Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 204 – Beginning of the Trial

Chapter 204 - Beginning of the Trial

“In that case, according to your standards, I am still a good person,” Chen Heng said as he looked at Jacdo, feeling quite interested.

“You could put it that way,” Jacdo waved his hand and had that aloof smile on his face, “Everyone’s definition is different.

“The standard that ordinary people have towards a ‘good person’ and the standard that the hero’s legacy has towards a ‘good person’ are evidently different.”

Speaking to there, he paused and grinned, “So have you prepared?”

“Prepared for what?”

“The trial, of course,” Jacdo said, “The so-called hero’s trial is not so simple. If one does not have enough willpower and strength of soul, the hero’s legacy will not acknowledge you.”

“Is that so?” Chen Heng frowned, but just as he was about to say something, Jacdo had already vanished.

It seemed that he had already left.


“That fellow.”

Looking at Jacdo’s disappearing figure, Chen Heng frowned and thought about what he had just said.

“The hero’s trial…” he sat on the wooden chair and muttered to himself.

The next day, Ali officially left. When he left, many people were there to send him off, including Chen Heng.

However, he had not mingled with everyone else and instead alone on top of a tall building, watching Ali leave.

As he watched on, Ali’s figure gradually disappeared. However, Chen Heng had a feeling that it would not be long until they met again.

After Ali left, Chen Heng had finished his preparations.

The hero’s trial would be starting soon, and it was not just Ali; Chen Heng was also preparing to set out.

However, unlike Ali and James, Chen Heng brought many guards with him.

Not only did this include many of his own guards, but this also included Jacdo and his entourage.

Putting aside Chen Heng’s own guards, just Jacdo was someone who was unrivalled in this world.

Chen Heng was most likely the first person to have ever been escorted to the hero’s trial by the demon king himself.

Jacdo felt that this was incredibly amusing, which was why he had agreed to Chen Heng’s request.

With Jacdo, the demon king, escorting him, Chen Heng did not worry about any dangers or obstacles on the way.

Now that the hero’s legacy had only just appeared, there was not anyone in this world who was a match for Jacdo. Even if they tried to stop him, they would just be going to their deaths.

With Jacdo escorting him, Chen Heng was very much at ease.

A few days after Ali left, Chen Heng officially set out with his group.

As for the town, now that Chen Heng had brought much of its forces out with him, it had to return to a defensive period, and it could not continue expanding like before.

However, with the foundation that Chen Heng had set up, as well as the forces he left behind, the town should have no problem in maintaining the status quo.

Time gradually passed.

Just like this, Chen Heng headed towards the place of the trial.

The location of the trial was a huge mystery to ordinary people, but to hero candidates, it was not a secret at all.

The moment that the hero’s legacy appeared, the hero candidates all knew what needed to be known.

Chen Heng naturally knew the location of the hero’s trial, so he did not need to spend any time searching.

On the way, Chen Heng was not surprised to encounter some obstacles.

Many people had blocked roads on the way, not allowing anyone to pass through.

Just as Chen Heng had expected, there were indeed some people who wanted to reduce the competition.

However, these things were all useless in front of Chen Heng and his group.

He was able to smoothly pass through, and soon, he arrived at his destination.

It was a barren desert with some ancient ruins.

Chen Heng looked around and could clearly feel that this place was quite special.

A few hundred metres ahead, massive amounts of faith energy was gathered, forming a ball of blinding white light that covered even the sun.

This white light was created from countless people’s hope and faith, and it was incredibly pure. The power it contained made even Jacdo feel threatened, causing a look of shock to appear on his face.

This was the source of the hero’s power, and it was why each generation of hero could defeat the demon king.

“What magnificent power…”

Standing beside Chen Heng and looking at that light, Jacdo could not help but lightly exclaim.

“No matter how many times I see it, I’m still amazed every time…” he said as he lightly sighed.

“You’ve seen this many times?” Chen Heng looked a bit surprised as he asked.

“Indeed,” Jacdo nodded and said softly, “I’ve come here before and have seen it many times. Every time it is just as magnificent and beautiful.”

“Even the demon king who represents negative faith energy feels this way towards this power?”

Looking at Jacdo, Chen Heng felt quite surprised, “I thought that when you saw this power, you would act like those apostles and seem quite disgusted.”

“No matter if it is positive or negative faith energy, they are actually not in opposition,” Jacdo shook his head as he said, “In actuality, apart from some very extreme people, most people have both light and darkness in their hearts. I am the same.”

Standing there, he raised his head and looked into the distance, “The demon king is my identity, and negative faith energy is the source of my power. However, that is not the case for my soul. Accurately speaking, my soul is not that much different to a normal person’s. I am not a good person, nor am I a bad person.”

“Is that so?” Chen Heng still looked quite surprised as he said, “But how did you manage it? If my guesses are right, faith energy can affect one’s mind and change their personalities. Right?”

The effect of faith energy was something that Chen Heng had tested before.

Those with positive faith energy would be gradually affected by the faith energy and become more inclined towards good.

Those with negative faith energy would be the opposite.

In other words, once a person began to gather faith energy, no matter if they were truly good or evil people, they would be gradually influenced by faith energy, causing their personality to change.

This was why even though Chen Heng had faith energy, he did not go all-out in gathering it.

With his current circumstances, if he wanted to, he could greatly increase his influence and have even more people know of his deeds. That way, he would be able to gather more faith and even surpass Ali.

