Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 146 – Support

Chapter 146 - Support

Within the silent room, Chen Heng examined himself and could not help but frown.

After going through that passageway, his True Lord body had been greatly ravaged, and even his cultivation foundation showed signs of collapsing.

And that was only his body.

The injuries he had taken to his soul were even more severe.

His powerful soul had been greatly weakened and seemed like it might fall apart.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he had used the Meditation Technique from the Sorcerer World over the years, resulting in his soul being more powerful than others, his consciousness might have dissipated, resulting in him becoming a vegetable.

“I finally reached this new region but this was the result?”

Sitting on the bed, Chen Heng sighed and did not know what to say.

With his current situation, it could be said that he did not have much hope.

No matter if it was his body or soul, they had been heavily injured. For him to maintain his current state was already quite good, let alone continue to cultivate.

He had essentially been crippled.

Moreover, even if he did not do anything, he most likely would not have too much time.

Even if he could barely live on and seem like nothing was wrong, the situation within his body would still be terrible.

At most, he would most likely die within a few years.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but shake his head, feeling quite frustrated.

He had finally reached this new region through so much effort, but this had been the outcome.

He might as well have died in that passageway, giving him a clean death without so many complications.

Right now, Chen Heng could sense that this region was quite different.

Compared to the world that he had been in before, the pressure in this world was much lighter and did not feel so heavy.

Within this world, the pressure on cultivators was much less, and even though there were still limits, it was not like that other world where True Lord was essentially the end.

In other words, this world had the possibility of surpassing True Lords.

However, Chen Heng could only watch this and could not actually take advantage of it himself.

“It’s fine.”

Sitting on the bed, Chen Heng shook his head and quickly settled his emotions.

If he couldn’t cultivate, then he couldn’t cultivate.

For him to even reach this world was already a success; it was not important whether or not he could continue to cultivate.

Right now, he could only comfort himself like this.

Soon, some footsteps sounded out from outside as the young man from before entered.

He had some food in his hands and respectfully put it down.

“What is your name?” Chen Heng asked as he looked at the young man.

The young man froze for a moment before answering seriously.

His name was Liu Li and was the descendant of a cultivator family. Because his family had violated a taboo, their family’s experts had been killed and the remainders had been exiled to the Desolate Region.

“Since you’re the descendant of a cultivator family, why do you not cultivate?” Chen Heng asked.

This young man did not have any traces of cultivation on him. Even though he had a strong body, he did not have any magic energy and seemed like an ordinary person.

Liu Li gave a bitter smile.

“This lowly one wants to cultivate, but because I have a crippled body, no matter how I was to internalize spirit qi, I am unable to do so.”

“A crippled body?” Chen Heng was quite surprised. This was interesting.

The people with Fortune he had met before all had exceptional talent and dominated those of the same generation.

However, even though this Liu Li had far greater Fate than he had ever seen, he had a crippled body.

Chen Heng could not help but feel interested.

He was not of this world and naturally understood that having a crippled body was not everything.

After all, there existed a Weak to Strong Main Character tag.

Perhaps Liu Li was one of these people?

Thinking about that, Chen Heng looked at Liu Li.

Precisely speaking, he was looking at Liu Li’s Fortune.

Above Liu Li’s head, the dense golden Fortune continuously spun, and at the center, there was a faint violet light that was quite eye-catching.

Even though he was not doing anything and was just observing, Chen Heng could feel a faint pressure from Liu Li.

Let alone the current Chen Heng, even when he still had his Fortune, his peak could not compare to even one-tenth of Liu Li’s Fortune.

However, right now, Liu Li’s Fortune had not completely broken out yet.

Before, while searching for Chen Heng, Liu Li’s Fortune had given off some signs of breaking out.

It was just that after he had brought Chen Heng back, his Fortune had once again fallen dormant.

“It’s not yet time for it to break out…” After observing for a few moments Chen Heng came to a conclusion.

