Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 417: The Gift - Part 1

Chapter 417: The Gift - Part 1


Still sobbing, but working to catch her breath, Elia told herself it was stupid to lay there feeling sorry for herself when she could be receiving something from her mate. So she wiped her eyes and sniffed, and pushed herself up to sit.

She stared at the paper parcel in her hand and urged herself to open it.

At first, she was terrified to, afraid of what she might have lost, or be yet to lose. But then in her mind she saw Reth's thick hands, his fingers working on the thin lace of this, his frown of concentration as he must have worked to tie the whole thing together and she realized he may have written something.

She opened her legs side so the parcel fell to the bed between them and through blurred eyes, started working on the knot in the leather lace to get it undone.

It took some time—Anima would usually have simply cut the tie, but she didn't want to lose or destroy anything that she still had of Reth. She using nails and teeth—and only growling once—she finally worked it loose and pulled it free of the paper with swift tugs until the paper opened, crinkling, to release its treasure.

Elia's breath caught.

Inside were two pieces of thick paper, folded in half, with Reth's writing all over them. And a soft leather satchel-style wallet, also tied closed, the soft leather thick and pliable, but lumpy with the promise of what lay inside.

Elia looked back and forth between them, half-elated like a child, half-grieving.

Open the gift, or read the note first?

She yearned so hard to hear Reth's voice, she feared nothing else would satisfy her after that. So, she picked up the wallet first and untwisted the lace around it until she could open the flap and look inside.

Her nose was assaulted immediately with so many scents, so many memories, she almost started crying again. But she didn't want to get clogged up.

She prayed and inhaled, and focused. She couldn't weep. She had to see everything. Be able to smell it!

Then, blowing out a breath to calm herself, she reached inside the wallet and brought out a soft cloud of fabric that was inside. When she unrolled it, she recognized it and began to cry again. But she didn't want to focus on her grief. So she unrolled it, then set it to the side to look at the other items and lay them out, one by one.

Tears flowing despite her resolve, she pulled apart the few little things that had tangled and lay them softly on the quilt until there were several small items displayed between her knees, and the clutch of soft fabric at the top.

She thought she knew, was certain she understood, but she wanted to hear him say it. So with the fabric clutched to her chest in one hand, she used the other hand to pick up the papers and unfold them. And then she read, her tears flowing, but this time with joy because she could hear his voice in her head as she read his words.



I hope you find this quickly. I hope you have a place to put these things before you so that you can remember me each and every day you are gone and know, without doubt, that I ache for you.

You aren't even gone yet, and I ache.

All of this was supposed to be your Name Day present. I had been collecting these things to remind myself of you for my whole life, but especially since the night you arrived. And because I couldn't remember your true date, I had been planning a night at the cave with our loved ones where we would celebrate, and I would give this to you, along with the note, as a surprise.

But once I knew we had to part… I couldn't bear to give away a moment alone with you. And there was no time. So, when you return—and no, do not think like that, you will return!—I will give you a human Birthing Day party. That is what you call it, correct? We have obviously missed one of them already. That is my failing. I will not miss another.

I wrote this note to give you that night. I had intended to allow the others to celebrate you, and then when I had you alone, I would give you these things one by one, telling you where they came from and why I remember them, then give you the note so that you could remember it any time you wished.

I wish I could be there with you to do exactly that. But this will have to do.

Close your eyes and imagine my voice, Love. Imagine my fingers stroking your cheeks, wiping your tears, buried in your hair. Imagine that every breath you take, I am about to kiss you, and I take it with you.

You are my heart, Elia. You are everything that is most important to me in the world—you and Elreth. It sears my every instinct to let you out of my arms. But I know, I am certain, that this is what is best for you. So we must. We must. But I ache.

Never let yourself believe there is a moment that I am not yearning to have you with me. And once you return, there will not be a moment I will let you out of my sight.

Please, hold these things. Remember me. Embrace me in your heart. When we are together again, it will truly be forever. And I will give you another, then, to add to these.

I love you with every breath,



Elia was already sobbing, but then she pulled the second piece of paper to the top and her tears streamed.

There, in his careful, flowing hand, each item was identified and explained. And it was a walk through the life they had built, the moments they'd spent… and the most precious memories of Elia's life.


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