Fighting For Eternity

Chapter 25: Finding Asura Bloodline

Chapter 25: Finding Asura Bloodline

Fei woke up in a bed and find him alone. He looked at the side and saw a letter and two scrolls. He reads the letter and found, Luo Xe already left and said took his clone with her.

Fei bitterly smiled remembering last night. He walked out of his room and saw little yan practicing hard on his art.

He stretches his arms and walked out of the room, it was a night at this time and everyone was waiting for him. He saw them and smiled walking towards them.

"Boss, you took so long" Zhao San was the first who saw Fei and he started saying out loud.

"Yeah boss, you shouldn't enjoy for so long," one of the cultivators said

Hearing him, girls present at that time blushed and glared at him whereas boys give him thumbs up.

"Haha" Fei also enjoys their mood laughing.

"Did you finish the job?" Fei grinned and said

"Yes boss," Everyone said

"Ok but I still need you guys to introduce" Fei jokingly said, and other blush in shame realizing they haven't even introduced themselves.

"I will go first, my name is Zhao San. I am fifteen years old and reached Qi refining the fourth layer. I don't like cultivation that much but I do like forging and I am very good and remembering anything. I also like girls. I don't like girls with a flat chest, or short heig ahh" Zhao San starts with good introduction and then shamelessly continued due to which he got kicked by his big brother who introduced himself

"My name is Zhao Tan and I am his elder brother" Saying it he didn't even look at Zhao San due to shame but continued "I love sword but I also love to be domineering. I chase the goal to beat divine beasts on strength" When he said those sentences, his face was giving proud but not arrogant expression.

It is very hard to defeat the divine beast on strength with the human body. It also piqued Fei interest.

Next was Xiao Zhen, as he introduced "My name is Xiao Zhen. I follow the path of the sword. I don't want to walk the ordinary path because of my normal talent"

Next was Qin Huifang, as she introduced herself "My name is Qin Huifang. I have powerful talent but it also brings disaster to me. I live for revenge" When she said those words, a killing aura was released from her body

Fei frown but still nod then next one continued. It was a boy in white and blue clothing; almost everyone was wearing the same clothes. He was thin and long. He was a little pale. With him, he was a girl with ponytail hair. She was beautiful and cute. She was short but much but nearly to that man's chin. She didn't speak and the man introduced "My name is Cao Bin and her name is Cao Bing. We are brother and sister. We were from the Cao clan branch family but due to low talent, we couldn't get resources from the main family. We both practice hard to get in Peerless Sword Sect. It was due to brother Xiao's relationship, we were able to enter so we decided to follow brother Xiao. Since now he is willing to follow you then we would do the same"

Though it was a little rude they told the truth and they were loyal to Xiao Zhen even if he doesn't consider them as his subordinate or anything.

Fei thought but didn't say anything and the next group came forward. They were also a girl and a boy. They didn't look much different just ordinary with an oval face and medium height.

The girl move forward and introduced "My name is Guo Xin and this is my little brother Guo Yang. We are from a normal family. I am with Green color spirit root and my brother with yellow. I got selected by Peerless Sword Sect and let my brother join the sect. Even if people call me a genius, in front of you my talent is nothing. Though it was just times we saw you fighting but the aura you give us is very arrogant but it also comes with strength. But I didn't join you because of your talent instead of your determination to protect the ordinary family. I myself come from the same so I decided to join you."

Fei smiled at them and the next boy came out. He was a normal boy with a little fat body "Boss, my name is Zhang Chen. I am an orphan. I don't have anything except this." Saying he took out a stone in red. It was giving an ancient aura but look like an ordinary stone. He continued "After I started cultivation, I found myself in many killing situations,s and in every situation it vibrates. As if it is telling me to continue killing. This time when I met you, it vibrates but it's different feeling like it's telling me to follow you. So I decided to follow you"

Listening to him, everyone was shocked and give the stone a deep look.

"Can I borrow it?" Fei asked with a smile

"Yes" Zhang Chen gives him a stone

Fei took it in his hands and checked through the system.

'Pearls of Bloodline'

Bloodline- Asura Bloodline

Fei was first shocked then realized why it resonates with himself, after all, he recently finds out he got Asura Bloodline sealed within him and with enough cultivation and resources, he can awaken it. It was Linger who revealed it and it took ten lollipops for this alone.

"Linger can I open it and transferred bloodline to him?" Fei asked

"Yes big brother and it will also give him a powerful cultivation art" Ling'er voice rang in his mind

Fei wasn't selfish to take it and he thought for some time and decided to say "It contains powerful bloodline and it also can bring a disaster to you. It may be left by your parents. It is you who should decide whether to take it or not? Maybe your parents should also have the same thinking when they left it"

"Boss, which bloodline does it contain?" Zhang Chen gathers courage and asked

"This bloodline can turn you into a killing machine; you may also turn into a demon. But normally it may have inheritance art that can keep your mind in control so that you can control your killing intent. It is a big risk whether to take it or not?" Fei didn't say the name of the bloodline but instead tried to scare him

"Boss, you said it was left by my parents so that means are they died?" Zhang Chen thought and more he thought more his face turned pale

"Maybe or maybe not, who knows but it is clear that your parents are out of this world?" Fei gives shocking information to them

"Out of this world" Zhang Chen muttered while others were speechless, he then brightened his mood and asked, "If I accept this bloodline then can I find my parents?"

"Yes," Fei said

"Then I will accept it" Zhang Chen without hesitation in his face

"You won't ask the name of the bloodline?" Fei said in a smile as if he was satisfied with such an answer

"I want to find my parents. Either this bloodline is called for evil or good as long as my heart is clean then I will walk on the right path" Zhang Chen said with a bright smile

"Good good Asura bloodline name is not in vain" Fei praised him striking on his shoulder

Zhang was shocked hearing the name of the bloodline and didn't understand why Fei praises him.

Fei turned his cell of a finger into golden and crushed the stone, it gives a killing aura and tried to turn this village into killing the world.

"Humph" Fei snorted and release his Will, saying "Disperse"

And next minute it was like nothing happened but everyone's face was pale. They couldn't even stand and fall on their knees.

Blood flew into Zhang Chen's forehead and Zhang Chen float in the air with the unconscious mind. His veins burst, the body was collapsing. He was looking very weak at the moment.

Seeing his condition except for Fei everyone got worried asking Fei "Boss, will he be alright?"

"I said I will give you opportunities but whether you can take it or not depends on him. Now he is on his own" Fei lightly said looking like he wasn't worried but he was very much worried inside, he remembered system which is in sleep because of him.

Fei looked at them and said "Hey some of you haven't introduced yourself"

Realizing this current situation nobody was in the mood of introducing themselves but since Fei called then they could only follow.

First were three boys who introduced themselves as best friends. One with long height and dark face was Neil Arm, short legs and the fat body was Ben Zing and the muscular one was Lei Yuan.

Seconds were two girls, one was short and cute and another was long and enchanting. The short and cute girl with ponytails was Lin Qin. Long and enchanting was Zhou Ping.

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