Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 962: overestimated

At that time, the Ruan family had outstanding literary talents and was very sought after by others, and the threshold of the Ruan family's marriage proposal was broken.

Then, the Ruan family disappeared overnight without any warning. She left Ruan's house, and the whole Ruan's house was in chaos.

She eloped with a man and gave birth to an evil seed. She grew up in the village. No matter how you wash her body, she has a muddy smell that can't be removed. Do you really think she is the daughter of a noble family?

Madam Ruan was driven into a hurry, and she cursed, "This is the Ruan family, not a place for you **** to run wild!"

"When you look for a tall, burly man, don't you just see that the man is strong and strong, just like your mother! When you see a strong man, you will soften your body!"

Being slapped across the face, Madam Ruan was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say. For so many years, she has been in the Ruan family for so long, how could she have suffered such grievances? She is not a kind person in the first place, and she doesn't need to write a draft for cursing.

Even if her man finds an outside room and gets a bastard, he doesn't dare to take it back to the Ruan family, depending on her face.

"Auntie, I'm really ashamed to call you that."

Li Haitang raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said calmly, "How do you know that a tall man is very good at bed, maybe he steals behind his uncle's back and has experience, so..."

The highest state of irritating people, vomiting people half to death, but not angry at all.

When fighting, the effect of force is mutual, and it hurts too, so you have to waste your energy.

Li Haitang pulled a chair and sat in the distance to watch the battle, enjoying the beating of Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Ruan with great interest, tsk tsk, their hair was disheveled, how could they look like Mrs. Gaomen? Worse than the shrews in the market!

How was growing up in the village? Those aunts who love to gossip are much more graceful than the two of them!

"You fart, you **** who rides thousands of people!"

It is an insult to her reputation, this is absolutely unbearable, Madam Ruan clutched her chest, her face was so red with anger, she wished she could ride Li Haitang under her and beat her up.

"Pingzhi, are you just watching your mother being bullied?"

Mrs. Ruan cried out in despair. As a Mrs. Gaomen, she needs face the most. If the people in the family know that she has been beaten up, what face will she have to control the servants in the family in the future?

Ruan Pingzhi clenched his fists and lowered his head in pain.

He thought of his younger sister Ruan Mianmian. Although her younger sister was arrogant and domineering, her nature was not bad and she was innocent.

But their mother is not such a person.

He knew very well what was most important in his mother's heart.

When he came back, he wanted to truly control the Ruan family. Only in this way, with a certain position, could he truly grasp the initiative.

Facts have proved that the Ruan family is bright on the outside, but decayed on the inside, even if it is taken over, it is nothing more than an empty shell.

Ruan Pingzhi sighed, shook his sleeves, and walked out the door.

When he walked to the door, another sweaty old woman came in. The old woman was tongue-tied and managed to say a complete sentence, "It's not good, young master, the old man was beaten!"

After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she raised her head and looked into the yard, oh my god, what's going on, Mrs. Why and Mrs. Young were both beaten?

The new Miss Cousin is watching the fun with the old gods on the ground.

The mother-in-law lowered her head, not daring to look any further. Both the madam and the young madam are not open-minded people, and they must make up for such a big wronged all of a sudden.

She is a current person, witnessing this scene, there are only disadvantages, no benefits, and she will definitely be settled by Qiuhou.

The old woman wiped off her sweat, thought for a long time, finally put oil on the soles of her feet, and slipped away!

Ruan Shangshu was also beaten up? Li Haitang held back his laughter. It was probably his savage husband who had the guts to do so.

The fight here was almost over, Li Haitang shifted his position, took Wu Fu and Bai Shuang, and headed towards the front yard.

By the time they reached the front yard, the battle had long since ended. Uncle Ruan Shangshu was tied to a tree, followed by the bully who had clashed with Doubao.

The father and son look the same, in the shape of "big". The difference is that Ruan Shangshu's face is dark, while Xiaobawang thinks there is a new game, and he giggles.

"It turned out to be you. Cheng He is decent. I want to ask Zhang Zheng for an explanation!"

Ruan Shangshu still didn't understand the situation, and was very surprised when he saw Li Haitang, thinking that they had a conflict before, and the other party came to Ruan's house to take revenge on the first day of the new year.

"Do you know what kind of family the Ruan family is? It's not your backyard. Come and leave whenever you want!"

Ruan Shangshu said while spitting, "Damn, **** the imperial court official, you can bear the responsibility for this crime? How courageous!"

"Don't say that, uncle, we can't afford it, this is just playing a game with you."

Li Haitang folded his arms, walked around the tree, and gave a thumbs up to his savage husband, "Husband, I haven't seen you **** for a long time, and I found that your binding skills have improved even more."

"Really?" Xiao Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, remembering the couple's **** in the intercourse, the two looked at the **** pictures, there were illustrations of binding, Xiao Lingchuan imitated the example, tied his wife's wrists, because he was afraid of hurting When I saw her, I didn't dare to tie it tightly, it was loosely tied, it was too tight

Ugly, Li Haitang refused to obey.

The couple quarreled for a long time, but after they became pregnant, they didn't dare to play with each other.

Li Haitang still couldn't figure out what was so exciting about tying his hands, because his savage husband was too reluctant to part with her, such as leather whips and candles, the two of them couldn't accept those.

Now, when his wife said it, Xiao Lingchuan thought wrongly.

"When he saw the bean buns, he ordered his servants to do it..."

Xiao Lingchuan's tone was light and he couldn't hear his emotions, but Li Haitang knew that he was angry.

The Ruan family is shameless, especially Ruan Shangshu, seeing the little baby, let the servants bully him, completely forgetting that his servant's fingers and mouth were sewn up.

Xiao Lingchuan beat everyone up, threw them on the roof, and hoisted up the father and son by the way, leaving an old woman to deliver the letter.

"Bullying beanbags?"

Li Haitang raised her eyebrows. She hadn't seen her for a long time. She thought that the Ruan family had grown up. It seemed that she took it for granted and overestimated the Ruan family.

"Doubao, are you alright?"

Li Haitang squatted down and saw that her son was still wandering around without any bruises on his body. She felt relieved and said, with her savage husband around, it is impossible for someone to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Mom, haha!"

Doubao pointed at Xiaobawang, feeling very happy, and specially ran around the tree where Xiaobawang was hanging from.

"Little brat!"

When Xiaobawang saw the bean bag, the enemy met, he was extremely jealous, and cursed, "Get out, this is my house!"


Bean Bao stayed away from Xiaoshu, stood opposite, staring at Xiaobawang closely.

"Doubao, are you scared? Don't worry, he was hung up by your father and can't do anything to you."

Li Haitang tried his best to comfort the little bun, pointing to the big tree and saying.

"Not afraid."

Dou Bao emphasized, just kidding, a fool, what is there to be afraid of? Moreover, people were fixed on trees.

He stayed away just now because he remembered that he was afraid that the idiot would pee, if he was wandering around, wouldn't he just spray on him?

Parents said that when people are scared, they will pee their pants. What if that idiot gets scared?

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