Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 453: To the Death - Part 1

Chapter 453: To the Death - Part 1


He and Reth eyed each other, waiting for the whistle. Brant, as Second to the reigning Dominant would blow it, but his sense of drama had obviously kicked in, because he looked around, and appeared to be holding back, waiting for the silence of the people.

While they waited, poised, for the fight to begin, Reth turned to meet his eyes in the challenge, glaring.

"Take the stance," he growled quietly, so Lerrin would catch it, but too quietly for the crowd to hear.

Lerrin didn't move. He stood, tense and ready, but not in the fighting stance Reth had taken. Not outwardly prepared to attack. The cat seemed disturbed by that.

"Take the stance, Lerrin," he snarled, his teeth gleaming in the afternoon sun.

Lerrin just raised an eyebrow at him, so Reth growled. Lerrin wished they were both on the pack mind so he could taunt the perfect Reth with his show of impatience. Juvenile, he knew, but it was the last moment that he would step into fully himself. Taking a last shot—no matter how petty—was in his blood. And if he died today, Reth would remember it.

Reth's upper lip curled back to bare his canines. But then, finally, when the entire bowl seemed to be holding its breath, Brant raised his fingers to his lips and let out a piercing whistle.

The crowd leaned in and let out a roar.

Lerrin let his breath ease out, long and slow, centering himself, as Reth became a whirlwind, flashing toward him, hands a barrage of strikes at Lerrin's head and chest, then letting loose a powerful kick at Lerrin's stomach.

Lerrin blocked each one successfully, though the kick reached inches closer to him than it should have. He only just deflected it, and Reth's foot grazed his hip before the larger male danced back. But his eyes were alight with rage now.

"Fight me, Lerrin. Take the stance and stand for your people or I will be forced to snap your neck like a child's!"

Still Lerrin only stood, chin down, weight on the balls of his feet. But he did not raise his hands to strike. "If you won today, would you vow to eradicate the darkness that has infected my people?" he snarled through his teeth.

Reth's forehead crinkled as he flowed forward again without answering, this time attempting to take hold of Lerrin's arm, to twist and flip him, force him bodily into combat.

Lerrin managed to snap out of the clinch before Reth could brace to throw him, but his heart raced and adrenalin flooded his system. That had been very, very close. Too close. Despite his bulk, Reth was far faster than Lerrin had anticipated.

"Speak to me, dammit!" Lerrin growled. "I am not whining at you to hear my own voice!"

"I will not fall for your distractions, dog!"

Lerrin snarled as Reth came at him again and he was forced to shuffle back to give himself more space. Reth's arms were as long as his, and legs slightly longer. His reach exceeded Lerrin's by a good couple inches—which could make all the difference when they actually came to blows.

But when Reth didn't land a thrust and Lerrin didn't try, Reth sank in his stance, bending his knees to shift his weight lower, preparing a strike in truth.

Lerrin sucked in a breath. "If you become their Alpha, will you vow to hunt down those within the wolves who seek only for themselves and keep the others safe?!"

"I am no fool, Lerrin," Reth snarled through his teeth. "This is between us. You will not shift my focus." He growled as he raced forward again and they both became a flurry of limbs, the thwack of their arms, hands, and legs echoing across the bowl, unheard by the maddened crowd who continued to cheer and howl for their leaders.

Lerrin wanted to bite out his throat in frustration. "You are a fool if you do not listen and force me to hurt you! Why do you think I gave you information? Why do you think I am here! Tell me your intentions for my people. If you win, will you vow to cleanse the wolves without genocide?"

"They are already my people! And if I win, I do not answer to you!" Reth roared, one of his thick legs swinging up from the hip in a full circle to take Lerrin at the temple.

Lerrin only just ducked the kick, flinging himself aside. But he wasn't fast enough to block the shocking jab Reth landed on his ribs before shifting back, out of reach again.

