothes for Xuanyuan Xi.

"Princess, won't you stay at the mansion a while longer?"

Xuanyuan Xi shook her head. "With Yuchuan gone, there's no reason to stay in this big, empty house. I'd rather go to the temple as usual and pray for his well-being."

"The mountain air is good for one's health, and it's so peaceful. I find it comfortable there. It's just you, my dear, who has to suffer along with me."

Bai Wei replied, "Not at all. Spring is just around the corner. It'll be lovely to enjoy the mountain scenery."

"I wonder if the Master will be at the temple this time."

Bai Wei said, "Princess, the Master's whereabouts are always uncertain. He always says that those meant to meet will meet. Whether we see him or not depends on fate."

"I know. I just can't help wondering why Yuchuan wanted us to leave Shengjing so soon. Could something be about to happen?"

Before he left, he had come to say goodbye and specifically instructed her to pack up and go stay at Guanyuan Temple for an extended period.

He had never cared about such things before, so this special request made her worry.

Hearing this, Bai Wei said, "Princess, the General probably didn't mean anything by it. He just wants you to rest well in the mountains."

"I hope you're right." But she couldn't shake off a feeling of unease.

The carriage from the General's Mansion passed through Shengjing's city gates, gradually disappearing into the distance.

At Prince Xian's Residence, Ming Jiu followed behind Xuanyuan Yan.

Ming Jiu reported, "Master, I just saw the carriage from the General's Mansion leaving Shengjing."

Xuanyuan Yan nodded. "Yuchuan has thought of everything. They should have reached the border by now. We can start moving slowly."

"Be careful. Keep a close eye on that woman in the palace. She still has her uses."

Ming Jiu scratched his head. "Master, why don't we take action directly? No one in Shengjing is a match for us now."

A large portion of the court was on their side, and they had planted many people in the palace as well.

Killing Xuanyuan Sheng would be an extremely simple matter. He didn't understand why his master wanted to move so slowly.

"Ming Jiu, do you know why you can only follow me around as a guard?"


"Because you don't have a brain."

If rebellion were such a simple matter, why would he have spent seven years planning all this?

"Ming Jiu, go tell our person in the palace to watch that woman carefully."

"I wonder whose child she's carrying. I'd be curious to see Xuanyuan Sheng's reaction if he found out."

Ming Jiu nodded. "Understood."

He felt a bit envious of their palace insider, who seemed to be doing quite well for himself these days.

After the Lantern Festival, there were only a few days left before the start of the school term.

Feng Qingyi packed her things and arrived in the capital early.

Taking advantage of the days before school started, she gave the villa a thorough cleaning from top to bottom.

While organizing her studio, Feng Qingyi came across the painting she had spent a long time working on.

It was meant to be a birthday gift for Qin Yuchuan, but she had forgotten it here.

She decided to send it to him. Although it was late, it was still a heartfelt gift she had prepared.

At the border between the South Border and Tianqi, not a blade of grass grew, and fierce winds often raged.

Grains of sand permeated every morsel of food, yet the soldiers made no complaint about these conditions, having clearly grown accustomed to them.

Qin Yuchuan stood outside the tent, clad in light armor, his gaze fixed on the distant city veiled by the yellow sands. A sense of contemplation washed over him.

"General, everything you arranged has been deployed," Na Muqi reported.

With Qin Yuchuan present, Na Muqi found his role as military strategist rendered almost obsolete.

Qin Yuchuan would meticulously plan every detail, issuing orders one by one, while his subordinates needed only to follow his instructions to the letter.

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