Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 467: No Mercy - Part 2

Chapter 467: No Mercy - Part 2


The wolf had stared at him with an accusation in his eyes when he'd seen the pile of dead wolves, and Reth had almost—almost—apologized. Then he'd steeled himself.

Had the tables been turned he was confident Lerrin would have done far worse.

Why didn't that soothe his conscience?

As soon as they were in the tree though, Lerrin's natural arrogance returned and he began to stare at Reth. The fucking nerve of the male!

Reth waited until the guards had done their job, then he ordered them to leave and not come back unless he gave the direct order.

Lerrin had given a tiny snort and Reth almost tore his head off on the spot. But the wolf's arms were useless at his sides, his hands white and shaking as he clenched and unclenched them, trying to bring feeling back to the crucial limbs.

Reth didn't like that he felt safer because Lerrin was obviously unable to use his hands effectively. He didn't like that the wolf had submitted rather than been dominated.

He didn't like that he'd saved Lerrin's life and now couldn't kill him without looking like he'd taken petty revenge.

But he would, if that's what was needed.

When Lerrin turned to face him and scanned him from his toes, as if he measured every inch of Reth, Reth lost the leash on his anger.

"I should kill you," he snarled.

Lerrin's eyes flashed. "You still can. I'm submitted. I won't fight you. But that won't solve the problem you've got, and you know it."

"It would solve one particular problem," Reth pointed out fiercely.

Lerrin's eyes narrowed. "Have I not just proven that I'm submitted? That I want the greater good? Isn't that what you wanted?"

Reth didn't answer. Didn't like that his mind felt foggy and his body loose and liquid, as if he might fall over at any moment. He felt weak and vulnerable—and feared that only his anger about that fact kept him sturdy on his feet.

Lerrin gave a little shake of his head and snorted quietly. "So much for mercy. So much for peace."

"You expect mercy now?! You expect peace after what just occurred? How many lives lost, Lerrin? I did not seek war—you did. And you brought the most toxic and hateful of the Anima to the Hallowed Grounds to soak sacred ground with blood! Yet I am the poor leader for treating you with contempt?"

"I have proven myself! I heard your plea when we met at the river—"

"How many months later?"

Lerrin stepped forward and Reth had to brace himself not to flinch. "I am not proud of my blindness, or the time it took me to open my eyes, but a true leader will turn from wrong and face right when they see it—and I did," he growled. "Have you never held onto grief, Reth? Never blindly blamed another for the pain in your chest? The problems that exist began well before I took Alpha. Where is your righteous anger for those who led two years ago? Five? Eight? Oh wait… that would be you…"

Reth's upper lip curled. "If this is submission, I hate to think what your challenge looks like."

"Yes, you would. The wolves understand that leaders are only strengthened by feeling the challenge of their servants. I have been honed by those around me, forced to fight for my choices. I have not been applauded at every step."

"And you believe that I have?" Reth would have gaped at the sheer ridiculousness of the accusation, but he wouldn't weaken himself with the show of emotion.

"I believe that your choices have not always been challenged, when perhaps they should have been," Lerrin growled. "But it is of no account anyway, because I am here. I am submitted. Even to death."

Reth blinked at the echo of his vows to Elia and the honor inherent in those words. "Thank you," he said quietly, startled.

"What else do I have to do, Reth? You need me right now—I can tell you how to approach the wolves. I can tell you how to make this transition work. I can tell you how to bring them back. And I want to. But if you're going to see everything I say and do through the filter of the past three months, we aren't going to get anywhere—"

"The filter of the attacks on my mate? The filter of your personal hatred, your sister's petty vendetta? Your father's outright insubordination? That filter, Lerrin?"

Lerrin scowled, but didn't answer.

Reth held his gaze until he looked down—teeth gritted and shoulders tense, but he did it.

Reth blew the air from his nose. "We have a serious problem now—a tightrope to walk. Mine made more difficult because of your mutiny, so do not look at me as if I am the problem here. Flaws or not, it is not I who chose war for the WildWood, Lerrin—and you know it, otherwise you wouldn't be here as you are."

Lerrin's face twisted with anger. "Fine! String me up! Don't use my knowledge. Don't use the help that I offer. Fulfill your desire for revenge—just as I did—then tell yourself you were justified in it. I must say, you did an amazing job at making yourself look merciful before the people, only to bring me here, to kill me in private and the dark—"

"I don't want to kill you, Lerrin, that's the problem. I'm a fool!"

Lerrin's mouth dropped open. "You just said—"

"I said I should kill you, not that I wanted to," Reth growled, then turned from the wolf to pace the floor. "You showed honor today—greater honor than I would have anticipated. Which has made my plate more difficult to swallow, because now I have a living, breathing, mutinous Alpha—a figurehead for his people."

"And you have him on a leash," Lerrin growled. "Much more powerful than martyrdom, and we both know it."

"Only as long as the leash remains," Reth rumbled back. He continued pacing, considering and discarding options, his head spinning.

"I don't get it," Lerrin said finally. "What is it you want from me?"

Reth stopped pacing and held his eyes. "Open your mind."

Lerrin blinked. "What?"

"Open your mind willingly. Let another wolf examine you, your motives, your plans—let them tell me that your words are true and do not hide an agenda. A wolf that I trust to link minds with you and reveal all of your secrets."


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