Both their chests heaved, rising and falling with the heat and the adrenalin, but neither of them cared. "This is not a ploy, Reth!" he spat, keeping his elbow tucked in to guard the rib Reth had likely cracked. "I sent the messenger. I came because I need help—I recognize that… you were right when we spoke at the river. I can now see that my reign has been… tainted."

Reth scoffed and came at him again. For a full minute, Lerrin dodged, darted, blocked and twisted to avoid the thicker, stronger lion gaining a grip on him that would end in him being powered, face-first into the dirt.

Heart pounding in his ears, and narrowly missing being tripped, Lerrin finally twisted, landing an elbow in Reth's side as he whirled to the Cat's back to give himself a moment to breath as Reth was forced to dart away, to put space between them and find his bearings again.

Only then did Lerrin become aware of the cheering and calls of the crowd, the buffeting roar of the Anima, calling for blood. He growled his disapproval. "My question is real: Will you protect innocent wolves from those within their tribe that would destroy all of us?"

"I will always protect the innocent, Lerrin."

"Even wolves?" Lerrin insisted. "Even those that have stood in rebellion, but did not understand who or what they followed?"

Reth's gaze went guarded. Both of them panted, slowly circling each other, hands up to guard. Those in the crowd screamed for more fighting, but Reth was finally listening. Lerrin prayed—he prayed!—that Reth would see the truth.

Reth feinted and Lerrin danced back, but didn't fall, then they circled again.

"Will you protect innocent wolves?" Lerrin spat. "Is the question so hard? What happened to the male who insisted we could speak for peace?"

"That male watched you destroy the people of the WildWood!" Reth roared and whipped forward.

Time slowed. Lerrin's mind flickered through everything that had brought them to this moment—everything he'd done, everything he'd seen and understood, and it finally became clear to him.

As Reth plowed forward like a boulder down the mountain, Lerrin knew there was only one way to end this.

He stayed in place until the last possible moment then, as Reth hit his full stride and dove for him, slipped a half-step aside, not attempting to block the grip Reth aimed for his forearm, but using it to shift the male's weight while he still had momentum, whirling them both until Reth's shoulder was strained, almost to breaking point as Lerrin brought the limb around behind him, catching it when Reth tried to let go and applying pressure until the joint was ready to pop.

He couldn't kill Reth from this grip, and he didn't doubt the warrior knew—as he did—that there was only one way out of it—and that would injure Reth, but if used correctly, could turn the fight to his favor.

He had seconds, at best.

"Listen," Lerrin snarled into his ear as Reth tested his strength and braced to flip him—which might dislocate Reth's shoulder, but if he used it correctly, would also allow him to pin Lerrin before Lerrin could find his feet again. "I came for peace, but it had to be a peace my people—my good people would follow. Do you vow to protect them? If you do, this fight is yours."

Reth froze, chest heaving. Lerrin didn't relax, but he also didn't apply the pressure that could break Reth's elbow.

"Tell me, Reth!" he hissed. "Will you protect my good people?"

"You mean MY people, Lerrin?" the older man snarled back. "My good, innocent people that you and your pack leaders manipulated and deceived? Yes. Yes will protect them. I will give my life in service to every one of them!"

Something inside Lerrin broke open as Reth braced for the flip that would hurt himself, but bring Lerrin to the ground. But in the course of a breath, Lerrin knew.

He knew.

As the crowd around them roared for blood, for death, Lerrin released Reth just as the male began the twist.

The lack of resistance threw his balance off, and Reth stumbled forward, but Lerrin didn't follow.

By the time Reth caught his weight and turned, bouncing on the balls of his feet to meet whatever trick he believed Lerrin was about to employ, Lerrin was dropping to his knees.

Reth froze, his eyes widening as Lerrin, without breaking eye-contact, offered his wrists. Then, when Reth didn't take the offered victory, Lerrin growled a curse and tipped back his head to bare his throat.

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