Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 837: Doubts in the Heart

Chapter 837: Doubts in the Heart

Editor: Henyee Translations

Faced with such a significant matter, Chu Qingzhi didn’t make an immediate decision. “Village chief, I’ll think it over. Once I’ve considered it carefully, I’ll announce the decision to everyone,” she said.

The village chief, beaming with hope, nodded in agreement. “Then we’ll wait for your good news.”

“Alright.” With thoughts swirling in her mind, Chu Qingzhi headed home. Midway, Wang Yuanlin approached, greeting her with a bow. “Miss, I’ve delineated the fief’s boundaries as you instructed, and here are the official documents from the government office, all processed and approved.” Chu Qingzhi tookthe documents to review. “Let’s go take a look.” “Very well.” Wang Yuanlin led the way to the nearest boundary of the fief. Boundary delineation was a serious matter…

Within the boundary lay private property, sacrosanct and inviolable by others. Even taking a stone required the landowner’s consent; otherwise, it constituted theft.

The boundary was marked with a wooden fence about half a person tall, constructed from aged bamboo. If left undisturbed, it could last decades without rotting.

Chu Qingzhi tested the sturdiness of the fence with her hand, finding it firm. “Well done.”

Wang Yuanlin sighed in relief internally. Chu Qingzhi’s standards were exacting, and failing to meet them could mean reprimand or having to redo the work.

As they walked along the fence…

Chu Qingzhi suddenly shared, “The village chief proposed an idea to me. I’d like to hear your thoughts on it.”

Wang Yuanlin, not letting the praise go to his head, maintained a modest demeanor. “Please, Miss, go ahead.”

“The village chief suggested that we establish a school on the fief to teach the children some literacy, so it’s easier for them to find work in the future. What do you think?”

Wang Yuanlin, careful not to presume Chu Qingzhi’s stance, hesitated to speak. Chu Qingzhi glanced at Wang Yuanlin. “Speak freely. If I were not open to different opinions, I wouldn’t ask. Don’t try to guess what I might want to hear.”

Caught off guard by her insistence on candor, Wang Yuanlin feared losing Chu Qingzhi’s trust and this opportunity, so he responded carefully, “Yes, Miss.” Chu Qingzhi stopped in her tracks before a grassy field. The winter grass, though not withered, looked sullen and cramped, a sight that did not please her.

After a moment, Wang Yuanlin weighed in, “I agree with the village chief’s proposal because, Miss, you need more capable people to help manage your affairs.”

Chu Qingzhi remained silent, continuing forward with Wang Yuanlin following a step behind.

She pondered her journey to this land, initially seeking to experience love, but eventually taking on much more. Now a respected landowner and adored figure, she had left a profound mark in this historical era.

Besides, she had a boyfriend everyone looked up to, who treated her with respect and care. She had true friends and family, and more money than she could spend. Everything missing in the cultivation world, she found here. Honestly, she could live in luxury for the rest of her life without doing anything else.

At this moment, her only question was about ascension. She had experienced love, but why were there no signs of ascending?

Her ultimate goal was still ascension, a goal she had strived for over centuries. She looked up at the sky, so high and endless, wondering who could answer her doubts.

After a long moment of reflection, Chu Qingzhi returned to the present. “If I can’t go back, then I must move forward.”

“A school will need staff. Do you have anyone in mind?”

Wang Yuanlin modestly suggested, “I would like to recommend my cousin to assist you with the school.”

“My cousin was once an arithmetic teacher at the academy but had to leave due to family complications. He’s been in low spirits at home, despondent. If you could consider him, he would be immensely grateful and dedicate himself to repaying your kindness.”

Chu Qingzhi considered this for a moment. “Let’s walk along the fence; we’ll pass by your home shortly, and I can meet your cousin then.”

Wang Yuanlin was overjoyed. “Thankyou, Miss.”

As they continued…

Chu Qingzhi asked, “With so many people in your family, is your cousin the only one available?”

Wang Yuanlin quickly replied, “Everyone is at home during the winter. I’ll have them come out to meet you shortly, and if you see fit, you can assign them tasks.”

Chu Qingzhi nodded slowly. “Let’s go.”

They chatted as they walked, soon reaching the boundary near Wang’s village.

Wang Yuanlin said, “Please wait, Miss. I’ll call them out.”

Chu Qingzhi stopped him. “No need for such a fuss. I’ll go take a look myself.”

A surprise visit might reveal more genuine aspects of a person.

Wang Yuanlin led the way. “After you, Miss.”

At the Wang household…

Du Qiaolan and other female family members were sewing winter clothes.

By late November, Wang Yuanping and Wang Yuanlin had received their salaries, enabling the family to buy cotton and fabric. After purchasing, they had to make the clothes themselves, and the women of the family were busy at work.

The men weren’t idle either; they were making furniture in the yard. Unskilled and clumsy, their handiwork was not particularly attractive, but their effort was evident.

Wang Xuwen couldn’t help laughing. “Brother, your craftsmanship is somewhat lacking.”

Wang Xuhuai, holding a crudely shaped leg of a stool, retorted, “What can I do? I’ve never done this before. It’s bound to be rough around the edges the first time.”

They were from the second branch of the Wang family, the “Xu” generation. Wang Xuhuai, the cousin Wang Yuanlin had mentioned, was notably skilled in arithmetic. After becoming a scholar, he was hired as a math teacher at the academy, but his promising career was cut short due to his family’s misfortune. Wang Jiaqi waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t mock Xuhuai; considering he’s more accustomed to holding a pen, it’s impressive he could make something that even resembles a leg.”

He was from the third branch, the “Jia” generation.

Wang Xuhuai, caught between laughter and tears, asked, “Are you praising me or mocking me?”

“Ha ha…”

Chu Qingzhi, standing at the doorway, stopped Wang Yuanlin from announcing her arrival, taking in the scene inside the house at a glance.

Wang Yuanlin explained, “This is how we usually are, a bit disorganized. My apologies for any impropriety, Miss.”

Chu Qingzhi responded, “This is what a home should feel like-relaxing and joyful. Too many rules and constraints would make it less welcoming.”

Wang Yuanlin wholeheartedly agreed. “You’re right, Miss.”

Turning to leave, Chu Qingzhi added, “When it’s time to build the school, bring your cousins over.”

Wang Yuanlin, filled with joy, hurried after her, “Won’t you meet them now?” Chu Qingzhi revealed a slight smile, “I’ve already seen what I needed to.”

Wang Yuanlin respectfully bowed, “Thankyou, Miss.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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