Even though Liu Li’s Fortune was powerful, it was still dormant and it was not yet time for it to break out.

Perhaps this was why his situation was so pitiful.

It seemed that Liu Li’s Fortune would most likely break out in about two years.

“Interesting.” Chen Heng smiled and thought to himself.

At that moment, he thought about the simulation’s rules.

The way the simulation counted his Points was that the more influence he had, the more Points he would obtain.

Since that was the case, if he could directly influence someone with such great Fate and change the direction of his life, perhaps that would count as well.

Through the Fortune Mark, he could roughly tell that Liu Li’s future path would be a difficult one filled with blood.

Even though he did not know the details, the fact that Liu Li would be stained with countless people’s blood was something definite—he would be a ruthless killer and a domineering expert.

Chen Heng smiled and had an idea.

“Come up,” he said softly.

Hearing this, Liu Li’s heart thumped but he still obediently went up and stood before Chen Heng.

Following this, Chen Heng put his hand on Liu Li’s chest, and Liu Li felt a warm feeling.

As Chen Heng sent his spirit energy into Liu Li, Liu Li felt as if he had gone through a baptism and his body seemed to go through unique changes.

Those changes caused Liu Li to gasp in pleasure.

However, he immediately came to his senses and looked at Chen Heng.

“Apologies,” he lowered his head, afraid that Chen Heng would be displeased.

As someone who could not interact with spirit qi, for him to experience spirit qi circulating around his body, it was a great joy.

That feeling lingered on his mind, wanting to experience it more.

“Is this how it feels to cultivate?” Liu Li could not help but sigh and felt great admiration as he thought back to that feeling.

Sitting on the bed, Chen Heng smiled, “It’s fine. I used magic energy to cleanse your body. In the following days, you will feel some changes; go and experience them.”

Liu Li respectfully nodded before asking, “Yes. Senior… then in the future… will I be able to cultivate?”

He looked quite excited as he gazed at Chen Heng, hoping for the answer he wanted.

It was a pity that Chen Heng shook his head.

Chen Heng shook his head as he sighed, “Not yet. The state of your body is not very good. I used magic energy to cleanse your body, which should have rid you of any obstacles, but it still was not enough.

“However, when you internalize spirit qi again, it should be better and will not be as painful.”

Chen Heng had a calm expression as he asked, “What cultivation technique do you use?”

Liu Li paused for a moment before telling Chen Heng.

The cultivation technique he used was just a low-grade, ordinary qi internalizing technique. Most people here knew it, and it was nothing precious.

Since even ordinary people would know of it, then it would be even more so for a senior like Chen Heng.

As such, Liu Li did not hide anything and told Chen Heng everything.

The cultivation technique that Liu Li spoke of was not too different to the Foundation Building Techniques that he had.

However, to Chen Heng, the cultivation technique that Liu Li used was too crude.

Even the simplest qi internalizing technique that Chen Heng had was much better than this.

Using this kind of cultivation technique was not only inefficient but could even harm his body.

It could be said that there were no positives to it.

Not only did Liu Li have a special body, but he was also using a cultivation technique like this. No wonder he was still an ordinary person.

Thinking to there, Chen Heng inwardly shook his head.

“Come closer,” Chen Heng said as he looked at Liu Li.

Hearing this, Liu Li’s heart leapt as he felt delighted.

“Could it be…”

He felt overjoyed but he had a respectful look on his face as he silently walked towards Chen Heng.

Following this, large amounts of information appeared in his mind.

A basic qi internalizing technique appeared in his mind, as if it had been engraved there.

Even though it was a basic qi internalizing technique, he could clearly see the difference. It was far superior to the one Liu Li had before.

They were on completely different levels.

“Thank you for giving me a technique, teacher!” Liu Li did not hesitate and kneeled down, kowtowing loudly.

