FFF-Class Trashero

Chapter 183 - [11th Round] The Great One

Chapter 183 - [11th Round] The Great One

My new job Brave. It boasted a fantastic performance that was different from that of the beginner job Hero, which only helped one play around while chatting and giggling with one’s colleagues without any problem.

? Job: Brave (Everyone = Level 1)

Everyone around me had fallen to Level 1 equally. Transcendental skills were so highly efficient that they managed to perform effectively even if they fell to Level 1. Still, if the normal skills that support the Transcendental ones become ineffective, they couldn’t be properly used.

“This is Brave…!”

The creator, the fake senior, immediately noticed the change. Knowing that didn’t make things any better.

“Kill them all!”

“My revenge!”

“Let’s destroy the ghosts!”

“For Lady Saint!”

One million troops were moving forward, waving their shameful parts. The scene was more one of horror and madness than a bizarre striptease show.

“Those people are coming!”

“What the hell are these fanatics?!”

“Come on, blow them away with magic!”

“But my level…!”

About thirty people, including the fake hero’s colleagues and harem, ran about in confusion. However, they soon made up their mind and decided to fight. They were looking at their hero.

I knew that look of trust well.

“You believe that the hero will solve it somehow! What a very soulful attitude!”

Now, I would break that belief. Everyone was Level 1 equally. In terms of armaments and skills, the fake hero party had an overwhelming advantage, but they were only thirty people, and we had a million on this side anyway.

Boom! Bang! Bang!

Magic, which had entered the Transcendental Realm, fell in the center of the one million troops charging forward. The thousands caught in it were killed or injured, but the fanatics who were given new life by Saint H didn’t give haste.



Even after dropping to Level 1, the holy beasts were strong. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in vain, exposed to the breath of the dragon flying into the sky. However, the brutalities of the two holy monsters didn’t continue.

“I will give the wicked dragons a divine punishment!”

“Let’s die together! Lizard!”

A beautiful scene unfolded where angels and demons worked together to defeat the dragon and beast. They had no weapon to injure their hard scales, but they ripped through the thin film of their wings and prevented them from flying.

Pyooong- Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The archers who somehow repaired their broken bows also peppered them with arrows. The hundreds of naked and unarmed fanatics were covered with feathered shafts. However, since their arrow supply wasn’t infinite, they quickly abandoned their bows and switched to melee weapons.

“The fanatics have decreased a lot!”

“Isn’t this worth a try?”

“Let me show you my new skill!”

“Haha! Melee is my specialty!”

The number of fanatics that once reached 1 million was now less than 10,000. It was proof that the hero’s party was that strong even at Level 1. It also served to prove that Transcendental skills were less affected by level.

But it was the same for this side.

“Rise again, my warriors!”

Saint H revived the 990,000 fanatics who had fallen during the charge. This time, her level wasn’t consumed either. Instead, the skills of the resurrected ones were reduced. However, not a single fatality occurred, and there was no difference in combat power at Level 1.

“O-oh, my God!”

“They’re all alive?”

“An immortal army…”

The atmosphere of the fake hero party, which had picked up momentum, subsided in an instant as if they had cold water poured on them. The ranks of the army had swelled back to full in an instant. Now, however, the distance was close enough to hear their footsteps. The fake hero party had to welcome them without having time to prepare further.

Finally, the two groups collided. Even calling it a collision would be a shame. They have swept away in an instant like a flock of sheep in a tsunami. Armed with hard armor, Alex and the Knight King lasted for about ten seconds longer but were eventually buried by the crowd.

“Alex! hang in there a little longer-ah! Even you…!”

The fake senior, who was teleporting among his colleagues and brutally slaughtering fanatics, lamented. If his level had been fine, this wouldn’t have happened. He would have been bragging about his skills, betting on who killed more while laughing amicably.

But the reality?


“Hero! Save me- Aaaah?!”


It took only a short time for his harem dressed in costumes to be wiped out, freely revealing their breasts, navels, and thighs that they worked on to impress the hero. Their thin clothes were quickly ripped off and disappeared, and their beautifully grown hair was pulled off from their scalps.

The male colleagues fared no better. Although they lasted a little longer, they collapsed in front of the violence of numbers. After their armor was removed while being pressed down by the weight of the crowd, they were put in a similar situation. Blood was flowing from their eyes, and their mouths, which were opened with pain, were torn to the cheeks, and most of their teeth were missing.

And kicks poured in from all directions.

They were so ruined that it was difficult to recognize their former appearances. Still, it was thanks to their overwhelmingly high skills that they kept breathing. Now they would be resentful about it, though.

“No~! Stay away~!”

The fake senior was trying to save them somehow, but I thoroughly blocked his path. His teleportation could no longer be used. The fanatics had destroyed all the magic tools that he gave to his colleagues.

Thud! Boom-!

The dragon and beast, which had endured the longest due to their race, also fell to the ground. Immediately, angry fanatics rushed in like a swarm of ants hunting a large beetle.



They screamed. Although protected by hard scales, there was a lot of glass on the ground. The fanatics picked up sharp and pointed pieces of glass to use as weapons.

