Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 491: The Truce - Part 1

Chapter 491: The Truce - Part 1

This chapter is dedicated to Jayah_Bookworm. Jayah, your support in August with gifts and Golden Tickets was staggering. (I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner. I had already written the material this far.) Thank you for being willing to give so much to my story and characters! I'm humbled. I hope you enjoy this:



The early dawn light filtered through the trees of the WildWood. Reth's breath made a cloud in the air and in places the grass crunched beneath his feet. Winter was coming—another reason to move the people towards peace quickly. None of them wanted to be out in combat, or guarding their homes when the snows came.

When he entered the clearing, the air was hushed, despite the massive crowds.

It was a massive space, usually used for training exercises or gatherings that included most of the City. Reth would have held this at the amphitheater, but everyone needed neutral ground until the figured out how they were going to do this.

So Reth entered the Clearing—surrounded by the forest and a sprinkling of the Great Trees with their long, thick boughs parallel to the ground, most of them covered in young whose parents put them up there so they could see… or to keep them out of the line of any conflict. Reth prayed that wasn't it.

Just like they had in the Hallowed Grounds, the wolves and their allies, and the Tree City Anima had taken opposite sides. Reth was unnerved by how much like the earlier challenge this felt, with both sides there peaceably, but staring at the other with suspicion and tension.

When Reth entered, surrounded by guards and walking alongside Lerrin, the intake of breath was audible. He'd warned his own people that the wolf Alpha would be present. And told them why it was necessary—though the number of dark looks Lerrin received from the Tree City side of the clearing made Reth certain he would never be able to let Lerrin loose.

Too many people had lost loved ones to ever trust him.

Which made Reth question why he was beginning to. He shook his head. He couldn't get stuck in those thoughts now. He had a people to unite.

The wolves and their allies were agitated with chatter and hushed murmurs, staring at Lerrin and Reth as if they had grown extra heads.

In the center of the clearing Brant, Behryn and Aymora already waited. Standing facing them were Hern, Nhox, the male Lerrin told him had been so diligent and loyal, even in the face of Craye, and a female named Jayah that Reth knew was very steady. He was pleased to see her selected for this. She was young to be an elder, but the wolves had lost many of their leadership in the battle on the Hallowed Grounds. If this was the new guard, despite its youth, Reth's hope grew.

In the front row of the Tree City, Hollhye stood, her hands clasped and in front of her chest, staring at Behryn like he might suddenly be snatched from her. The raw fear in her features made Reth frown. His brother was doing well. But then, she'd almost lost him. He couldn't fault her for worrying. If the same had occurred to Elia he wasn't sure he would have let go of her hand yet.

Something sat heavily in his gut as he looked between Hollhye and Behryn, though. His brother was tense—on the verge of anger. Reth wondered if Hollhye realized she was pushing him to his limit. He was no longer a mischievous colt. He was the Captain of the Guard, and a damned good one. Capable and strong. If his mate didn't release her grip on him soon, Reth smelled trouble.

As the circle of guards opened and moved to surround the council members, Reth and Lerrin stepped into the center—Lerrin's hands bound in front of him, though his shoulders were back and his eyes bright, as if he weren't tied at all.

He searched his people, nodded to some. Reth was pleased to smell the relief on him. He truly did want good for his people.

"Anima!" Reth boomed and the murmurs and conversations faded. "Thank you for coming. Your willingness to be here, to hear our voices and walk towards peace is a balm to my heart. You are the heart of Anima—our people. And we gather today to speak and to listen, to negotiate the path that we will all take together, to reunite under the canopy of the Tree City, and walk into the new age of peace and harmony."

He opened his mouth to say more, but a voice rose from the wolf side of the clearing.

"If you want peace and harmony, why do you bring our former Alpha here like a leashed pet?!" Some hushed the male, but many murmured agreement with his question.

Reth looked at Lerrin. He'd been about to address this very issue, but instead, Lerrin turned to scowl at the male. "I am not a pet, nor your Alpha. Your Alpha—and mine—stands here next to me, and honors me with an opportunity to hear and discuss these very difficult times. What you see is not a taunt, but a mercy. This is the Anima we walk towards. If you were once mine and you cannot appreciate the gesture, consider what we might have done were the roles reversed. If we are to walk forward into peace, rather than death, we must be willing and able to listen to each other. Our Alpha demonstrates his willingness to do so, do you my people?!"

As the people responded—reluctantly—Reth wondered whether Lerrin had scented Suhle yet. She was here, standing across the circle in the strange, half-open place where the two tribes met but didn't yet mingle comfortably. She was monitoring the pack mind for him, though she had vowed she would tell him nothing unless there were mutinous plans in the making. They had a signal for an attack on Reth himself, and a signal for general combat.

He prayed she would raise a hand to neither, this morning.

Their eyes caught as he turned to look in every direction, to draw the people in. Suhle dropped her eyes to the ground and her chin slightly in a bow to him, to show her readiness. Reth heard the slight intake of breath that Lerrin gave when he noticed her. She stared past Reth to her mate, her eyes openly hungry for him.

Reth didn't turn, didn't want to intrude. But he gathered from the noise Lerrin made and the soft scuffle of feet, that the male turned away from her.

His heart sank for Suhle. But she didn't stop staring at Lerrin with love in her eyes. She didn't need her eyes to hear the pack mind.

Reth just prayed that her love would be noticed and returned. That Lerrin wasn't able to be as blind towards her as he had been towards the people. Then he turned to address the entire clearing, and hopefully bring the Anima together once and for all.

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