Looking at him like this, Chen Heng did not stop him and only smiled as he said, “I only passed you a basic technique; how did I become your teacher?”

“Senior cleansed my body and gave me a cultivation technique; you are naturally my teacher.”

Liu Li kneeled on the ground as he deeply kowtowed again, “In the future, this disciple will serve you to the best of his ability.”

Seeing him like this, Chen Heng laughed and said, “Alright, that’s fine. You can go now, I want to rest.”

“Yes.” Liu Li nodded seriously before leaving the room.

After exiting from the room, an excited look appeared on his face.

“A chance!” He could not help but grip his fists in joy.

This opportunity before him was simply too rare.

He had struggled in this world for ten or so years, and now, he could finally see a ray of hope.


Thinking of that qi refining technique, he quickly went to one side.

Soon, he entered another room and sat down cross-legged as he began to internalize spirit qi.

Soon, he could feel the difference.

In the past, even if he sat here for an entire day, he would not be able to internalise much spirit qi.

One part was due to his body, and the other was due to how little spirit qi there was in the Desolate Region.

However, today, he felt great changes.

In just one hour, he had gained much spirit qi.

This was more than ten times more efficient than before.

After finishing this session, he looked overjoyed and felt some hope.

If he went on like this and continued to internalise qi, perhaps he could continue to refine his body and return to normal, properly setting out on the path of cultivation.

As he thought to himself, he felt incredibly excited.

However, when he turned and saw the young girl by his side, he came back to his senses.

The girl was called Liu Yi and was an orphan he had picked up. Compared to him, her talent was much better, and it seemed that soon, she would be able to begin building her Foundation and truly begin to cultivate.

That was no small feat.

Without the support of any spirit stones or spirit pills, and using a crude cultivation technique in a place with little spirit qi, this was already incredible.

“Compared to me, Yi Yi has more hope.”

Sensing the sounds from Liu Yi’s cultivation, Liu Li bitterly smiled and thought to himself.

Following this, he thought of the cultivation technique that Chen Heng had passed to him.

“With Yi Yi’s talent, if she uses the cultivation technique that senior gave me, she should be able to complete Foundation Building quite quickly.”

Liu Yi’s talent was very good, and with a good cultivation technique, her progress would greatly increase.

However, he would have to ask Chen Heng for permission—cultivation techniques were not to be casually passed.

After coming to this world for ten or so years, Liu Li knew this world’s rules clearly.

If he passed the cultivation technique that Chen Heng had passed to him without any permission, if Chen Heng became displeased, everything would be over.

He had finally gained a powerful supporter, and if he enraged Chen Heng, resulting in him killing them all, they would be finished.

As such, despite having this thought, he still sought Chen Heng’s permission.

Thus, in the following few days, he cautiously looked for an opportunity, and he asked Chen Heng for his permission when he seemed to be in a good mood.

“Your little sister?”

Hearing Liu Li’s request, Chen Heng was somewhat interested, “She can cultivate despite being so young?”

With cultivation, it was not necessarily the younger the better.

After all, for younger children, because their souls and bodies were not strong enough, even if they had the talent to cultivate, they often would not be able to absorb spirit qi and refine magic energy.

Liu Li’s little sister was still young and yet she could cultivate; this talent was quite good.

“Bring your little sister over,” Chen Heng thought for a moment before speaking.

Hearing this, Liu Li inwardly let out a sigh of relief before hurriedly bringing his little sister over.

The young girl did not look very big, only six or seven years old. She wore simple clothes and was a bit shy, looking quite cute.

Chen Heng did a rough examination of the girl and felt quite surprised.

This girl’s talent was on a completely different level to her brother’s, to the point that it was quite terrifying.

Chen Heng’s body had a complete Spirit Root and had almost peak talent.

However, this young girl’s talent seemed to be better than even his.

Sensing the difference between Liu Li and Liu Yi, Chen Heng felt quite interested and looked up above the girl’s head.

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