Festering Desire

Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

It was a quiet night near the city outskirts. From a distance, two figures can be seen sitting tightly together on a bench. Faint chatters and giggles came from the two who were seemingly a couple. However, upon a closer look under the dim light of the street lamp, the feminine figures of two voluptuous women in their prime twenties were revealed.

One of the women had a confident demeanor and stared affectionately into the timid eyes of her partner who could barely lift up her head. The female receiving the offensive had a shy and crimson dyed face that was almost buried under her ample bosom.

The shy girl's ruby face was lifted up by her partner's hand and was received a kiss. As their lips met, two pairs of plushy ample marshmallows came crushing in-between their chests, spreading the deformed erotic shape outward to the sides.

At the same time, she could feel a hand creeping into her skirt and tracing along her thigh. Reaching the sacred ground, the naughty fingers caressed the soft budding protruding behind the thin fabric as moisture buildup from within.

Sounds of curious wet exchanges and flirtatious moans pervaded the empty park. They were engrossed within their own world. Unfortunately, there was not a single cultured gentleman around to appreciate the heart throbbing scenery of two top tier beauties in the making.

After the exchange was to their content, the two mouths were separated with a string of saliva attached between their lips. However skillful was their kiss, the two ladies were bound to take a breath. Even under the warm summer night, their mouths still breathed out steamy fogs from their heated bodies.

"Yuri, I love you." The ruby-like face turned even redder while both women had affectionate expressions for each other.

"Karen, I "

But at that instance, Yuri was interrupted by a rustling sound coming from the bushes. It startled both women. Returning to reality, they vigilantly inspected the source of the rustling and finally looked around their surroundings for the first time after a long while.

Very quickly, the women realized the park was awfully silent. Not even sounds of critters were heard during this prime hour of the night. An eerie feeling began to creep onto the two alerted souls.

"We should get out of here." Karen turned to Yuri with a serious expression.

The two ladies didn't bother to fix their dress and began to move. Ominously, just as they got up, they saw a faint shadow approaching from a distance. It was moving at an incredible speed and ran straight past the two as if it didn't pay them any heed. The frightened women could only briefly see the grotesque inhuman figure of that shadow and it instilled fear into their very being.

"Tha...that was a Yoma wasn't it?" Yuri asked her partner with a shaken voice.

Karen turned her head back to Yuri; but before she could respond, her expression was frozen in shock and could not mutter a word. Behind her partner's back, Karen saw the full figure of Yoma with many limbs extruded from its body, like a tree with twisted stems, making incomprehensible sounds. It just suddenly appeared without any physics logic. She could tell the monster's eyes were fixed on her body.

"Yuri! Ru...woo! Guru!"

A large appendage was mercilessly thrusted into Karen's mouth, muffling her cries of terror and forcing its way down into her throat. More abysmal looking tentacles crawled onto her body and restrained her movement. Lastly, she could feel small appendages tracing along her thighs. They agilely creeped beneath her pantyhose and spread open the entrance of the water fountain.

Yet, despite the abnormal reaction from Karen, Yuri panickily looked around and could not see a thing. The Yoma violating her partner was invisible to her eyes. She was left to watch her helpless friend climaxing with a broken teary expression from the unknown force spreading open its way through and playing its toy like a fiddle.

Karen was pushed down onto the bench and the large appendage exited her throat. It was her chance to speak.

"Run Yuri, we cannot fight it! Ugh...! It's coming into my womb. What is it doing?? No! No!!!" The voice was a mixed of terror and pleasure. Half of her speech was spoken in ecstatic moans while her sporadic squirting quickly drenched the bench.

Terrified by her partner's state, Yuri finally made a dash away from the scene. The frightened soul did not know which way she was running; her instinct was to get away as quickly as possible. She exited the park and ran along the streets until her breath ran out.

Recovering to her senses, the woman was overwhelmed by a sudden guilt of abandoning her friend. With a wary feeling, she looked back behind the street. Under the flickering lights of street lamps, she once again saw the figure of grotesque horror.

A loud high pitch scream immediately followed and Yuri somehow gained new strength to make another mindless dash. But quickly, she bumped into something sturdy and was held by an arm before she would fall on her back. Luckily, the two soft melons in front of her chest cushioned the collision and displayed their incredible elasticity.

The sturdy object was a decent looking young man with black hair wearing a high school uniform. He had an indifferent blank expression as he looked at the lady within his arm.

"Yuri-sensei?" The voice was calm and soothing to the high school teacher's mind; her heart skipped a beat and her face hopelessly turned red again as she felt safe being held by her student in the midst of horror.

"Leo? Why are you here? Wait, forget about that! A Yoma is coming. We need to run!" However, Yuri's frantic speech did not faze Leo one bit.

"We are fine, Yoma are quite easy to deal with once they leave their territory." Leo calmly explained.