Drip, drip…

There were no proper handles or gloves, so blood was dripping from their palms, but they stabbed and slashed the dragons’ scales without care.

Pugh! Pugh!

Finally, they were devastated by their comrades’ weapons. Famous weapons, such as Alex’s sword and Aqua’s spear, slashed through their flesh easily. With the end of the two holy beasts, they were virtually wiped out.

What was left?

“Green Cake. Think about it carefully. You are a proud green dragon. A human and an angel can never be your parents. And Green Cake! What kind of parent in the world gives their child such a sloppy name?!”

“The two of them have raised me with love from the moment I first opened my eyes to this day! Although my father is strict, he wants me to be a great dragon. Race doesn’t matter. And I like this name!”

“…Green Cake, the blood flowing through your body, resonates deeply with me. Don’t you feel that too? And you had an unusual size ever since you’re young. It resembles the person I adore.”

“The reason I am exceptionally large is that my father gave me strength while I was still in the egg, and my mother’s infinite love and interest have increased the effect, so I’m here now. It’s not blood or genes.”

Green Cake and the Holy Dragon, transformed into human form, were engaged in a battle of words. A cute boy and seductive beauty. Both had green hair and eyes. That sly dragon seemed to want to convince the innocent to betray me and follow their kind, but this highbred hatchling didn’t budge.

It was thanks to Saint H’s excellent early education. I should compliment her about this later.

“A terrible torment to the traitor.”


Boris held the bloody fake saints’ heads in her hands. It wasn’t a fight at all. The spirit, created by combining two heroes, a prince, and an angel with superior bodies, was exceedingly powerful even though she dropped to Level 1.

Her combat experience was too overwhelming for the saints who had only been watching from the back safely. With that, the divine beings summoned by the fake senior were all dealt with.

Now only he was left.

“I cannot forgive you! I can’t forgive you!”

The fake senior, looking at me with hateful eyes, leaped. He was very fast for a Level 1, and the energy contained in Holy Sword 2 was so dense that it was impossible to ignore it.

But I smiled. After all, it was an opponent that changed emotionally after seeing his colleagues and harem destroyed horribly. His movements were easy to read, like an infant’s mindset. He was filled with an impatient desire to defeat me quickly and save his colleagues and lovers who might still be alive. His sword path was short and concise.

And here…

“Drug hero! Don’t forget my help!”

The First Spirit exclaimed curiously, no fear of failure in her voice. There was a reason for her confidence.


The power of Brave, amplified by the fake senior through harmonizing the seven energies, covered Holy Sword 2. However, five of them disappeared due to the spirit’s interference. All that was left was light and darkness.

Klang- Slash!

The Holy Sword Nucleon slashed through the weakened Holy Sword 2, splitting it vertically up to the fake senior. No matter how great a hero he was, he couldn’t survive if his body were split in two. What’s more, this hero wasn’t real, but a fake. There was no such thing as a drama-like revival of losers, which was a common theme of passionate cartoons.

The Holy Dragon summoned by the hero vanished.

“Now, I just need to kill the Great Disaster of the West Continent, and my business here is…huh?”

Looking around in anticipation of my dessert, I paused.

This was because there was still a fake colleague surrounded by fanatics who hadn’t perished. I was curious to see who it was.

She was a young woman who was still too young to be called a lady. However, the fanatics who received Saint H’s orders didn’t respect gender, age, or appearance. I could tell just by looking at what happened to the rest of the fake colleagues and harem.

But this woman was fine. All of her clothes were torn off, and only a black garter belt remained, but there were no scratches on her skin. The woman covered her chest with both arms and spoke with a tremble.

“I am a non-combatant. If you have the slightest bit of mercy, please save me as a civilian.”

“What kind of civilian is a princess?”

I was stunned while listening to her. She was far from ordinary in her extraordinary beauty. The woman who shamelessly claimed to be a civilian was an imperial princess, the cunning fox of the Holy Empire. But the princess simply didn’t admit it.

“Princess? I’m from a small town in the northwestern part of the Central Continent. I was an ordinary village girl until I got this garter belt and met the hero.”

“…yeah, maybe.”

Her setting may have changed to a princess later. After all, she was too good to be left as a village girl. But the fact that she was my enemy didn’t change.


I slowly lifted the Holy Sword Nucleon. I didn’t know why the fanatics tore off the princess’s clothes and left her intact, but it was a minor issue that I would have to deal with instead.



It wasn’t her breasts that the princess was holding with her arms. They were covered with dirt, so I was late to figure it out. No, because I never thought he’d be here.

“Why is the great being in the arms of such a shabby girl…?”


Master Mollan slipped between the arms and the breastbone of the princess, snuggling against her as if to protect her. And seeing that rough dance, I-


I was feeling dizzy, and the Holy Sword Nucleon slipped from my hand. I feel like I had glimpsed the abyss of the universe through Master Mollan. I opened my eyes to the racial characteristic of Universal Human’s power to control as little as even a molecule in the universe.

So far, it was good, but the hallucinations beckoning me were palpable. My instincts warned me that it was very dangerous.

“Great Master Mollan! There are complicated circumstances here! Get me a lawyer…!”

I lost my mind after that excuse.

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