Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 483: Emergency - Part 1

Chapter 483: Emergency - Part 1


Kalle's hands trembled so badly she hurt Gahrye trying to get pressure on the wound. It was in a strange spot on his side, slightly closer to his back. She'd initially helped him lay down on his back, but as she tried to get pressure on it, she realized she needed him rolled over.

"Y-you need to roll onto your stomach, Gahrye, so I can get pressure on this."

He groaned, but rolled with her help, his eyes screwed tight with pain. The wound had already saturated his side.

She didn't want to scare him, but she was afraid Shaw might have nicked one of his kidneys and she didn't remember all the details, but she knew that was bad if it had happened.

Very bad.

"Okay. Okay," she said, her voice high and tight. "This is going to hurt, but I need to try and stop the bleeding, so I'm going to press hard and—"

Gahrye bellowed as she leaned her weight on the wound. She hadn't seen it very well, but the hole in his shirt was small, so she prayed that meant it was more of a puncture wound than a slice.

Gahrye, breath tearing through his nose against the pain, spoke through his teeth. "D-don't worry, I'll heal quickly," he rasped.

"I, uh, I don't know if, I mean, I need to call for some help—"

"Kalle, look at me." He laid with the arm of his good side under his head, his chin tipped down so he could meet her eyes at his side. The arm near the wound was tucked closed to his side, instinctively protecting it. He swallowed as she met his gaze, but when he spoke, his voice was only tight. "I am going to be okay. Are you listening? I'm going to heal. This is just a set back. He wasn't successful in trying to kill me. Be certain of that, okay?"

She nodded, though she wasn't certain at all. Though his steadiness in this crisis definitely helped her stay calm.

"You don't move," she said quietly, leaning on the wound with one hand while she pulled her phone out awkwardly with the other. Using one shaking, blood-smeared hand to turn the phone on turned out more difficult than she anticipated, and with her slick fingers she almost dropped it twice.

But once she got the phone on and open, her thumb hovered over the emergency call button. She wasn't supposed to bring medical or law enforcement to the big house for an Anima unless it was literally life or death—and even then, the Guardians would try to save them first. But she was alone and… but Gahrye was looking at her, his eyes clear. She shook, but he was coherent and… "You tell me the second you start to feel faint or… or dizzy, okay?" she said, her voice shaking as much as her hands.

He gave a short nod. "I'm okay, I promise. It just hurts."

Kalle snorted out a short breath, but then tapped the contacts on her phone list and called her grandmother instead.


"Grandma, we have a crisis. We need you here NOW, with a first aid kit and… and… we just need you here."

"I'll be eight minutes," her grandmother responded. "Hold on, honey."

Kalle blew out another long breath. "We're out in the garden, halfway to the portal and… and Elias out here somewhere and she's… um… she's eating Shaw."

"Oh dear," her grandmother said. Then hesitated.

For a moment it struck Kalle as both the grossest of understatements, and the most hilarious reaction she'd ever have expected. She started to giggle, then spluttered into a laugh. "Oh d-dear is right-t," she said, her teeth beginning to chatter.

"You're in shock," her grandmother said easily. Kalle could hear keys clinking and doors opening and closing in the background. "I'll try to be there in six, but I don't want to get stopped by the Police. So you just hold on and you keep breathing, okay?"

"He's bleeding."

"I'd imagine he's more than bleeding."

"No, not Shaw, G-Gahrye," Kalle said and her voice cracked.

"What happened? Wait, no, tell me when I'm there. What do you need right now?"

"A way to stop bleeding on a stab wound… a cover story for Shaw dying by lioness attack… and Elia to come back so Gahrye can take her through the portal."

Her grandmother barely hesitated. "Well, I'll see what I can do," she said.

Kalle started laughing again.

"Calm down, honey. I'm getting closer every second."

"I need my hand to put pressure on the wound," she said.

"Okay, but you just keep breathing okay? Is Gahrye conscious?"

"He seems… he seems okay," she said with a quick glance at her mate's face. He winced again and looked a little pale, but his eyes focused on her fine and he shifted his head on his arm.

"That's good news," her grandmother said, sounding relieved. "You just keep doing what you're doing. I'll be there in just a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. Don't forget we're outside."

"I won't."


"Love you, Kalle. Keep breathing."


Kalle hung up the phone and let it drop to the grass so she could put pressure on Gahrye's wound with both hands. He gave a growling groan when she pressed harder, and closed his eyes for a minute. But soon they were open again and staring at her.

"Did you catch it?" He asked.

"Catch what?"

"They—the voices—said that… Shaw loved you," he said, over a breath. "They don't know everything, Kalle. They didn't know who you were in the bigger picture. They don't know everything."

She looked at him. "I think they know if they can take me," she said quietly.

Gahrye gave a sigh. "Probably. I mean… I wouldn't risk you to them," he said, wincing again at a stab of pain.

"We already knew I couldn't go," she whispered.

He nodded again. "I mean… I guess I still hoped."

"Me too."

Gahrye slowly, very carefully, levered his hand to rest on her arm where she braced on his wound. "I will find my way back, Kalle, I promise you."

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