Without seeing a hint of fear on Leo's complexion, Yuri found the courage to look behind her while within the boy's grasp. She let out a short squeak when she saw the fearsome figure, but quickly realized the creature was bound on the spot and struggled to move.

The boy gently let go of Yuri much to her reluctance and casually approached the creature.

"You are an awakened?!" Upon realization, Yuri asked.

Ignoring her question, Leo's arm reached towards the creature and his hand slowly sunk into its body. Disregarding the unintelligible cries that sounded like pleads, the boy pulled a crystal-clear gem with his hand. Then, the creature shortly disintegrated into a tiny sprite of particles. These spiritual energies were meant to return to the land they once came; however, as if being sucked in by a vacuum, they converged towards the boy's abdomen and were ruthlessly absorbed.

"This one was pretty strong, perhaps that is why it broke its binding." Leo said as he looked towards the nearby mountain next to the town.

The boy was lucky he found an easy prey to feast upon. Yoma of this level could be extremely dangerous to deal with within its own territory; but once it leaves the land of its birth, it becomes susceptible to many weaknesses.

"Leo, you..."

"Yuri-sensei, keep this secret for me, please." Leo interrupted Yuri; the boy did not want any unnecessary trouble.

Suddenly, there was a loud tearing that sounded like something was being stretched. Indeed, Yuri's eyes traced down to the source of the sound on Leo's pants and found a massive bulge brutally stretching the fabric.

Yuri could tell the pants were already somewhat oversized for the boy's body, yet it was struggling mightily to contain the gigantic swell inside. The young teacher already understood just how incredibly endowed the boy was even if she lacked the intuition of what a normal size would be.

What followed was an awkward silence as Yuri subconsciously struggled against the influence from the boy's pheromone. The shy maiden could not tell if the moisture in her pantie was from the earlier exchange with Karen or due to the boy. At least that was what she asked herself.

"Ahem!! Sorry, don't pay any mind to it. This thing becomes a bit energetic sometimes after a meal. It will calm down by itself." Leo was first to break the ice and managed to keep an indifferent expression as if it wasn't a big deal.

'Hmm? Was that the sound of her swallowing her saliva? Maybe it's just my imagination' Leo thought.

Yuri finally shifted her sight from the center of mass. The woman felt she had forgotten something, but fortunately, it quickly came back to her mind.

"That's right! Karen! Leo, my friend, was attacked earlier. We need to go find her."


Arriving at the scene of crime, Leo and Yuri could hear faint muttering from the victim.

"It's in It's in It's in"

Karen was left half-conscious on the bench with tears on her shocked expression. Her skirt was lifted up, the two meaty thighs were spread wide open and her black pantyhose was revealed in full view. Clear nectars were still slowly leaking out of the water fountain, drenching the fabric and dripping down from the bench. It almost seemed like she was also breathing out fogs from below; the air was filled with the smell of lust.

Yuri drew a quick glance at the massive bulge on Leo's crotch and found it impressive that Leo still managed to keep a straight face.

"Did you see what the creature did to your friend?" Leo inspected the woman and noticed all of her clothes were intact. There were no visible wounds on her body aside from the aftermath of an uncontrollable orgasm.

"I... I don't know. I couldn't see anything. She yelled about something entering her womb." Yuri was slightly embarrassed as she spoke.

"Her womb..." The boy muttered to himself and placed his hand on top of Karen's stomach.

Unexpectedly, to Yuri's surprise, he swiftly ripped open the pantyhose to reveal the bare pink skin of Karen's honeywell and nonchalantly slid two of his fingers inside. Swirling his fingers around within the garden, Leo seemed to be looking for something. Karen's body reacted erotically from the sudden sensation and let out faint moans with her feeble strength.

"It's too deep inside..." Do not be mistaken, these words came from the boy's mouth.

This time, he slid all of his fingers inside and pushed in deeper along with his arm. Karen's body convulsed profusely and released a heavy orgasm the moment she felt something break through her entrance. Very shortly, the boy quickly pulled out and the woman completely fainted from the ecstatic pleasure.

Leo's hand was filled with clear crystal dews, but more importantly, there was a miniature figure of the grotesque creature between his fingers. It was still twitching energetically with life for a few seconds before it was crushed.

"Whatwas that?" Yuri carefully asked.

"Some Yoma likes to leave its target with its own mark. Sometimes it's a blessing, and sometimes it's a curse." Leo explained.

"Do you have a napkin I can borrow? Your friend should be fine now. Ask the authority to check on her just in case. Yoma removal can be very pesky." His face maintained proper bearing throughout the session with professionalism, but Leo can't speak for the other part of his body.

"Yes!!" Yuri obediently answered in reflex.

"I will take my leave now... oh, and try not to tell anyone about me." Leo returned the wet napkin and hurried his way home for a cold therapy.

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