Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

Chapter 143

Since she had decided to continue her relationship with him and understood his intentions, she had no reason not to trust him.

Moreover, he had gone off to war now, doing his duty for the country and the people.

She was clear-headed enough to know which weighed more heavily - personal romance or national duty.

He had his responsibilities to fulfill, and she had her own life to live. They were, after all, two completely independent individuals.

"I know you all mean well, but he really is very busy with work. Once he's finished, he'll come to see me. There's no need for you to worry about me," Feng Qingyi said.

Hearing Feng Qingyi's words, Shen Hanyue and Qu Jingqiu did not pursue the topic further.

In the third month of spring, after enduring a harsh winter, Shengjing was bathed in particularly brilliant sunshine.

The streets became more crowded, as if people were savoring this rare spring weather.

In Prince Xian's Residence, the weeds that had grown taller than a person remained uncut, giving the place a desolate air. It seemed as if spring had neglected to visit here.

Xuanyuan Yan stood silently in the courtyard, dressed all in white. His shadow stretched long and slender in the sunlight.

"Master, this is a letter from Lord Yu," Ming Jiu handed the letter to Xuanyuan Yan.

After opening the envelope and reading its contents, the paper full of writing burned to ashes in mid-air.

Xuanyuan Yan tossed the matchstick to Ming Jiu standing nearby.

"Any news from that person in the palace?"

Ming Jiu replied, "The Empress is now well into her pregnancy and has been resting in Changle Palace. Nothing unusual to report."

"She certainly knows how to bide her time."

Ming Jiu continued, "However, according to the imperial physicians, a slow-acting poison has recently been added to His Majesty's daily meals."

"The dosage is minimal, so it won't have any immediate effect."

"Her ambition is not small," he mused. Perhaps it was time to give things a little push from behind the scenes.

"Tell our person in the palace to keep watching closely and report any unusual activities immediately."

"Understood, sir."


In the thick of night, Yan Lan accompanied Murong Yan on a stroll through the imperial garden.

"Yan Lan, how are the matters I asked you to handle progressing?" Murong Yan inquired.

Yan Lan replied, "Your Highness, everything has been arranged as planned."

"Good. We don't have much time left. How has Xuanyuan Sheng's health been these past few days?"

"Your Highness, His Majesty shows no signs of illness for now."

"The initial doses needn't be too large, or it might be discovered. We'll gradually increase them later."

She had originally planned to keep him around a bit longer, but now there was no need.

He spoke of loving her, yet so quickly found new affections. An emperor's heart was indeed fickle, but she had never expected otherwise.

"I understand, Your Highness. It's getting late; perhaps you should return to your chambers to rest."

"Mm, help me back."

As Yan Lan escorted Murong Yan back to her chambers, they failed to notice the figure lurking in the shadows.

Once they had left, Gao Jiayue quietly emerged from behind a tree.

She had been sleeping in her chambers when, for reasons unknown, she suddenly found herself in the imperial garden. There, she had overheard that woman's sinister plot.

She had to report this to His Majesty. If he learned of that woman's plan to murder him, he would surely have her executed.

Gao Jiayue glanced down at her nightclothes, then hurried back to her own chambers. After dressing and making herself presentable, she set off towards Yangxin Hall.

However, upon arriving at Yangxin Hall, she was stopped by Qi Tan, the emperor's chief eunuch.

"Lady Gao, His Majesty has already retired for the night. Please return to your chambers," Qi Tan said.

Gao Jiayue pressed a pouch of silver into Qi Tan's hands. "Eunuch Qi, I truly have an urgent matter to report to His Majesty."

"...My lady, it's not that I won't help you, but it's already past midnight, and His Majesty is asleep. Perhaps you could return another day?"

Qi Tan returned the silver to Gao Jiayue. This job wasn't easy – every day, people came offering bribes, yet he couldn't accept them.

That pouch of silver looked to be no small sum. What a pity.

Undeterred, Gao Jiayue once again pushed the money pouch into Qi Tan's hands.

"Eunuch Qi, I truly have a matter of life and death to report to His Majesty. Please, make an exception."

"My lady, please don't put me in a difficult position. If you really wish to see His Majesty, come back after the morning court session tomorrow."

Seeing that she would not be able to meet Xuanyuan Sheng that night, Gao Jiayue had no choice but to leave.

Qi Tan weighed the money pouch in his hand, feeling quite pleased.

The money from the palace women was easy to earn. He'd better make the most of it while he could; there might not be many more opportunities in the future.

"How does that woman not question how she got from her chambers to the imperial garden?" wondered one of the hidden figures, puzzled.

The other person replied, "Compared to the emperor's favor, such details probably don't matter much to her."

"The women in this palace are truly frightening. They'll stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

"Alright, now that everything is taken care of, let's hurry back."

The next morning, just as Xuanyuan Sheng returned from court, he saw Gao Jiayue waiting outside Yangxin Hall.

Xuanyuan Sheng frowned. He had been somewhat interested in this woman at first, after all, she was the one his younger brother had cherished most.

However, he later discovered that not only was she foolish, but she also harbored malicious intentions.

If it weren't for his father's sake, he would have banished her to the Cold Palace long ago without a second thought.

"What brings Lady Gao to see me today?" he asked.

Gao Jiayue quickly bowed. "Your Majesty, I have come to report a matter of great importance."

"Speak plainly then."

"Your Majesty, yesterday I overheard the Empress in the imperial garden. She has been administering a slow-acting poison to you. I came to inform you of this," Gao Jiayue said.

Xuanyuan Sheng grabbed Gao Jiayue by the throat with one hand. "Does Lady Gao know the punishment for slandering the Empress?"

As Gao Jiayue struggled desperately, Xuanyuan Sheng scoffed coldly.

"I've seen such tactics many times before. Lady Gao, for slandering the Empress, you are demoted to the rank of answering women and confined to your chambers. You are not to leave without summons. Take her away."

Pushed to the ground, Gao Jiayue protested vehemently.

"Your Majesty, every word I've said is true. I heard it with my own ears in the imperial garden last night. I wouldn't dare deceive Your Majesty. Please, investigate this matter..."

Xuanyuan Sheng impatiently ordered, "Remove her at once!"

Qi Tan, standing beside Xuanyuan Sheng, observed the scene coldly.

Of all the women in the palace, only this one would dare to make such baseless accusations to His Majesty.

If it weren't for her father's high standing, and the fact that she had been out of the emperor's favor for so many years since entering the palace, she might have met her end countless times by now.

"Your Majesty, shall I summon the imperial physicians to examine you?" Qi Tan asked.

Xuanyuan Sheng cast a glance at Qi Tan. "You also think the Empress would poison me?"

"Your servant would never dare to suggest such a thing," Qi Tan replied hastily. "I merely thought it would be prudent to summon the royal physician to examine Your Majesty's health."

Xuanyuan Sheng considered Qi Tan's words and did not refuse.

The royal physician arrived promptly and, after a thorough examination, found no signs of poisoning.

"Qi Tan, you'll forfeit your salary for this month," Xuanyuan Sheng declared.

"Your Majesty," Qi Tan pleaded, "this old servant only earns two taels of silver a month. If I lose that, how am I to survive..."

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