However, given the influence of faith energy, Chen Heng decided not to do this.

Under the effects of faith energy, perhaps Chen Heng would be permanently affected and gradually change.

However, Jacdo was quite unique.

As the demon king of this world, the amount of negative faith energy he bore was something that ordinary people could not imagine.

Given that he was a vessel for such great negative faith energy, he should have long since been ravaged by this negative faith energy and become a true demon king who delighted in slaughter and cruelty.

However, he seemed quite normal despite all of that negative faith energy, and he was just like an ordinary person.

Moreover, while the demon king Jacdo was quite calm, his apostles were all incredibly bloodthirsty.

“The reason is actually quite simple…” Jacdo said as he looked at Chen Heng, “No matter if it is myself or the hero, the faith energy is not something that we bear ourselves.”

“You don’t bear it yourselves?” Chen Heng frowned, feeling quite confused.

“Let me put it this way,” Jacdo explained, “The demon king and hero are just identities, as well as a privilege. These identities bring with them immense faith energy, and this is contained within the privileges.

“As such, I do not actually bear the negative faith energy myself; otherwise, how could I possibly be chatting with you like this?”

He looked at Chen Heng and said, “If I really did bear all that negative faith energy myself, I most likely would have killed you as soon as I saw you.”

“Privilege…” Chen Heng lowered his head and closely thought about what Jacdo had said.

Based on what Jacdo had just told him, the demon king and hero were identities, as well as a privilege.

The massive amount of faith energy was not something that they possessed themselves, so they did not need to bear it.

Since that was the case, the faith energy would not affect them.

“Have a think about it,” Jacdo continued to speak, “From when I was reawakened until now, I haven’t done anything bad. Even when I eat and buy things, I pay the amount that I owe.

“Even so, I still have so much negative faith energy; that is purely because I am the demon king.”

He felt quite frustrated, “The demon disaster began because of the demon king reawakening. Even though it was not me who caused the demon disaster directly, I am the one who bears all of the world’s curses and hatred. Simply because I am the demon king.”

“So it’s like that,” Chen Heng nodded, roughly understanding.

“However, you shouldn’t be happy too early,” Jacdo said as he looked at Chen Heng, “If it is this world’s indigenous people, after going through the hero’s trial, the faith energy will be contained within the identity of the hero.

“Most of the pressure will be absorbed by that identity, which is why the hero can live stably. However, things are different for you.”

Jacdo looked at Chen Heng and said seriously, “As an outsider, once you pass the hero’s trial, you will need to take all of that faith energy upon yourself. The identity of the hero will not help you bear this. Do you know what this means?”

Chen Heng immediately frowned.

He naturally understood what Jacdo was trying to say.

This world had a massive amount of faith energy, and if one did not have the hero’s identity to bear it for them, it would cause many problems.

Receiving faith energy required the vessel’s body and soul to be strong enough, and the greater the faith energy, the stronger the vessel had to be.

If one tried to take in all of that faith energy without being strong enough, it would undoubtedly be suicide.

Even if they could bear it, the influence that the faith energy would have on them would be terrifying.

As time passed, their personality would greatly change, causing them to become a different person.

“I suddenly changed my mind…” Chen Heng sighed and said in frustration, “It’s not too late to give up on the trial, right?”

“Of course it’s not too late,” Jacdo said as he laughed, “As long as you’re willing to stay in this world. This world is quite big, and with your strength, you should be able to have a good life in this world. So, do you want to consider it?”

Jacdo thought for a moment before grinning and saying, “I appreciate you a lot, and if you’re willing, I can allow you to become the Sect Master of the Demon King Sect and give you power to control all of the demon king apostles. How does that sound?”

“Forget it,” Chen Heng waved his hand and shook his head, “I’ll just struggle for a bit. Perhaps there will be some hope.”

In the end, Chen Heng decided to give it a shot.

Honestly speaking, just like Jacdo had said, spending a lifetime in this world was not too bad.

It was just that Chen Heng did not want to give up on this opportunity.

The hero’s legacy was related to faith energy, a unique existence.

Chen Heng did not want to give up on this opportunity.

If worst came to worst, he would just die and return to his main body.

However, he would not have this kind of opportunity every time.

Since he had received this opportunity, it would be a pity to give up on it so easily.

If he really was scared, Chen Heng would not have come here.

“Let’s hide for now.”

Soon, Chen Heng and Jacdo simultaneously turned and looked in the same direction, “There seem to be others arriving.”

In the distance, the sound of horses’ hooves could be heard, and soon, a group of Knights arrived.

One of them had dense positive faith energy, and he seemed to also be here for the trial.

In order to avoid trouble, Chen Heng avoided these people and hid by the side as he watched them set up camp.

His people hid by the side, and they were covered by Jacdo’s power; as long as they did not step out, they would not be detected.

Chen Heng did not have any intentions of interacting with others or having a conflict before the trial started.

In the following period of time, Chen Heng did some Meditation as he silently waited for the trial to begin.

There was still some time until the trial truly began, so he had enough time to rest and make sure he was in his peak condition.

As time passed, more and more hero candidates arrived.

By the final day, this place was filled with figures.

“Is it going to start?”

Sensing the massive pillar’s changes, Chen Heng got up and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the pillar formed from faith energy began to send out information into every hero candidate’s mind.

“The trial has begun.”

At that moment, that thought flashed in many people’s minds.

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