Festering Desire

Chapter 12: Never Skip a Meal

Through the quiet and dimly lit hallway of the hospital, echoes of steady footsteps were heard within the darkness. Sometimes they sounded from afar, and sometimes they sounded somewhere near, as if the sounds were converging in the next corner. The eerie traces of the ambient were tempering with the boy's sense of direction and space. Whichever way he went, a haunting shadow creeped behind his steps.

The hallway seemed to stretch into a vague shadow, an obscuring path where the end was never to be reached. Leo had been walking in the same hallway for hours, patiently waiting for his prey to make the first move. He could sense it from the spiritual energy that faintly lingered in the air, its constant attempt to draw him into an illusion; the ominous creature must be watching him as well.

At last, using his Anima as the bait, Leo won the patience game. Just as the malicious shadow dived towards the boy to consume his life force, a runic circle expanded beneath his feet and trapped the creature within, revealing the full figure of the struggling Yoma. The spell was only able to bind it for a few seconds, but that was enough time for the female agent to do the deed.

"Jean!" Leo shouted.

Jean aimed with a wicked looking silencer pistol in her hands. Despite its intimidating design, it was a gun that used mostly non-lethal rounds to humans. Nevertheless, its ammunition was infused with Jean's destructive Anima, capable of annihilating humans and spiritual entities alike. It was her go to weapon during most of her missions.

The shot was quietly fired and it pierced through the center of the humanoid spirit. In desperation, that thing let out a deafening shriek in forms of strong turbulence of energies. The waves they produced forced back Leo and allowed the time for the creature to escape its binding. Thus, the boy missed the prime opportunity to finish off his prey.

Yet, Leo still had a grin in his mouth, for that Yoma had already shown itself and was weakened by a critical hit. He patiently threw closer and slowly chipped away the Yoma's strength, calmly dismantling all forms of retaliation. The creature wanted to phase through the walls, but was stopped by the spells he placed in advance.

Patience must always remain with the predator, for a prey at this level might break the net in its last ditch for survival. Dodging another set of tentacles, he waited until the Yoma was at its last breath before activating another trap.

It was a mighty struggle despite subduing a caged dog. At last, the long-waited buffet was at his fingertips. Unfortunately, before the boy could feast on his meal, he heard painful groans of a woman from behind and paused his late-night supper. He vigilantly surveyed the other end of the hallway and quickly reacted to the source of sounds.


After landing her shot, Jean wanted to chase after the Yoma with Leo. However, moments after she stepped into the hallway, she heard the crying sounds of an infant surrounding her exterior. It temporarily disrupted her focus, but when she came back to sense, the female agent lost track of both the boy and the prey. Before she knew, she was isolated within the dark, suddenly not knowing where she was, or where the sounds were coming from.

As time quickly passed, the female agent grew disorientated; there was not a clue to be found as she blindly wandered forward. But soon, she felt tiny hands around her neck. They were cold and full of dread. It was a careless mistake.

With the squeal of agony drawing near, Jean finally noticed the infant on her back. Just for how long has it been clinging onto her? It must have happened the instant she took that shot, the weakest moment of her guard. While concentrating on another enemy, she neglected her surroundings, and failed to realize that she was also one of the hunted.

At this point, the evil spirit already had the female agent cornered.

Leo was seconds away from finally enjoying his meal, but without hesitation, he gave up on the creature and decisively rushed to Jean's rescue the moment he heard her cries for help. The boy grabbed the woman's shoulders and inserted his powerful life force into her, which repelled the evil spirit clinging on her back.

Jean fell forward and laid on the boy's broad chest while heavily panting within his manly scent.

"Tha...thank you, and sorry... I was... careless." Jean felt ashamed.

"There is no need to apologize." While slightly disappointed by the meal that escaped, Leo did not regret his decision.

The infant spirit was the original target of Jean's mission. It had been reported there were hospital faculties that went missing at night after hearing strange sounds of an infant. Since Jean only arrived on the premises recently, she couldn't gather enough information and overlooked the risk.

"Now that the target has escaped, what else can we do?" Jean spoke apologetically.

"I will think of something else; but it will be difficult to lure it out again." Leo remained calm and confident.

It was very late into the night; Jean was taken by the boy to rest at the guest lobby. To the female agent, this night would have one of the most memorable hours for many years to come.


The next morning, a certain young man was already tending to his girlfriend in the patient's room. Jean was also present to monitor the girl. It was unlikely for the Yoma to come back out, but she still had to be cautious for any signs of hostility.

With a frown in his face, the boyfriend noticed something strange. There was a sweet alluring smell in the air and wet stains on the girl's blanket. He lifted up the sheets and found a massive flood of clear honey pouring out from her crotch. The spirit hidden inside the girl had another taste of Leo's pristine Anima last night and was having withdrawal symptoms from absorbing such high-quality energy.

