Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 24: Record breaking (2)

Inside the tower, Zhan Lao looked at Xiao Yan who was still absorbing, but there was not much surprise. It seems that this situation is already commonplace, but Zhan Lao still can't help but think about what level Xiao Yan can break through. curious.

But the situation outside the tower is quite different.

Outside of Xiao Yan's house, the entire Xiao family did not leave alone on this day. At the beginning, everyone did not speak, with a silent voice, staring at Xiao Yan's house, but as time passed by, As the seconds passed, there was a little voice: "An hour left."

I don't know whose voice it is, but everyone understands what it means.

Quiet, surprisingly quiet.

At twenty days, no one thought that this boy could break the 30-day record set by his ancestor, but he thought that Xiao Yan was very good. The first practice could reach twenty days. On the twenty-nine day, Everyone began to look forward to the record. Is this kid able to break through? Many people even pray for Xiao Yan in their hearts. After all, it is a pleasure to see the birth of a miracle; when most people feel the dissipation of the breath before, most people have some sighs and regrets, but when the energy reunites into energy light When the bar poured into the room, almost everyone renewed hope.

Except for the energy bars that were madly flowing into the room, almost everything was still, except for the growing sound of breathing.

"Half an hour."

The sound of breathing was thicker.

"Ten minutes left."

Many people began to stiffen their necks, widened their eyes, and even opened their mouths slightly. They stared at Xiao Yan's room and the energy bar that did not stop pouring in at all.

"five minutes."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"One minute."

Energy doesn't stop!

"time up!!!"

"Yeah!" A thunderous cheer erupted instantly outside the house.

"Thirty days! A month! This kid really broke the record!" At the moment when the record was broken, countless people outside the house were cheering and shouting. With the cheers of everyone, it seemed that the entire Xiao space was hereby. Trembling, everyone is remembering, for more than an hour, two hours, three hours ... tens of thousands of years, finally someone broke the record, Xiao people boiled up and down.

"This kid really broke the record ?! It's so wicked."

"Yeah, it's no wonder that you can be promoted to the emperor in the contempt continent without the source of the emperor. This talent ... I am not the Xiao Qi and Xiao Yong who are ranked first and second among the clan talents."

Among the Xiao people, various opinions burst out.

"In the middle of a star emperor?" Almost all the elders felt the breath that suddenly became stronger in Xiao Yan's breakthrough record, and suddenly his expression became dull, and then he became excited again, one by one. His body seems to be a little trembling. After the ancestors, another genius of such evil spirits emerged from the Xiao family. At this moment, the elders' eyes are more of an expectation. Xiao Yan, what kind of state will this practice eventually reach?

Several figures still appeared in the crowd, and after hearing the star emperor in the mouth of the elders, the figures were slightly shaken. Beyond the? Really beyond? Entering the middle of a star emperor? Some of them couldn't believe it, but the truth was before them. I caught up with myself for the first practice, and with such a talent of wickedness, I still got better after that. A few flashes of cold light flashed in the eyes of several young people. The focus of their original training may be due to the emergence of Xiao Yan. Something has changed, and naturally everyone is extremely dissatisfied, but they dare not object. The original disdain for Xiao Yan has gradually changed to shock and dissatisfaction, but I also have some admiration in my heart. Everyone of the Xiao family present was not disapproved, because Xiao Yan, a new fighting emperor, has surpassed a boundary that cannot be crossed for tens of thousands of years, which is not comparable to them.

Standing at a high place, Xiao Li showed an intriguing amplitude in the corners of his mouth. Xiao Yan! Unsurprisingly, it will inevitably become an extremely important person among the Xiao people. Today, Xiao Yan's breaking this record not only represents the emergence of a peerless genius among the Xiao people, but more importantly, if it is focused on training, Genius may really be able to break the balance of Emperor Zhou, change the situation of the five powers, and even lead the Xiao people to create unprecedented glory. The appearance of Xiao Yan may change the fate of the entire Xiao people.

Xiao Li's fist clenched! Looking at the influx of energy light bars that did not stop in front of him, Xiao Li immediately sobered from his inner excitement, and Shen Sheng drank: "All quiet! Xiao Yan's practice is not over yet!" The voice was not loud, but it was transparent With majesty, the enthusiastic and noisy argument stopped just now.

Everyone reacted, yes, Xiao Yan's practice is not over yet. They have suppressed the excitement just now, and looked at Xiao Yan's room intently again. The original boring wait has now been transformed by all people A kind of anticipation, everyone is very eager to know, Xiao Yan, how long will he practice? What realm will Xiao Yan be promoted to after the practice?


The sound of energy shuttle in space is endless, a little pour into Xiao Yan's body, a huge energy vortex centered on Xiao Yan is looming, the energy in the tower seems to be driven by this huge energy vortex, Xiao Yan The fighting spirit vortex in the body also resonates with the surrounding energy, which is slightly gorgeous.

The scene circled inside the golden tower.

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