Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 400: On the Mountain

Chapter 400: On the Mountain


The birds carrying them were panting heavily for the entire last hour. At one point Lerrin feared they may begin to descend early and risk being sighted.

But the birds plowed on, until finally the mountain that overshadowed the Royal Cave began to loom from below them, and Lerrin braced.

The most difficult and dangerous part of these operations were the landing. The wings of the birds made significant noise when they were taking off, or beating for speed.

They'd learned to circle, riding the winds until they could drift onto their chosen clearing. The birds at the front, where the wolves feet were positioned, would drop their ends of the harness, and the wolf would drop out—shifting to beast form while in the air to give themselves four legs, and the added agility to make the landing. But more than one wolf had broken a leg when the birds dropped a few feet to high, or their speed had been too quick.

A mountain gave greater opportunity for the birds to drop them and drift on without having to beat their wings, because they could continue to descend alongside the mountain without hitting the ground. But it also meant a much greater precision was needed for when and how to release the wolves.

As they began the final, drifting descent, riding the updrafts that often banked along the mountains, and slowing their pace, Lerrin braced. The birds couldn't speak or gesture to let them know when the drop would begin. He'd learned to anticipate it, but still, when the moment came and the bottom of his hammock dropped out from under him, revealing a long, narrow clearing on the side of the mountain rushing up to meet them, Lerrin's stomach plummeted far faster than the rest of him as he shifted in beast form.

He stumbled on the landing, tweaking one paw. He was forced to run a few steps to slow his momentum. But Nhox was right beside him. And as soon as they had their balance and control, both of them darted for the trees, then shifted back into human form.

Lerrin turned to the male in the dark and smiled. Nicely done, he sent.

Nhox shrugged. We've been practicing a lot.

They both looked down the mountainside to the flash of wings barely visible in the dark, in between the gaps in the trees as the Avalines drifting on. The exhausted birds would circle to the back of the mountain and find a spot out of the way to rest and recuperate until they were strong enough to fly home. It wasn't the first time Lerrin wished they could mind link with other tribes. He'd been there to witness how the birds fared after these trips—it wasn't good. They often took days to recover.

But it served the purpose they needed, and so far, apparently the Cat hadn't discovered this. Otherwise he would have had archers lining the mountain on all sides to take them down as they approached.

Did that mean he was allowing Lerrin to land safely? Or had Suhle been unsuccessful?

It occurred to him then that she still might be close enough to reach and his heart sped up. As he led Nhox to the tiny cave hidden by a rocky overhang, and positioned next to a small stream, they didn't speak. But once they'd had a drink and were settling out of sight under the rocks, he sent, Can you monitor the pack mind? I have to reach some others individually.

It was true that he would try to reach Suhle, and perhaps the Fist Leader for the Firestarters when they landed—Lerrin planned to doublecheck that his orders to hang back until the signal had been marked. But his real reason for staying out of the pack mind was the inherent risk in someone delving deeper into his mind than he'd intended.

He couldn't afford for anyone to see his memories of Suhle, or the message he'd sent to Reth.

But Nhox didn't even question, simply nodded and closed his eyes.

With a sigh, Lerrin also rested back against his bag and closed his eyes, opening his nostrils to take in the scents nearby, and soothed when there was nothing beyond trees, dirt, and water. And Nhox.

Then, almost holding his breath, he reached out for Suhle.

Are you there? Can you hear me?

He'd been able to speak with her from far greater distances than he'd ever experienced with another Anima—that had baffled him at the beginning. Now, of course, he knew why.

She was the one the Creator made for him.

As if she'd been waiting for him, she sent back, Yes! You're safe!?

If they'd been speaking, her voice would have been breathless.

His heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. I am safe, he sent. You are still in the City?

I wait for a chance to reach Reth directly, she sent. Ive had a brief message taken to him so he can being preparations. But I want to try and speak with him.

Suhle! His heart pounded. You cannot risk yourself! If they find you—

My family are helping. If I cannot get to him privately before the end of the dark hours, I will leave. Do not fear, Lerrin. I am safe. But are you?

Yes, he replied, still very uncomfortable with what she was attempting. We are safe and there is water here. We will remain until the new night. You must be back at the encampment before then, Suhle. I can't risk the fire if you're there.

Do not fear, Lerrin, she said, her voice smooth and soothing. I will be long gone.

Listen for the Terrabird, he warned her. It does not call in this region. If you hear it, you are hearing a signal between the fists who are about to attack. If you hear it, run.

I will, she sent back, along with the mental image of herself stroking his back. Do not worry for me. Focus on keeping yourself safe.

He took a deep breath. I wish I could hold you, he admitted after a moment of silence between them.

Come back safely, she urged him. Hold me when we are at peace.

I love you, Suhle.

And I love you, Lerrin. Do not doubt it


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