Suddenly, the college girl widened her eyes and looked robotically in a certain direction. She pushed away her boyfriend and jumped down from bed. Jean held out her blade and pistol, but was hesitant to harm the victim. Hence, the possessed girl quickly out maneuvered the female agent and ran past the door. A trail of sticky fluids was littered on the ground before her wake.

Meanwhile, Leo was taking a breather in the men's restroom. He hung his gigantic mass above the urinal and dished out his load. The boy looked to be deep in thoughts, planning for the next strategy to lure out his buffet. But then, before he could put his dense girthy meat back inside his pants, the possessed college girl barged in through the door and tackled him onto the ground.

Recovering from disarray after seconds of confusion, Leo was able to recognize the state of the possessed girl and was bewildered by how this Yoma recovered so quickly. The boy did not panic, he could overwhelm her with his physical strength. But as he struggled, he saw blood flowing out of the girl's eye and nose.

The boy knew the Yoma had no qualms in breaking its current possession in order to match him in strength; it was using its host to her limit. He could not bear to see the girl suffer and lessened his struggle.

Just as Leo tried to calm his mind and think of a counter strategy, the girl began to caress his exposed manhood with her flooding crotch, lubricating the heavy mass with her nectar. For the second time within this short period, his mind went blank in bafflement.

From the Yoma's spiritual energy stimulating his rod, the bulky meat quickly hardened into its full magnificence beneath the possessed college girl. She did not wear anything underneath due to treatment from yesterday. With extreme precision, the girl ruthlessly sat down on Leo's towering rod and the mushroom tip instantly crashed against her cervix.

Under the bone crushing pressure, the boy stood tall and strong inside and actually felt amazing wrapped within the warm tunnel. His monstrous rod made an obscene bulge on her belly while the girl remained expressionless on her face. However, he could also feel the Yoma inside was trying to devour his life force. The mighty suction from her womb was tapping into the enormous reserve of spiritual energy stored in Leo's bulging scrotum.

At the same time, Leo's cultivation technique began to circulate in full force in reaction to the inexplicable sensation at his manhood. Few sizable drops of pre-cum began to leak out, and it momentarily paralyzed the Yoma inside the possessed girl.

Leo took this opportunity to reverse tackle her down to the ground. His rod was still inside her in full glory. Abiding by his instinct from the cultivation, he began to mercilessly thrust down his immense mass into the girl, which further incapacitated her movements.

Wet slurry sounds echoed throughout the interior. Jean was the first to arrive chasing after the girl and was shocked by the scene within the restroom. She couldn't decide if she should be in awe or be horrified. Her mind wasn't able to process the fact that Leo was brutishly slamming his massive endowment into the victim's honeywell. Was this the other idea the boy spoke of?

As an Anima user, Jean can still sense the enormous amount of Anima intertwined within their bodies. There was a fierce battle taking place that cannot be seen with normal sight. Flustered and confused on who to help, she decided to leave and guarded the entrance. The quick-witted agent barred the door and prevented the persistent boyfriend that arrived late from entering and disrupting the holy ritual inside.

The young man should thank her for not letting him witness the atrocity that will ruin his mind.

"It is dangerous inside, please wait here." Jean felt slightly guilty.

"I..." The boyfriend became silent.

There was a powerful barrier that exerted pressure on his body when he approached the entrance. He could hear strange noises that sounded like an intense combat inside of the restroom. There were loud clashes of bodies and gouging sounds of something massive entering somewhere tight and slippery with a lot of fluid. All he could do was to bite down on his lips and pray for his girlfriend's safety.

Back inside the holy ritual ground. With one final thrust, the boy shoved in the rest of his mass, broke through the cervix and brutally smashed the Yoma inside the womb with his bulging gland. Then, repeatedly at a frightening pace, the Yoma was being absorbed into the orifice of the mushroom tips as it cried for its life.

Thickening veins were populating along the boy's manhood, and eventually his already bloated scrotum began to inflate into another size. His whole asset started to expand and contract violently with every portion of Yoma being consumed. The girl finally broke into a tearing expression of panic and fear, reflecting the state of the Yoma inside.

Within minutes, the Yoma was completely extracted from the girl's womb. The absence of the possessive spirit maintaining her body brought her life signature to a dangerously low level. However, it was time for Leo to give back for the meal he had eaten.

Large bulges traveled along the beating monstrous manhood and burst out within her womb. In mere seconds, her belly painfully expanded from the sheer volume. More thick creams powerfully exploded from her crotch and flooded the floor in white. With the massive release, Leo finally calmed down and began to circulate his Anima again to pacify the beast.

"Phew, that was a big one." No one knew for sure if the boy referred to his devastating load or the stuffy feeling from the Yoma he ate.

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